!(function (e, t) { 'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module ? (module.exports = t()) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : ((e = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).jessibuca = t()); })(this, function () { 'use strict'; var e = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : 'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : {}; function t(e, t) { return e((t = { exports: {} }), t.exports), t.exports; } var i, o = t(function (e) { (e.exports = function (e, t, i) { return ( t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, }) : (e[t] = i), e ); }), (e.exports.__esModule = !0), (e.exports.default = e.exports); }), r = (i = o) && i.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, 'default') ? i.default : i; const s = 0, n = 1, A = 'flv', a = 'm7s', d = { videoBuffer: 1e3, videoBufferDelay: 1e3, isResize: !0, isFullResize: !1, isFlv: !1, debug: !1, hotKey: !1, loadingTimeout: 10, heartTimeout: 5, timeout: 10, loadingTimeoutReplay: !1, heartTimeoutReplay: !1, loadingTimeoutReplayTimes: 3, heartTimeoutReplayTimes: 3, supportDblclickFullscreen: !1, showBandwidth: !1, keepScreenOn: !1, isNotMute: !1, hasAudio: !0, hasVideo: !0, operateBtns: { fullscreen: !1, screenshot: !1, play: !1, audio: !1, record: !1 }, controlAutoHide: !1, hasControl: !1, loadingText: '', background: '', decoder: 'decoder.js', url: '', rotate: 0, forceNoOffscreen: !0, hiddenAutoPause: !1, protocol: n, demuxType: A, useWCS: !1, wcsUseVideoRender: !1, useMSE: !1, useOffscreen: !1, autoWasm: !0, wasmDecodeErrorReplay: !0, openWebglAlignment: !1, wasmDecodeAudioSyncVideo: !0, }, c = 'init', l = 'initVideo', u = 'render', h = 'playAudio', p = 'initAudio', m = 'audioCode', g = 'videoCode', f = 'wasmError', b = 'Invalid NAL unit size', y = 1, v = 2, w = 8, S = 9, E = 'init', B = 'decode', C = 'audioDecode', R = 'close', k = 'updateConfig', T = { fullscreen: 'fullscreen$2', webFullscreen: 'webFullscreen', decoderWorkerInit: 'decoderWorkerInit', play: 'play', playing: 'playing', pause: 'pause', mute: 'mute', load: 'load', loading: 'loading', videoInfo: 'videoInfo', timeUpdate: 'timeUpdate', audioInfo: 'audioInfo', log: 'log', error: 'error', kBps: 'kBps', timeout: 'timeout', delayTimeout: 'delayTimeout', loadingTimeout: 'loadingTimeout', stats: 'stats', performance: 'performance', record: 'record', recording: 'recording', recordingTimestamp: 'recordingTimestamp', recordStart: 'recordStart', recordEnd: 'recordEnd', recordCreateError: 'recordCreateError', buffer: 'buffer', videoFrame: 'videoFrame', start: 'start', metadata: 'metadata', resize: 'resize', streamEnd: 'streamEnd', streamSuccess: 'streamSuccess', streamMessage: 'streamMessage', streamError: 'streamError', volumechange: 'volumechange', destroy: 'destroy', mseSourceOpen: 'mseSourceOpen', mseSourceClose: 'mseSourceClose', mseSourceBufferError: 'mseSourceBufferError', mseSourceBufferBusy: 'mseSourceBufferBusy', videoWaiting: 'videoWaiting', videoTimeUpdate: 'videoTimeUpdate', videoSyncAudio: 'videoSyncAudio', playToRenderTimes: 'playToRenderTimes', }, I = { load: T.load, timeUpdate: T.timeUpdate, videoInfo: T.videoInfo, audioInfo: T.audioInfo, error: T.error, kBps: T.kBps, log: T.log, start: T.start, timeout: T.timeout, loadingTimeout: T.loadingTimeout, delayTimeout: T.delayTimeout, fullscreen: 'fullscreen', play: T.play, pause: T.pause, mute: T.mute, stats: T.stats, performance: T.performance, recordingTimestamp: T.recordingTimestamp, recordStart: T.recordStart, recordEnd: T.recordEnd, playToRenderTimes: T.playToRenderTimes, }, x = { playError: 'playIsNotPauseOrUrlIsNull', fetchError: 'fetchError', websocketError: 'websocketError', webcodecsH265NotSupport: 'webcodecsH265NotSupport', mediaSourceH265NotSupport: 'mediaSourceH265NotSupport', wasmDecodeError: 'wasmDecodeError', }, D = 'notConnect', j = 'open', L = 'close', U = 'error', V = { download: 'download', base64: 'base64', blob: 'blob' }, F = { 7: 'H264(AVC)', 12: 'H265(HEVC)' }, O = 7, M = 12, Q = { 10: 'AAC', 7: 'ALAW', 8: 'MULAW' }, W = 32, G = 33, P = 34, J = 38, N = 0, z = 1, Y = 2, H = 'mp4', X = 'webm', Z = 'webcodecs', q = 'webgl', K = 'offscreen', _ = 'key', $ = 'delta', ee = 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64002A"', te = 'ended', ie = 'open', oe = 'closed', re = 1e3, se = 27, ne = 38, Ae = 40; class ae { constructor(e) { (this.log = function (t) { if (e._opt.debug) { for (var i = arguments.length, o = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < i; r++) o[r - 1] = arguments[r]; console.log(`Jessibuca: [${t}]`, ...o); } }), (this.warn = function (t) { if (e._opt.debug) { for (var i = arguments.length, o = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < i; r++) o[r - 1] = arguments[r]; console.warn(`Jessibuca: [${t}]`, ...o); } }), (this.error = function (t) { if (e._opt.debug) { for (var i = arguments.length, o = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < i; r++) o[r - 1] = arguments[r]; console.error(`Jessibuca: [${t}]`, ...o); } }); } } class de { constructor(e) { (this.destroys = []), (this.proxy = this.proxy.bind(this)), (this.master = e); } proxy(e, t, i) { let o = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}; if (!e) return; if (Array.isArray(t)) return t.map((t) => this.proxy(e, t, i, o)); e.addEventListener(t, i, o); const r = () => e.removeEventListener(t, i, o); return this.destroys.push(r), r; } destroy() { this.master.debug && this.master.debug.log('Events', 'destroy'), this.destroys.forEach((e) => e()); } } var ce = t(function (e) { !(function () { var t = 'undefined' != typeof window && void 0 !