Commit 0efdc95a authored by 田翔's avatar 田翔

fix: 下拉框单选支持颜色

parent 850ab064
"name": "panda-xform",
"version": "6.10.10",
"description": "6.10.10 复选框手动添加选项bug",
"version": "6.10.11",
"description": "6.10.11 下拉框单选支持颜色",
"keywords": [
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ const ComboBox = (props) => {
} else if (sourceType === '手动输入') {
<Option key={v.value} value={v.value}>
</Option >
{color ? <TagPack color={v.color} text={v.value} /> : v.value}
} else {
children.push(<Option key={v} value={v}>{v}</Option>)
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ const SimpleList = (props) => {
<div style={{ fontSize: '14px' }}>选项</div>
<div style={{ fontSize: '12px' }}>
<span style={{ paddingRight: '5px' }}>彩色</span>
<Switch disabled={!isMultiple && widget === 'ComboBox'} size='small' checked={color} onChange={switchChange} />
<Switch size='small' checked={color} onChange={switchChange} />
<div className={}>
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