Commit c8a681da authored by 田翔's avatar 田翔

fix: 关联表单选中不显示配置问题

parent 9bb40ca3
"name": "panda-xform",
"version": "6.10.18",
"description": "6.10.18 附件默认值优化",
"version": "6.10.19",
"description": "6.10.19 关联表单选中不显示配置问题",
"keywords": [
......@@ -4086,6 +4086,102 @@ const advancedWidgets = [
text: '关联选择',
name: '关联选择',
icon: <IconPack.RelevanceSelect />,
schema: {
title: '关联选择',
name: '关联选择',
type: 'string',
widget: 'RelevanceSelect',
placeholder: '',
setting: {
widget: {
title: '控件类型',
type: 'string',
widget: 'WidgetType',
displayType: 'row',
labelWidth: 75,
$id: {
title: '数据源',
type: 'string',
widget: 'FieldNames',
required: true,
title: {
title: '展示名称',
required: true,
type: 'string',
widget: 'htmlInput',
placeholder: {
title: '提示语',
type: 'string',
presetValue: {
title: '默认值',
type: 'string',
widget: 'CascadeDefault',
dependencies: ['sourceType'],
description: {
title: '字段说明',
type: 'string',
isHidden: {
title: '是否隐藏',
type: 'boolean',
widget: 'IsHidden',
default: false,
displayType: 'row',
labelWidth: 80,
hiddenCondition: {
title: '隐藏条件',
type: 'string',
description: '所有形态默认显示',
widget: 'HiddenCondition',
hidden: "{{formData.isHidden}}",
dependencies: ['isHidden'],
fieldParent: {
title: '父字段名',
type: 'string',
// required: true,
widget: 'FieldNames',
dependencies: ['$id'],
dictionary: {
title: '数据字典',
name: '数据字典',
// required: true,
type: 'string',
widget: 'Dictionary',
required: {
title: '必填',
type: 'boolean',
widget: 'checkbox',
default: false,
width: '33%',
disabled: {
title: '只读',
type: 'boolean',
widget: 'checkbox',
default: false,
width: '33%',
description: {
title: '字段说明',
type: 'string',
text: '级联选择',
name: '级联选择',
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