== window.document ? window.document : {}, i = e.exports, o = (function () { for ( var e, i = [ [ 'requestFullscreen', 'exitFullscreen', 'fullscreenElement', 'fullscreenEnabled', 'fullscreenchange', 'fullscreenerror', ], [ 'webkitRequestFullscreen', 'webkitExitFullscreen', 'webkitFullscreenElement', 'webkitFullscreenEnabled', 'webkitfullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenerror', ], [ 'webkitRequestFullScreen', 'webkitCancelFullScreen', 'webkitCurrentFullScreenElement', 'webkitCancelFullScreen', 'webkitfullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenerror', ], [ 'mozRequestFullScreen', 'mozCancelFullScreen', 'mozFullScreenElement', 'mozFullScreenEnabled', 'mozfullscreenchange', 'mozfullscreenerror', ], [ 'msRequestFullscreen', 'msExitFullscreen', 'msFullscreenElement', 'msFullscreenEnabled', 'MSFullscreenChange', 'MSFullscreenError', ], ], o = 0, r = i.length, s = {}; o < r; o++ ) if ((e = i[o]) && e[1] in t) { for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) s[i[0][o]] = e[o]; return s; } return !1; })(), r = { change: o.fullscreenchange, error: o.fullscreenerror }, s = { request: function (e, i) { return new Promise( function (r, s) { var n = function () { this.off('change', n), r(); }.bind(this); this.on('change', n); var A = (e = e || t.documentElement)[o.requestFullscreen](i); A instanceof Promise && A.then(n).catch(s); }.bind(this), ); }, exit: function () { return new Promise( function (e, i) { if (this.isFullscreen) { var r = function () { this.off('change', r), e(); }.bind(this); this.on('change', r); var s = t[o.exitFullscreen](); s instanceof Promise && s.then(r).catch(i); } else e(); }.bind(this), ); }, toggle: function (e, t) { return this.isFullscreen ? this.exit() : this.request(e, t); }, onchange: function (e) { this.on('change', e); }, onerror: function (e) { this.on('error', e); }, on: function (e, i) { var o = r[e]; o && t.addEventListener(o, i, !1); }, off: function (e, i) { var o = r[e]; o && t.removeEventListener(o, i, !1); }, raw: o, }; o ? (Object.defineProperties(s, { isFullscreen: { get: function () { return Boolean(t[o.fullscreenElement]); }, }, element: { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return t[o.fullscreenElement]; }, }, isEnabled: { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return Boolean(t[o.fullscreenEnabled]); }, }, }), i ? (e.exports = s) : (window.screenfull = s)) : i ? (e.exports = { isEnabled: !1 }) : (window.screenfull = { isEnabled: !1 }); })(); }); function le() {} function ue() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : ''; const t = e.split(','), i = atob(t[1]), o = t[0].replace('data:', '').replace(';base64', ''); let r = i.length, s = new Uint8Array(r); for (; r--; ) s[r] = i.charCodeAt(r); return new File([s], 'file', { type: o }); } function he(e, t) { const i = document.createElement('a'); i.download = t; const o = URL.createObjectURL(e); (i.href = o), i.click(), setTimeout( () => { URL.revokeObjectURL(o); }, we() ? 1e3 : 0, ); } function pe() { return new Date().getTime(); } function me(e, t, i) { return Math.max(Math.min(e, Math.max(t, i)), Math.min(t, i)); } function ge(e, t, i) { if (e) return ( 'object' == typeof t && Object.keys(t).forEach((i) => { ge(e, i, t[i]); }), (e.style[t] = i), e ); } function fe(e, t) { let i = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; if (!e) return 0; const o = getComputedStyle(e, null).getPropertyValue(t); return i ? parseFloat(o) : o; } function be() { return performance && 'function' == typeof performance.now ? performance.now() : Date.now(); } function ye(e) { let t = 0, i = be(); return (o) => { t += o; const r = be(), s = r - i; s >= 1e3 && (e((t / s) * 1e3), (i = r), (t = 0)); }; } function ve() { return /iphone|ipod|android.*mobile|windows.*phone|blackberry.*mobile/i.test( window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), ); } function we() { const e = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return e && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(e); } function Se(e) { if (null == e || '' === e) return '0kb/s'; let t = parseFloat(e); return (t = t.toFixed(2)), t + 'kb/s'; } function Ee(e) { return null == e; } function Be(e) { return !Ee(e); } ce.isEnabled, (() => { try { if ('object' == typeof WebAssembly && 'function' == typeof WebAssembly.instantiate) { const e = new WebAssembly.Module(Uint8Array.of(0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0)); if (e instanceof WebAssembly.Module) return new WebAssembly.Instance(e) instanceof WebAssembly.Instance; } } catch (e) {} })(); class Ce { on(e, t, i) { const o = this.e || (this.e = {}); return (o[e] || (o[e] = [])).push({ fn: t, ctx: i }), this; } once(e, t, i) { const o = this; function r() { o.off(e, r); for (var s = arguments.length, n = new Array(s), A = 0; A < s; A++) n[A] = arguments[A]; t.apply(i, n); } return (r._ = t), this.on(e, r, i); } emit(e) { const t = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[e] || []).slice(); for (var i = arguments.length, o = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < i; r++) o[r - 1] = arguments[r]; for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e += 1) t[e].fn.apply(t[e].ctx, o); return this; } off(e, t) { const i = this.e || (this.e = {}); if (!e) return ( Object.keys(i).forEach((e) => { delete i[e]; }), void delete this.e ); const o = i[e], r = []; if (o && t) for (let e = 0, i = o.length; e < i; e += 1) o[e].fn !== t && o[e].fn._ !== t && r.push(o[e]); return r.length ? (i[e] = r) : delete i[e], this; } } class Re extends Ce { constructor() { super(), (this.init = !1); } resetInit() { (this.init = !1), (this.videoInfo = { width: '', height: '', encType: '', encTypeCode: '' }); } destroy() { this.resetInit(), this.player.$container.removeChild(this.$videoElement), this.off(); } updateVideoInfo(e) { e.encTypeCode && (this.videoInfo.encType = F[e.encTypeCode]), e.width && (this.videoInfo.width = e.width), e.height && (this.videoInfo.height = e.height), this.videoInfo.encType && this.videoInfo.height && this.videoInfo.width && !this.init && (this.player.emit(T.videoInfo, this.videoInfo), (this.init = !0)); } play() {} pause() {} clearView() {} } class ke extends Re { constructor(e) { super(), (this.player = e); const t = document.createElement('canvas'); (t.style.position = 'absolute'), (t.style.top = 0), (t.style.left = 0), (this.$videoElement = t), e.$container.appendChild(this.$videoElement), (this.context2D = null), (this.contextGl = null), (this.contextGlRender = null), (this.contextGlDestroy = null), (this.bitmaprenderer = null), (this.renderType = null), (this.videoInfo = { width: '', height: '', encType: '' }), this._initCanvasRender(), this.player.debug.log('CanvasVideo', 'init'); } destroy() { super.destroy(), this.contextGl && (this.contextGl = null), this.context2D && (this.context2D = null), this.contextGlRender && (this.contextGlDestroy && this.contextGlDestroy(), (this.contextGlDestroy = null), (this.contextGlRender = null)), this.bitmaprenderer && (this.bitmaprenderer = null), (this.renderType = null), this.player.debug.log('CanvasVideoLoader', 'destroy'); } _initContextGl() { this.contextGl = (function (e) { let t = null; const i = ['webgl', 'experimental-webgl', 'moz-webgl', 'webkit-3d']; let o = 0; for (; !t && o < i.length; ) { const r = i[o]; try { let i = { preserveDrawingBuffer: !0 }; t = e.getContext(r, i); } catch (e) { t = null; } (t && 'function' == typeof t.getParameter) || (t = null), ++o; } return t; })(this.