Commit e8229e69 authored by 田翔's avatar 田翔

fix: 配置SQL问题

parent d502d22e
......@@ -3468,7 +3468,7 @@ const Test = (props) => {
return (
<div style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}>
{/* <FormDesigner ref={formDesignerRef} extra={true} tableName='事件工单_测试一键布局' /> */}
{/* <FormDesigner ref={formDesignerRef} extra={true} tableName='事件_形态测试WY' /> */}
{/* <FormRender ref={formRenderRef} schemaValues={schemaValues} /> */}
{/* <div onClick={submit}>提交</div> */}
<Account accountName={'形态测试台账WY'} />
"name": "panda-xform",
"version": "4.0.3",
"description": "4.0.3: 台账列表增加人员id,SQL过滤增加变量配置",
"version": "4.0.4",
"description": "4.0.4: 配置SQL问题",
"keywords": [
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import styles from './index.less'
import { Table, Tooltip, message, Button, Pagination } from 'antd'
import SearchGroup from './components/SearchGroup'
import TablePack from './components/TablePack'
import { GetAccountConfigInfo, GetAccountPageList, getStationListByUserID, GetTableJson } from '../../apis/process'
import { GetAccountConfigInfo, GetAccountPageList, getStationListByUserID, GetTableJson, SaveTableDataInfo } from '../../apis/process'
import { isJson, isObject } from '../../utils/index'
import IconPack from '../widgets/IconPack'
import FormRender from '../FormRender'
......@@ -32,8 +32,11 @@ const TableRender = (props) => {
const [detailShow, setDetailShow] = useState(false)
const [params, setParams] = useState({ userID: userID, accountName, direction: 'desc', timeField: '录入时间', total: 0, pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 100 })
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
const [config, setConfig] = useState({ webShowFieldGroup: '', formJson: '', values: [] })
const [dataSource, setDataSource] = useState([])
const [config, setConfig] = useState({ webShowFieldGroup: '', addFieldGroup: '', formJson: {} })
const [schemaValues, setSchemaValues] = useState({ formJson: {}, values: [] })
const [submitLoading, setSubmitLoading] = useState(false)
const formRenderRef = useRef()
const fileColumns = useMemo(() => {
const { webShowFieldGroup, formJson } = config
......@@ -112,9 +115,52 @@ const TableRender = (props) => {
}, [fileColumns])
const btnsClick = (type, row) => {
if (['添加', '详情', '编辑'].includes(type)) {
const { addFieldGroup, editFieldGroup, formJson } = config
const addField = addFieldGroup ? addFieldGroup.split(',').filter(v => v) : []
if (type === '添加') {
addClick(addField, formJson)
// if (['添加', '详情', '编辑'].includes(type)) {
// setDetailShow(true)
// }
const addClick = (addField, formJson) => {
let json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(formJson))
let parent = json?.properties
if (isObject(parent)) {
for (let v in parent) {
let hidden = true
let child = parent[v]?.properties
if (isObject(child)) {
for (let s in child) {
if (addField.includes(s)) {
child[s].hidden = false
hidden = false
} else {
child[s].hidden = true
parent[v].hidden = hidden
setSchemaValues({ formJson: json, values: [] })
const submit = async () => {
const { formValue, relationForm, errors } = await formRenderRef.current.getValues()
if (errors.length) {
return message.error('请完善表单内容')
const { code, data } = await SaveTableDataInfo({ accountTable: accountName, id: null, values: formValue })
if (code === 0) {
const search = (values) => {
......@@ -126,7 +172,7 @@ const TableRender = (props) => {
const { code, data } = await GetAccountConfigInfo(accountName)
const res = await GetTableJson(accountName)
if (code === 0 && res.code === 0) {
setConfig({, formJson: })
setConfig({, formJson: isJson( ? JSON.parse( : {} })
......@@ -194,7 +240,7 @@ const TableRender = (props) => {
<div className={styles.tableDetail} style={{ display: detailShow ? 'block' : 'none' }}>
<div className={styles.formBox}>
<FormRender schemaValues={config} />
<FormRender ref={formRenderRef} schemaValues={schemaValues} />
<div className={styles.formBtns}>
......@@ -202,6 +248,13 @@ const TableRender = (props) => {
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ const SqlFilter = (props) => {
const onOk = () => {
const fnListRender = (
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