Commit a553f6b1 authored by 叶飞's avatar 叶飞


parent 89eb8385
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const resolvePath=(p)=>path.resolve(__dirname,p);
module.exports = {
dest: resolvePath('../../dist'),
base: '/iot/',
// base: '/iot/',
title: "物联网知识库",
description: '物联网知识点分享',
head: [
......@@ -26,7 +26,18 @@ module.exports = {
repoLabel: '查看源码',
docsBranch: 'master', // 默认是 false, 设置为 true 来启用
editLinks: true,
editLinkText: '帮助我们改善此页面!'
editLinkText: '帮助我们改善此页面!',
valineConfig: {
appId: 'xbT4pPXCWQju5T7GXC5fUFlF-gzGzoHsz',
appKey: 'bofA5chNQ60p37Ih9sMffSI0',
placeholder: '',
notify: true, // 邮件提醒
verify: true, // 验证码
recordIP: true
author: 'Jaasdsa',// 作者
startYear: '2020',// 项目开始时间
markdown: {
lineNumbers: true
module.exports = [
{ text: '主页', link: '/index.html', icon: 'reco-home' },
{ text: '边缘网关', link: '/gateway/', icon: 'reco-category' },
// { text: 'GitHub', link: '', target:'_blank' ,icon: 'reco-gitlab'}
{ text: '主页', link: '/', icon: 'reco-home' },
{ text: '边缘网关', link: '/views/gateway/', icon: 'reco-category' },
text: 'PLC',
items: [{
text: 'Siemens',
link: '/views/plc/siemens/'
text: 'Schneider',
link: '/views/plc/schneider/'
{ text: 'foo', link: '/foo/', icon: 'reco-category' },
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module.exports = {
'/views/gateway/': [{
children: [
'/plc/siemens/': [{
title: 'Siemens',
collapsable: false,
children: [
'/plc/schneider/': [{
title: 'Schneider',
collapsable: false,
children: [
'/': ['']
\ No newline at end of file
module.exports = {
'/gateway/': [
'/views/gateway/': [{
children: [
'/views/plc/siemens/': [{
title: 'Siemens',
collapsable: false,
children: [
'/views/plc/schneider/': [{
title: 'Schneider',
collapsable: false,
children: [
'/': ['']
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......@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ heroImage: /vuepress/panda.png
heroText: 物联网知识库
tagline: PandaIoTDoc
actionText: 开启进阶之路
actionLink: /views/
actionLink: /gateway/
- title: 简洁至上
details: 以 Markdown 为中心的项目结构,以最少的配置帮助你专注于写作
- title: Vue驱动
details: 享受 Vue + webpack 的开发体验,在 Markdown 中使用 Vue 组件,同时可以使用 Vue 来开发自定义主题。
- title: 高性能
details: VuePress 为每个页面预渲染生成静态的 HTML,同时在页面被加载的时候,将作为 SPA 运行
- title: Gateway
details: 部署在网络边缘侧的网关,通过网络联接、协议转换等功能联接物理和数字世界,提供轻量化的联接管理、实时数据分析及应用管理功能
- title: PLC家族
details: 常见PLC:西门子,施耐德等常见型号说明及PLC通信协议案例
- title: 组态家族
details: 主流组态软件案例,kepServer、Intouch、IFix、Wincc、组态王、力控
footer: MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2018-present Evan You
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# foo
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# 这是网关主页
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# 这是modbusRTU的页面
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# IoT
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# Schneider
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# schneider
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