$videoElement); const e = ((e, t) => { var i = [ 'attribute vec4 vertexPos;', 'attribute vec4 texturePos;', 'varying vec2 textureCoord;', 'void main()', '{', 'gl_Position = vertexPos;', 'textureCoord = texturePos.xy;', '}', ].join('\n'), o = [ 'precision highp float;', 'varying highp vec2 textureCoord;', 'uniform sampler2D ySampler;', 'uniform sampler2D uSampler;', 'uniform sampler2D vSampler;', 'const mat4 YUV2RGB = mat4', '(', '1.1643828125, 0, 1.59602734375, -.87078515625,', '1.1643828125, -.39176171875, -.81296875, .52959375,', '1.1643828125, 2.017234375, 0, -1.081390625,', '0, 0, 0, 1', ');', 'void main(void) {', 'highp float y = texture2D(ySampler, textureCoord).r;', 'highp float u = texture2D(uSampler, textureCoord).r;', 'highp float v = texture2D(vSampler, textureCoord).r;', 'gl_FragColor = vec4(y, u, v, 1) * YUV2RGB;', '}', ].join('\n'); t && e.pixelStorei(e.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); var r = e.createShader(e.VERTEX_SHADER); e.shaderSource(r, i), e.compileShader(r), e.getShaderParameter(r, e.COMPILE_STATUS) || console.log('Vertex shader failed to compile: ' + e.getShaderInfoLog(r)); var s = e.createShader(e.FRAGMENT_SHADER); e.shaderSource(s, o), e.compileShader(s), e.getShaderParameter(s, e.COMPILE_STATUS) || console.log('Fragment shader failed to compile: ' + e.getShaderInfoLog(s)); var n = e.createProgram(); e.attachShader(n, r), e.attachShader(n, s), e.linkProgram(n), e.getProgramParameter(n, e.LINK_STATUS) || console.log('Program failed to compile: ' + e.getProgramInfoLog(n)), e.useProgram(n); var A = e.createBuffer(); e.bindBuffer(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, A), e.bufferData( e.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1]), e.STATIC_DRAW, ); var a = e.getAttribLocation(n, 'vertexPos'); e.enableVertexAttribArray(a), e.vertexAttribPointer(a, 2, e.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0); var d = e.createBuffer(); e.bindBuffer(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, d), e.bufferData(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), e.STATIC_DRAW); var c = e.getAttribLocation(n, 'texturePos'); function l(t, i) { var o = e.createTexture(); return ( e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, o), e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, e.LINEAR), e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, e.LINEAR), e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, e.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, e.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, null), e.uniform1i(e.getUniformLocation(n, t), i), o ); } e.enableVertexAttribArray(c), e.vertexAttribPointer(c, 2, e.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0); var u = l('ySampler', 0), h = l('uSampler', 1), p = l('vSampler', 2); return { render: function (t, i, o, r, s) { e.viewport(0, 0, t, i), e.activeTexture(e.TEXTURE0), e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, u), e.texImage2D(e.TEXTURE_2D, 0, e.LUMINANCE, t, i, 0, e.LUMINANCE, e.UNSIGNED_BYTE, o), e.activeTexture(e.TEXTURE1), e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, h), e.texImage2D( e.TEXTURE_2D, 0, e.LUMINANCE, t / 2, i / 2, 0, e.LUMINANCE, e.UNSIGNED_BYTE, r, ), e.activeTexture(e.TEXTURE2), e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, p), e.texImage2D( e.TEXTURE_2D, 0, e.LUMINANCE, t / 2, i / 2, 0, e.LUMINANCE, e.UNSIGNED_BYTE, s, ), e.drawArrays(e.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); }, destroy: function () { try { e.deleteProgram(n), e.deleteBuffer(A), e.deleteBuffer(d), e.deleteTexture(u), e.deleteTexture(h), e.deleteBuffer(p); } catch (e) {} }, }; })(this.contextGl, this.player._opt.openWebglAlignment); (this.contextGlRender = e.render), (this.contextGlDestroy = e.destroy); } _initContext2D() { this.context2D = this.$videoElement.getContext('2d'); } _initCanvasRender() { this.player._opt.useWCS && !this._supportOffscreen() ? ((this.renderType = Z), this._initContext2D()) : this._supportOffscreen() ? ((this.renderType = K), this._bindOffscreen()) : ((this.renderType = q), this._initContextGl()); } _supportOffscreen() { return ( 'function' == typeof this.$videoElement.transferControlToOffscreen && this.player._opt.useOffscreen ); } _bindOffscreen() { this.bitmaprenderer = this.$videoElement.getContext('bitmaprenderer'); } initCanvasViewSize() { (this.$videoElement.width = this.videoInfo.width), (this.$videoElement.height = this.videoInfo.height), this.resize(); } render(e) { switch (((this.player.videoTimestamp = e.ts), this.renderType)) { case K: this.bitmaprenderer.transferFromImageBitmap(e.buffer); break; case q: this.contextGlRender( this.$videoElement.width, this.$videoElement.height, e.output[0], e.output[1], e.output[2], ); break; case Z: this.context2D.drawImage( e.videoFrame, 0, 0, this.$videoElement.width, this.$videoElement.height, ); } } screenshot(e, t, i, o) { (e = e || pe()), (o = o || V.download); const r = { png: 'image/png', jpeg: 'image/jpeg', webp: 'image/webp' }; let s = 0.92; !r[t] && V[t] && ((o = t), (t = 'png'), (i = void 0)), 'string' == typeof i && ((o = i), (i = void 0)), void 0 !== i && (s = Number(i)); const n = this.$videoElement.toDataURL(r[t] || r.png, s), A = ue(n); return o === V.base64 ? n : o === V.blob ? A : void (o === V.download && he(A, e)); } clearView() { switch (this.renderType) { case K: (function (e, t) { const i = document.createElement('canvas'); return (i.width = e), (i.height = t), window.createImageBitmap(i, 0, 0, e, t); })(this.$videoElement.width, this.$videoElement.height).then((e) => { this.bitmaprenderer.transferFromImageBitmap(e); }); break; case q: this.contextGl.clear(this.contextGl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); break; case Z: this.context2D.clearRect(0, 0, this.$videoElement.width, this.