Commit 67a18254 authored by 彭俊龙's avatar 彭俊龙


parent f8cb4630
"name": "panda-xform",
"version": "6.10.59",
"description": "6.10.56 自定义地图描述字段修改,手签显隐逻辑优化",
"version": "6.10.60",
"description": "6.10.60 数字输入框增加正整数格式逻辑",
"keywords": [
......@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ const NumberView = (props) => {
return formatMoney(Number(value), Number(decimalDigits))
} else if (formatter === '${整数}') {
return `${parseInt(value)}`
} else if (formatter === '${小数}') {
} else if (formatter === '${正整数}') {
return `${Math.max(0, parseInt(value))}`
} if (formatter === '${小数}') {
return Number(value).toFixed(Number(decimalDigits))
} else if (formatter === '${科学计数法}') {
return Number(value).toExponential()
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