Commit bb696b4b authored by 刘乐's avatar 刘乐


parent 6da0e985
#include "genetic.h"
void Genetic::initPop()
void Genetic::fitNess()
void Genetic::select()
void Genetic::coding()
void Genetic::decoding()
void Genetic::crossover()
void Genetic::variation()
void Genetic::update()
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#pragma once
class Genetic
*@brief 初始化种群
void initPop();
*@brief 计算种群自适应度
void fitNess();
*@brief 选择
void select();
*@brief 编码
void coding();
*@brief 解码
void decoding();
*@brief 交叉
void crossover();
*@brief 选择
void variation();
*@brief 更新种群
void update();
void setNumPop(int numPop) { mNumPop = numPop; }
int numPop() const { return mNumPop; }
void rseRtangeL(int range) { mIrangeL = range; }
int rangeL() const { return mIrangeL; }
void setRangeR(int range) { mIrangeR = range; }
int rangeR() const { return mIrangeR; }
// 设置编码长度
void setLength(int len) { mLength = len; }
int length() const { return mLength; }
void setIteration(int iterator) { mIteration = iterator; }
int iteration() const { return mIteration; }
// 杂焦虑
double crossoverRate() const { return mCrossoverRate; }
double selectRate() const { return mSelectRate; }
double variationRate() const { return mVariationRate; }
int mNumPop = 100; //初始种群大小
int mIrangeL = -1; // 问题解区间
int mIrangeR = 2;
int mLength = 22; // 二进制编码长度
int mIteration = 10000; // 迭代次数
double mCrossoverRate = 0.7; // 杂交率
double mSelectRate = 0.5; // 选择率
double mVariationRate = 0.001; //变异率
......@@ -144,6 +144,10 @@
<ClInclude Include="genetic.h" />
<ClCompile Include="genetic.cpp" />
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
......@@ -14,4 +14,14 @@
<ClInclude Include="genetic.h">
<ClCompile Include="genetic.cpp">
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