$videoElement.height); } } resize() { this.player.debug.log('canvasVideo', 'resize'); const e = this.player._opt; let t = this.player.width, i = this.player.height; e.hasControl && !e.controlAutoHide && (ve() && this.player.fullscreen ? (t -= J) : (i -= J)); let o = this.$videoElement.width, r = this.$videoElement.height; const s = e.rotate; let n = (t - o) / 2, A = (i - r) / 2; (270 !== s && 90 !== s) || ((o = this.$videoElement.height), (r = this.$videoElement.width)); const a = t / o, d = i / r; let c = a > d ? d : a; e.isResize || (a !== d && (c = a + ',' + d)), e.isFullResize && (c = a > d ? a : d); let l = 'scale(' + c + ')'; s && (l += ' rotate(' + s + 'deg)'), (this.$videoElement.style.transform = l), (this.$videoElement.style.left = n + 'px'), (this.$videoElement.style.top = A + 'px'); } } class Te extends Re { constructor(e) { super(), (this.player = e); const t = document.createElement('video'); (t.muted = !0), (t.style.position = 'absolute'), (t.style.top = 0), (t.style.left = 0), e.$container.appendChild(t), (this.$videoElement = t), (this.videoInfo = { width: '', height: '', encType: '' }); const i = this.player._opt; i.useWCS && i.wcsUseVideoRender && ((this.trackGenerator = new MediaStreamTrackGenerator({ kind: 'video' })), (t.srcObject = new MediaStream([this.trackGenerator])), (this.vwriter = this.trackGenerator.writable.getWriter())), this.resize(); const { proxy: o } = this.player.events; o(this.$videoElement, 'canplay', () => { this.player.debug.log('Video', 'canplay'); }), o(this.$videoElement, 'waiting', () => { this.player.emit(T.videoWaiting); }), o(this.$videoElement, 'timeupdate', (e) => {}), this.player.debug.log('Video', 'init'); } destroy() { super.destroy(), this.$videoElement && ((this.$videoElement.src = ''), (this.$videoElement = null)), this.trackGenerator && (this.trackGenerator = null), this.vwriter && (this.trackGenerator = null), this.player.debug.log('Video', 'destroy'); } play() { this.$videoElement.play(); } clearView() {} screenshot(e, t, i, o) { (e = e || pe()), (o = o || V.download); let r = 0.92; !{ png: 'image/png', jpeg: 'image/jpeg', webp: 'image/webp' }[t] && V[t] && ((o = t), (t = 'png'), (i = void 0)), 'string' == typeof i && ((o = i), (i = void 0)), void 0 !== i && (r = Number(i)); const s = this.$videoElement; let n = document.createElement('canvas'); (n.width = s.videoWidth), (n.height = s.videoHeight); n.getContext('2d').drawImage(s, 0, 0, n.width, n.height); const A = n.toDataURL(V[t] || V.png, r), a = ue(A); return o === V.base64 ? A : o === V.blob ? a : void (o === V.download && he(a, e)); } initCanvasViewSize() { this.resize(); } render(e) { this.vwriter && this.vwriter.write(e.videoFrame); } resize() { let e = this.player.width, t = this.player.height; const i = this.player._opt, o = i.rotate; i.hasControl && !i.controlAutoHide && (ve() && this.player.fullscreen ? (e -= J) : (t -= J)), (this.$videoElement.width = e), (this.$videoElement.height = t), (270 !== o && 90 !== o) || ((this.$videoElement.width = t), (this.$videoElement.height = e)); let r = (e - this.$videoElement.width) / 2, s = (t - this.$videoElement.height) / 2, n = 'contain'; i.isResize || (n = 'fill'), i.isFullResize && (n = 'none'), (this.$videoElement.style.objectFit = n), (this.$videoElement.style.transform = 'rotate(' + o + 'deg)'), (this.$videoElement.style.left = r + 'px'), (this.$videoElement.style.top = s + 'px'); } } class Ie { constructor(e) { return new (Ie.getLoaderFactory(e._opt))(e); } static getLoaderFactory(e) { return e.useMSE || (e.useWCS && !e.useOffscreen && e.wcsUseVideoRender) ? Te : ke; } } class xe extends Ce { constructor(e) { super(), (this.bufferList = []), (this.player = e), (this.scriptNode = null), (this.hasInitScriptNode = !1), (this.audioContextChannel = null), (this.audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)()), (this.gainNode = this.audioContext.createGain()); const t = this.audioContext.createBufferSource(); (t.buffer = this.audioContext.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050)), t.connect(this.audioContext.destination), t.noteOn ? t.noteOn(0) : t.start(0), (this.audioBufferSourceNode = t), (this.mediaStreamAudioDestinationNode = this.audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination()), this.audioEnabled(!0), (this.gainNode.gain.value = 0), (this.playing = !1), (this.audioSyncVideoOption = { diff: null }), (this.audioInfo = { encType: '', channels: '', sampleRate: '' }), (this.init = !1), (this.hasAudio = !1), this.on(T.videoSyncAudio, (e) => { this.audioSyncVideoOption = e; }), this.player.debug.log('AudioContext', 'init'); } resetInit() { (this.init = !1), (this.audioInfo = { encType: '', channels: '', sampleRate: '' }); } destroy() { this.closeAudio(), this.resetInit(), this.audioContext.close(), (this.audioContext = null), (this.gainNode = null), (this.hasAudio = !1), (this.playing = !1), this.scriptNode && ((this.scriptNode.onaudioprocess = le), (this.scriptNode = null)), (this.audioBufferSourceNode = null), (this.mediaStreamAudioDestinationNode = null), (this.hasInitScriptNode = !1), (this.audioSyncVideoOption = { diff: null }), this.off(), this.player.debug.log('AudioContext', 'destroy'); } updateAudioInfo(e) { e.encTypeCode && (this.audioInfo.encType = Q[e.encTypeCode]), e.channels && (this.audioInfo.channels = e.channels), e.sampleRate && (this.audioInfo.sampleRate = e.sampleRate), this.audioInfo.sampleRate && this.audioInfo.channels && this.audioInfo.encType && !this.init && (this.player.emit(T.audioInfo, this.audioInfo), (this.init = !0)); } get isPlaying() { return this.playing; } get isMute() { return 0 === this.gainNode.gain.value || this.isStateSuspended(); } get volume() { return this.gainNode.gain.value; } get bufferSize() { return this.bufferList.length; } initScriptNode() { if (((this.playing = !0), this.hasInitScriptNode)) return; const e = this.audioInfo.channels, t = this.audioContext.createScriptProcessor(1024, 0, e); (t.onaudioprocess = (t) => { const i = t.outputBuffer; if (this.bufferList.length && this.playing) { if ( !this.player._opt.useWCS && !this.player._opt.useMSE && this.player._opt.wasmDecodeAudioSyncVideo ) { if (this.audioSyncVideoOption.diff > re) return void this.player.debug.warn( 'AudioContext', `audioSyncVideoOption more than diff :${this.audioSyncVideoOption.diff}, waiting`, ); if (this.audioSyncVideoOption.diff < -1e3) { this.player.debug.warn( 'AudioContext', `audioSyncVideoOption less than diff :${this.audioSyncVideoOption.diff}, dropping`, ); let e = this.bufferList.shift(); for (; e.ts - this.player.videoTimestamp < -1e3 && this.bufferList.length > 0; ) e = this.bufferList.shift(); if (0 === this.bufferList.length) return; } } if (0 === this.bufferList.length) return; const t = this.bufferList.shift(); t && t.ts && (this.player.audioTimestamp = t.ts); for (let o = 0; o < e; o++) { const e = t.buffer[o], r = i.getChannelData(o); for (let t = 0; t < 1024; t++) r[t] = e[t] || 0; } } }), t.connect(this.gainNode), (this.scriptNode = t), this.gainNode.connect(this.audioContext.destination), this.gainNode.connect(this.mediaStreamAudioDestinationNode), (this.hasInitScriptNode = !0); } mute(e) { e ? (this.isMute || this.player.emit(T.mute, e), this.setVolume(0), this.audioEnabled(!1), this.clear()) : (this.isMute && this.player.emit(T.mute, e), this.setVolume(0.5), this.audioEnabled(!0)); } setVolume(e) { (e = parseFloat(e).toFixed(2)), isNaN(e) || (this.audioEnabled(!0), (e = me(e, 0, 1)), (this.gainNode.gain.value = e), this.gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(e, this.audioContext.currentTime), this.player.emit(T.volumechange, this.player.volume)); } closeAudio() { this.hasInitScriptNode && (this.scriptNode && this.scriptNode.disconnect(this.gainNode), this.gainNode && this.gainNode.disconnect(this.audioContext.destination), this.gainNode && this.gainNode.disconnect(this.mediaStreamAudioDestinationNode)), this.clear(); } audioEnabled(e) { e ? 'suspended' === this.audioContext.state && this.audioContext.resume() : 'running' === this.audioContext.state && this.audioContext.suspend(); } isStateRunning() { return 'running' === this.audioContext.state; } isStateSuspended() { return 'suspended' === this.audioContext.state; } clear() { this.bufferList = []; } play(e, t) { this.isMute || ((this.hasAudio = !0), this.bufferList.push({ buffer: e, ts: t }), this.bufferList.length > 20 && (this.player.debug.warn('AudioContext', `bufferList is large: ${this.bufferList.length}`), this.bufferList.length > 50 && this.bufferList.shift())); } pause() { (this.audioSyncVideoOption = { diff: null }), (this.playing = !1), this.clear(); } resume() { this.playing = !0; } } class De { constructor(e) { return new (De.getLoaderFactory())(e); } static getLoaderFactory() { return xe; } } class je extends Ce { constructor(e) { super(), (this.player = e), (this.playing = !1), (this.abortController = new AbortController()), (this.streamRate = ye((t) => { e.emit(T.kBps, (t / 1024).toFixed(2)); })), e.debug.log('FetchStream', 'init'); } destroy() { this.abort(), this.off(), (this.streamRate = null), this.player.debug.log('FetchStream', 'destroy'); } fetchStream(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; const { demux: i } = this.player; this.player._times.streamStart = pe(); const o = Object.assign( { signal: this.abortController.signal }, { headers: t.headers || {} }, ); fetch(e, o) .then((e) => { const t = e.body.getReader(); this.emit(T.streamSuccess); const o = () => { t.read() .then((e) => { let { done: t, value: r } = e; t ? i.close() : (this.streamRate && this.streamRate(r.byteLength), i.dispatch(r), o()); }) .catch((e) => { i.close(), this.emit(x.fetchError, e), this.player.emit(T.error, x.fetchError), this.abort(); }); }; o(); }) .catch((e) => { this.abort(), this.emit(x.fetchError, e), this.player.emit(T.error, x.fetchError); }); } abort() { this.abortController && (this.abortController.abort(), (this.abortController = null)); } } class Le extends Ce { constructor(e) { super(), (this.player = e), (this.socket = null), (this.socketStatus = D), (this.wsUrl = null), (this.streamRate = ye((t) => { e.emit(T.kBps, (t / 1024).toFixed(2)); })), e.debug.log('WebsocketLoader', 'init'); } destroy() { this.socket && (this.socket.close(), (this.socket = null)), (this.socketStatus = D), (this.streamRate = null), (this.wsUrl = null), this.off(), this.player.debug.log('websocketLoader', 'destroy'); } _createWebSocket() { const e = this.player, { debug: t, events: { proxy: i }, demux: o, } = e; (this.socket = new WebSocket(this.wsUrl)), (this.socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'), i(this.socket, 'open', () => { this.emit(T.streamSuccess), t.log('websocketLoader', 'socket open'), (this.socketStatus = j); }), i(this.socket, 'message', (e) => { this.streamRate && this.streamRate(e.data.byteLength), this._handleMessage(e.data); }), i(this.socket, 'close', () => { t.log('websocketLoader', 'socket close'), this.emit(T.streamEnd), (this.socketStatus = L); }), i(this.socket, 'error', (e) => { t.log('websocketLoader', 'socket error'), this.emit(x.websocketError, e), this.player.emit(T.error, x.websocketError), (this.socketStatus = U), o.close(), t.log('websocketLoader', 'socket error:', e); }); } _handleMessage(e) { const { demux: t } = this.player; t ? t.dispatch(e) : this.player.debug.warn('websocketLoader', 'websocket handle message demux is null'); } fetchStream(e, t) { (this.player._times.streamStart = pe()), (this.wsUrl = e), this._createWebSocket(); } } class Ue { constructor(e) { return new (Ue.getLoaderFactory(e._opt.protocol))(e); } static getLoaderFactory(e) { return e === n ? je : e === s ? Le : void 0; } } var Ve = t(function (t) { function i(e, t) { if (!e) throw 'First parameter is required.'; t = new o(e, (t = t || { type: 'video' })); var s = this; function n(i) { i && (t.initCallback = function () { i(), (i = t.initCallback = null); }); var o = new r(e, t); (h = new o(e, t)).record(), u('recording'), t.disableLogs || console.log( 'Initialized recorderType:', h.constructor.name, 'for output-type:', t.type, ); } function A(e) { if (((e = e || function () {}), h)) { if ('paused' === s.state) return ( s.resumeRecording(), void setTimeout(function () { A(e); }, 1) ); 'recording' === s.state || t.disableLogs || console.warn( 'Recording state should be: "recording", however current state is: ', s.state, ), t.disableLogs || console.log('Stopped recording ' + t.type + ' stream.'), 'gif' !