Commit e7677e0d authored by 王万里's avatar 王万里

add: extraForm

parent 85ba30d5
......@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ angular.module('flowableModeler').controller('FieldReadConfigPopupCtrl', ['$root
if (nodeIdParams && shareformKey) {
$http.get(FLOWABLE.APP_URL.GetColumnConfig(nodeIdParams, shareformKey))
// console.log("进入。。。。。。。。。。///////////")
if (res.FieldConfigList && res.FieldConfigList.length > 0) {
......@@ -150,14 +149,8 @@ angular.module('flowableModeler').controller('FieldReadConfigPopupCtrl', ['$root
// $rootScope.curField = $
// $scope.childFieldObj = $rootScope.curField
schemaListObj = $
// console.log(schemaListObj, "schemaListObj......schemaListObj.......")
$scope.childFieldObj = schemaListObj
} else {
......@@ -170,54 +163,6 @@ angular.module('flowableModeler').controller('FieldReadConfigPopupCtrl', ['$root
// if ($rootScope.currentReadResourceId) {
// $http.get(FLOWABLE.APP_URL.GetColumnConfig($rootScope.currentReadResourceId, shareformKey))
// .success((res)=>{
// if (res.FieldConfigList && res.FieldConfigList.length > 0) {
// res.FieldConfigList.forEach((item)=>{
// $>{
// if (item.FieldCode === pItem.key) {
// pItem.defaultUnit = item.Unit
// pItem.defaultValue = item.Type
// pItem.defaultChecked = item.IsShow === "1" ? true : false
// }
// })
// })
// $rootScope.curField = $
// $scope.childFieldObj = $rootScope.curField
// console.log($scope.childFieldObj, "$scope.childFieldObj......$scope.childFieldObj.......")
// } else {
// $ => {
// el.defaultValue = ""
// el.defaultChecked = true
// el.defaultUnit = ""
// });
// }
// })
// } else {
// $ => {
// el.defaultValue = ""
// el.defaultChecked = true
// el.defaultUnit = ""
// });
// }
// $ => {
// el.defaultValue = ""
// el.defaultChecked = true
// el.defaultUnit = ""
// });
// $rootScope.curField = $
// $scope.childFieldObj = $rootScope.curField
// $scope.childFieldObj = schemaListObj
// console.log($scope.childFieldObj, "$scope.childFieldObj$scope.childFieldObj")
$scope.isShow = true
$scope.toggleTable=function() {
......@@ -272,3 +217,26 @@ angular.module('flowableModeler').controller('FieldTextPopup', ['$rootScope','$s
// console.log($scope)
angular.module('flowableModeler').controller('ExtraFormReadConfig', ['$rootScope','$scope', '$http', function($rootScope,$scope, $http) {
$scope.isShow = true
$scope.componentList = [{
name: '产品信息',
component: 'ProductInfo',
defaultChecked: false
name: '客户信息',
component: 'BusInfo',
defaultChecked: false
name: '商机信息',
component: 'BusInfo',
defaultChecked: false
$scope.changeValue = function(params) {
\ No newline at end of file
<div ng-controller="ExtraFormReadConfig">
<table class="table" ng-if="isShow">
<tr ng-repeat="child in componentList">
<td style="width: 20px;">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="child.defaultChecked" ng-change="changeValue(child)"/>
<td class="active" style="width: 80px;" title="{{}}">{{}}</td>
<div ng-controller="ExtraFormReadConfig">
<table class="table" ng-if="isShow">
<tr ng-repeat="child in componentList">
<td style="width: 20px;">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="child.defaultChecked" ng-change="changeValue(child)"/>
<td class="active" style="width: 80px;" title="{{}}">{{}}</td>
......@@ -149,13 +149,19 @@
<div class="selected-item-body">
<div class="property-row" ng-repeat="property in" ng-click="propertyClicked($index)" ng-class="{'clear' : $index%2 == 0}">
<div ng-if="property.type === 'wangwanli'">
<div ng-if="property.type === 'cusFieldConfig'">
<ng-include src="getPropertyReadModeTemplateUrl($index)"></ng-include>
<!-- <div ng-if="property.type !== 'wangwanli'"> -->
<span class="title" ng-if="!property.hidden && property.type !== 'wangwanli'" title="{{ property.description | translate}}">{{ property.title | translate }}&nbsp;:</span>
<div ng-if="property.type === 'extraForm'">
<ng-include src="getPropertyReadModeTemplateUrl($index)"></ng-include>
<!-- <div ng-if="property.type === 'cusFieldConfig'">
<ng-include src="getPropertyReadModeTemplateUrl($index)"></ng-include>
</div> -->
<!-- <div ng-if="property.type !== 'cusFieldConfig'"> -->
<span class="title" ng-if="!property.hidden && property.type !== 'cusFieldConfig' && property.type !== 'extraForm'" title="{{ property.description | translate}}">{{ property.title | translate }}&nbsp;:</span>
<span class="title-removed" ng-if="property.hidden"><i>{{ property.title }}&nbsp;({{'PROPERTY.REMOVED' | translate}})&nbsp;:</i></span>
<span class="value" ng-if="property.type !== 'wangwanli'">
<span class="value" ng-if="property.type !== 'cusFieldConfig' && property.type !== 'extraForm'">
<ng-include src="getPropertyTemplateUrl($index)" ng-if="!property.hasReadWriteMode"></ng-include>
<ng-include src="getPropertyReadModeTemplateUrl($index)" ng-if="property.hasReadWriteMode && property.mode == 'read'"></ng-include>
<ng-include src="getPropertyWriteModeTemplateUrl($index)" ng-if="property.hasReadWriteMode && property.mode == 'write'"></ng-include>
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