== t.type ? h.stop(i) : (h.stop(), i()), u('stopped'); } else m(); function i(i) { if (h) { Object.keys(h).forEach(function (e) { 'function' != typeof h[e] && (s[e] = h[e]); }); var o = h.blob; if (!o) { if (!i) throw 'Recording failed.'; h.blob = o = i; } if ((o && !t.disableLogs && console.log(o.type, '->', b(o.size)), e)) { var r; try { r = l.createObjectURL(o); } catch (e) {} 'function' == typeof e.call ? e.call(s, r) : e(r); } t.autoWriteToDisk && d(function (e) { var i = {}; (i[t.type + 'Blob'] = e), x.Store(i); }); } else 'function' == typeof e.call ? e.call(s, '') : e(''); } } function a(e) { postMessage(new FileReaderSync().readAsDataURL(e)); } function d(e, i) { if (!e) throw 'Pass a callback function over getDataURL.'; var o = i ? i.blob : (h || {}).blob; if (!o) return ( t.disableLogs || console.warn('Blob encoder did not finish its job yet.'), void setTimeout(function () { d(e, i); }, 1e3) ); if ('undefined' == typeof Worker || navigator.mozGetUserMedia) { var r = new FileReader(); r.readAsDataURL(o), (r.onload = function (t) { e(t.target.result); }); } else { var s = (function (e) { try { var t = l.createObjectURL( new Blob( [e.toString(), 'this.onmessage = function (eee) {' + e.name + '(eee.data);}'], { type: 'application/javascript' }, ), ), i = new Worker(t); return l.revokeObjectURL(t), i; } catch (e) {} })(a); (s.onmessage = function (t) { e(t.data); }), s.postMessage(o); } } function c(e) { (e = e || 0), 'paused' !== s.state ? 'stopped' !== s.state && (e >= s.recordingDuration ? A(s.onRecordingStopped) : ((e += 1e3), setTimeout(function () { c(e); }, 1e3))) : setTimeout(function () { c(e); }, 1e3); } function u(e) { s && ((s.state = e), 'function' == typeof s.onStateChanged.call ? s.onStateChanged.call(s, e) : s.onStateChanged(e)); } var h, p = 'It seems that recorder is destroyed or "startRecording" is not invoked for ' + t.type + ' recorder.'; function m() { !0 !== t.disableLogs && console.warn(p); } var g = { startRecording: function (i) { return ( t.disableLogs || console.log('RecordRTC version: ', s.version), i && (t = new o(e, i)), t.disableLogs || console.log('started recording ' + t.type + ' stream.'), h ? (h.clearRecordedData(), h.record(), u('recording'), s.recordingDuration && c(), s) : (n(function () { s.recordingDuration && c(); }), s) ); }, stopRecording: A, pauseRecording: function () { h ? 'recording' === s.state ? (u('paused'), h.pause(), t.disableLogs || console.log('Paused recording.')) : t.disableLogs || console.warn('Unable to pause the recording. Recording state: ', s.state) : m(); }, resumeRecording: function () { h ? 'paused' === s.state ? (u('recording'), h.resume(), t.disableLogs || console.log('Resumed recording.')) : t.disableLogs || console.warn('Unable to resume the recording. Recording state: ', s.state) : m(); }, initRecorder: n, setRecordingDuration: function (e, t) { if (void 0 === e) throw 'recordingDuration is required.'; if ('number' != typeof e) throw 'recordingDuration must be a number.'; return ( (s.recordingDuration = e), (s.onRecordingStopped = t || function () {}), { onRecordingStopped: function (e) { s.onRecordingStopped = e; }, } ); }, clearRecordedData: function () { h ? (h.clearRecordedData(), t.disableLogs || console.log('Cleared old recorded data.')) : m(); }, getBlob: function () { if (h) return h.blob; m(); }, getDataURL: d, toURL: function () { if (h) return l.createObjectURL(h.blob); m(); }, getInternalRecorder: function () { return h; }, save: function (e) { h ? y(h.blob, e) : m(); }, getFromDisk: function (e) { h ? i.getFromDisk(t.type, e) : m(); }, setAdvertisementArray: function (e) { t.advertisement = []; for (var i = e.length, o = 0; o < i; o++) t.advertisement.push({ duration: o, image: e[o] }); }, blob: null, bufferSize: 0, sampleRate: 0, buffer: null, reset: function () { 'recording' !== s.state || t.disableLogs || console.warn('Stop an active recorder.'), h && 'function' == typeof h.clearRecordedData && h.clearRecordedData(), (h = null), u('inactive'), (s.blob = null); }, onStateChanged: function (e) { t.disableLogs || console.log('Recorder state changed:', e); }, state: 'inactive', getState: function () { return s.state; }, destroy: function () { var e = t.disableLogs; (t = { disableLogs: !0 }), s.reset(), u('destroyed'), (g = s = null), E.AudioContextConstructor && (E.AudioContextConstructor.close(), (E.AudioContextConstructor = null)), (t.disableLogs = e), t.disableLogs || console.log('RecordRTC is destroyed.'); }, version: '5.6.2', }; if (!this) return (s = g), g; for (var f in g) this[f] = g[f]; return (s = this), g; } function o(e, t) { return ( t.recorderType || t.type || (t.audio && t.video ? (t.type = 'video') : t.audio && !t.video && (t.type = 'audio')), t.recorderType && !t.type && (t.recorderType === T || t.recorderType === k || t.recorderType === U ? (t.type = 'video') : t.recorderType === D ? (t.type = 'gif') : t.recorderType === R ? (t.type = 'audio') : t.recorderType === C && ((w(e, 'audio').length && w(e, 'video').length) || (!w(e, 'audio').length && w(e, 'video').length) ? (t.type = 'video') : w(e, 'audio').length && !w(e, 'video').length && (t.type = 'audio'))), 'undefined' != typeof MediaRecorder && 'requestData' in MediaRecorder.prototype && (t.mimeType || (t.mimeType = 'video/webm'), t.type || (t.type = t.mimeType.split('/')[0]), t.bitsPerSecond), t.type || (t.mimeType && (t.type = t.mimeType.split('/')[0]), t.type || (t.type = 'audio')), t ); } function r(e, t) { var i; return ( (m || u || h) && (i = R), 'undefined' != typeof MediaRecorder && 'requestData' in MediaRecorder.prototype && !m && (i = C), 'video' === t.type && (m || h) && ((i = T), 'undefined' != typeof ReadableStream && (i = U)), 'gif' === t.type && (i = D), 'canvas' === t.type && (i = k), B() && i !== k && i !== D && 'undefined' != typeof MediaRecorder && 'requestData' in MediaRecorder.prototype && (w(e, 'video').length || w(e, 'audio').length) && ('audio' === t.type ? 'function' == typeof MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported && MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('audio/webm') && (i = C) : 'function' == typeof MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported && MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('video/webm') && (i = C)), e instanceof Array && e.length && (i = L), t.recorderType && (i = t.recorderType), !t.disableLogs && i && i.name && console.log('Using recorderType:', i.name || i.constructor.name), !i && g && (i = C), i ); } function s(e) { (this.addStream = function (t) { t && (e = t); }), (this.mediaType = { audio: !0, video: !0 }), (this.startRecording = function () { var t, o = this.mediaType, r = this.mimeType || { audio: null, video: null, gif: null }; if ( ('function' != typeof o.audio && B() && !w(e, 'audio').length && (o.audio = !1), 'function' != typeof o.video && B() && !w(e, 'video').length && (o.video = !1), 'function' != typeof o.gif && B() && !w(e, 'video').length && (o.gif = !1), !o.audio && !o.video && !o.gif) ) throw 'MediaStream must have either audio or video tracks.'; if ( (o.audio && ((t = null), 'function' == typeof o.audio && (t = o.audio), (this.audioRecorder = new i(e, { type: 'audio', bufferSize: this.bufferSize, sampleRate: this.sampleRate, numberOfAudioChannels: this.numberOfAudioChannels || 2, disableLogs: this.disableLogs, recorderType: t, mimeType: r.audio, timeSlice: this.timeSlice, onTimeStamp: this.onTimeStamp, })), o.video || this.audioRecorder.startRecording()), o.video) ) { (t = null), 'function' == typeof o.video && (t = o.video); var s = e; if (B() && o.audio && 'function' == typeof o.audio) { var n = w(e, 'video')[0]; p ? ((s = new f()).addTrack(n), t && t === T && (t = C)) : (s = new f()).addTrack(n); } (this.videoRecorder = new i(s, { type: 'video', video: this.video, canvas: this.canvas, frameInterval: this.frameInterval || 10, disableLogs: this.disableLogs, recorderType: t, mimeType: r.video, timeSlice: this.timeSlice, onTimeStamp: this.onTimeStamp, workerPath: this.workerPath, webAssemblyPath: this.webAssemblyPath, frameRate: this.frameRate, bitrate: this.bitrate, })), o.audio || this.videoRecorder.startRecording(); } if (o.audio && o.video) { var A = this, a = !0 === B(); ((o.audio instanceof R && o.video) || (!0 !== o.audio && !0 !== o.video && o.audio !== o.video)) && (a = !1), !0 === a ? ((A.audioRecorder = null), A.videoRecorder.startRecording()) : A.videoRecorder.initRecorder(function () { A.audioRecorder.initRecorder(function () { A.videoRecorder.startRecording(), A.audioRecorder.startRecording(); }); }); } o.gif && ((t = null), 'function' == typeof o.gif && (t = o.gif), (this.gifRecorder = new i(e, { type: 'gif', frameRate: this.frameRate || 200, quality: this.quality || 10, disableLogs: this.disableLogs, recorderType: t, mimeType: r.gif, })), this.gifRecorder.startRecording()); }), (this.stopRecording = function (e) { (e = e || function () {}), this.audioRecorder && this.audioRecorder.stopRecording(function (t) { e(t, 'audio'); }), this.videoRecorder && this.videoRecorder.stopRecording(function (t) { e(t, 'video'); }), this.gifRecorder && this.gifRecorder.stopRecording(function (t) { e(t, 'gif'); }); }), (this.pauseRecording = function () { this.audioRecorder && this.audioRecorder.pauseRecording(), this.videoRecorder && this.videoRecorder.pauseRecording(), this.gifRecorder && this.gifRecorder.pauseRecording(); }), (this.resumeRecording = function () { this.audioRecorder && this.audioRecorder.resumeRecording(), this.videoRecorder && this.videoRecorder.resumeRecording(), this.gifRecorder && this.gifRecorder.resumeRecording(); }), (this.getBlob = function (e) { var t = {}; return ( this.audioRecorder && (t.audio = this.audioRecorder.getBlob()), this.videoRecorder && (t.video = this.videoRecorder.getBlob()), this.gifRecorder && (t.gif = this.gifRecorder.getBlob()), e && e(t), t ); }), (this.destroy = function () { this.audioRecorder && (this.audioRecorder.destroy(), (this.audioRecorder = null)), this.videoRecorder && (this.videoRecorder.destroy(), (this.videoRecorder = null)), this.gifRecorder && (this.gifRecorder.destroy(), (this.gifRecorder = null)); }), (this.getDataURL = function (e) { function t(e, t) { if ('undefined' != typeof Worker) { var i = (function (e) { var t, i = l.createObjectURL( new Blob( [ e.toString(), 'this.onmessage = function (eee) {' + e.name + '(eee.data);}', ], { type: 'application/javascript' }, ), ), o = new Worker(i); if (void 0 !== l) t = l; else { if ('undefined' == typeof webkitURL) throw 'Neither URL nor webkitURL detected.'; t = webkitURL; } return t.revokeObjectURL(i), o; })(function (e) { postMessage(new FileReaderSync().readAsDataURL(e)); }); (i.onmessage = function (e) { t(e.data); }), i.postMessage(e); } else { var o = new FileReader(); o.readAsDataURL(e), (o.onload = function (e) { t(e.target.result); }); } } this.getBlob(function (i) { i.audio && i.video ? t(i.audio, function (o) { t(i.video, function (t) { e({ audio: o, video: t }); }); }) : i.audio ? t(i.audio, function (t) { e({ audio: t }); }) : i.video && t(i.video, function (t) { e({ video: t }); }); }); }), (this.writeToDisk = function () { i.writeToDisk({ audio: this.audioRecorder, video: this.videoRecorder, gif: this.gifRecorder, }); }), (this.save = function (e) { (e = e || { audio: !0, video: !0, gif: !0 }).audio && this.audioRecorder && this.audioRecorder.save('string' == typeof e.audio ? e.audio : ''), e.video && this.videoRecorder && this.videoRecorder.save('string' == typeof e.video ? e.video : ''), e.gif && this.gifRecorder && this.gifRecorder.save('string' == typeof e.gif ? e.gif : ''); }); } (i.version = '5.6.2'), (t.exports = i), (i.getFromDisk = function (e, t) { if (!t) throw 'callback is mandatory.'; console.log('Getting recorded ' + ('all' === e ? 'blobs' : e + ' blob ') + ' from disk!'), x.Fetch(function (i, o) { 'all' !== e && o === e + 'Blob' && t && t(i), 'all' === e && t && t(i, o.replace('Blob', '')); }); }), (i.writeToDisk = function (e) { console.log('Writing recorded blob(s) to disk!'), (e = e || {}).audio && e.video && e.gif ? e.audio.getDataURL(function (t) { e.video.getDataURL(function (i) { e.gif.getDataURL(function (e) { x.Store({ audioBlob: t, videoBlob: i, gifBlob: e }); }); }); }) : e.audio && e.video ? e.audio.getDataURL(function (t) { e.video.getDataURL(function (e) { x.Store({ audioBlob: t, videoBlob: e }); }); }) : e.audio && e.gif ? e.audio.getDataURL(function (t) { e.gif.getDataURL(function (e) { x.Store({ audioBlob: t, gifBlob: e }); }); }) : e.video && e.gif ? e.video.getDataURL(function (t) { e.gif.getDataURL(function (e) { x.Store({ videoBlob: t, gifBlob: e }); }); }) : e.audio ? e.audio.getDataURL(function (e) { x.Store({ audioBlob: e }); }) : e.video ? e.video.getDataURL(function (e) { x.Store({ videoBlob: e }); }) : e.gif && e.gif.getDataURL(function (e) { x.Store({ gifBlob: e }); }); }), (s.getFromDisk = i.getFromDisk), (s.writeToDisk = i.writeToDisk), (i.MRecordRTC = s); var n; (n = void 0 !== e ? e : null) && 'undefined' == typeof window && void 0 !== e && ((e.navigator = { userAgent: 'Fake/5.0 (FakeOS) AppleWebKit/123 (KHTML, like Gecko) Fake/12.3.4567.89 Fake/123.45', getUserMedia: function () {}, }), e.console || (e.console = {}), (void 0 !== e.console.log && void 0 !== e.console.error) || (e.console.error = e.console.log = e.console.log || function () { console.log(arguments); }), 'undefined' == typeof document && ((n.document = { documentElement: { appendChild: function () { return ''; }, }, }), (document.createElement = document.captureStream = document.mozCaptureStream = function () { var e = { getContext: function () { return e; }, play: function () {}, pause: function () {}, drawImage: function () {}, toDataURL: function () { return ''; }, style: {}, }; return e; }), (n.HTMLVideoElement = function () {})), 'undefined' == typeof location && (n.location = { protocol: 'file:', href: '', hash: '' }), 'undefined' == typeof screen && (n.screen = { width: 0, height: 0 }), void 0 === l && (n.URL = { createObjectURL: function () { return ''; }, revokeObjectURL: function () { return ''; }, }), (n.window = e)); var A = window.requestAnimationFrame; if (void 0 === A) if ('undefined' != typeof webkitRequestAnimationFrame) A = webkitRequestAnimationFrame; else if ('undefined' != typeof mozRequestAnimationFrame) A = mozRequestAnimationFrame; else if ('undefined' != typeof msRequestAnimationFrame) A = msRequestAnimationFrame; else if (void 0 === A) { var a = 0; A = function (e, t) { var i = new Date().getTime(), o = Math.max(0, 16 - (i - a)), r = setTimeout(function () { e(i + o); }, o); return (a = i + o), r; }; } var d = window.cancelAnimationFrame; void 0 === d && ('undefined' != typeof webkitCancelAnimationFrame ? (d = webkitCancelAnimationFrame) : 'undefined' != typeof mozCancelAnimationFrame ? (d = mozCancelAnimationFrame) : 'undefined' != typeof msCancelAnimationFrame ? (d = msCancelAnimationFrame) : void 0 === d && (d = function (e) { clearTimeout(e); })); var c = window.AudioContext; void 0 === c && ('undefined' != typeof webkitAudioContext && (c = webkitAudioContext), 'undefined' != typeof mozAudioContext && (c = mozAudioContext)); var l = window.URL; void 0 === l && 'undefined' != typeof webkitURL && (l = webkitURL), 'undefined' != typeof navigator && void 0 === navigator.getUserMedia && (void 0 !== navigator.webkitGetUserMedia && (navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia), void 0 !== navigator.mozGetUserMedia && (navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia)); var u = !( -1 === navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') || (!navigator.msSaveBlob && !navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) ), h = !!window.opera || -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('OPR/'), p = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 && 'netscape' in window && / rv:/.test(navigator.userAgent), m = (!h && !u && !!navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) || v() || -1 !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome/'), g = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent); g && !m && -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('CriOS') && ((g = !1), (m = !0)); var f = window.MediaStream; function b(e) { if (0 === e) return '0 Bytes'; var t = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(e) / Math.log(1e3)), 10); return (e / Math.pow(1e3, t)).toPrecision(3) + ' ' + ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][t]; } function y(e, t) { if (!e) throw 'Blob object is required.'; if (!e.type) try { e.type = 'video/webm'; } catch (e) {} var i = (e.type || 'video/webm').split('/')[1]; if ((-1 !== i.indexOf(';') && (i = i.split(';')[0]), t && -1 !== t.indexOf('.'))) { var o = t.split('.'); (t = o[0]), (i = o[1]); } var r = (t || Math.round(9999999999 * Math.random()) + 888888888) + '.' + i; if (void 0 !== navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(e, r); if (void 0 !== navigator.msSaveBlob) return navigator.msSaveBlob(e, r); var s = document.createElement('a'); (s.href = l.createObjectURL(e)), (s.download = r), (s.style = 'display:none;opacity:0;color:transparent;'), (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(s), 'function' == typeof s.click ? s.click() : ((s.target = '_blank'), s.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent('click', { view: window, bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0 }), )), l.revokeObjectURL(s.href); } function v() { return ( ('undefined' != typeof window && 'object' == typeof window.process && 'renderer' === window.process.type) || !( 'undefined' == typeof process || 'object' != typeof process.versions || !process.versions.electron ) || ('object' == typeof navigator && 'string' == typeof navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Electron') >= 0) ); } function w(e, t) { return e && e.getTracks ? e.getTracks().filter(function (e) { return e.kind === (t || 'audio'); }) : []; } function S(e, t) { 'srcObject' in t ? (t.srcObject = e) : 'mozSrcObject' in t ? (t.mozSrcObject = e) : (t.srcObject = e); } void 0 === f && 'undefined' != typeof webkitMediaStream && (f = webkitMediaStream), void 0 !== f && void 0 === f.prototype.stop && (f.prototype.stop = function () { this.getTracks().forEach(function (e) { e.stop(); }); }), (i.invokeSaveAsDialog = y), (i.getTracks = w), (i.getSeekableBlob = function (e, t) { if ('undefined' == typeof EBML) throw new Error('Please link: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/EBML.js'); var i = new EBML.Reader(), o = new EBML.Decoder(), r = EBML.tools, s = new FileReader(); (s.onload = function (e) { o.decode(this.result).forEach(function (e) { i.read(e); }), i.stop(); var s = r.makeMetadataSeekable(i.metadatas, i.duration, i.cues), n = this.result.slice(i.metadataSize), A = new Blob([s, n], { type: 'video/webm' }); t(A); }), s.readAsArrayBuffer(e); }), (i.bytesToSize = b), (i.isElectron = v); var E = {}; function B() { if (p || g || u) return !0; var e, t, i = navigator.userAgent, o = '' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion), r = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10); return ( (m || h) && ((e = i.indexOf('Chrome')), (o = i.substring(e + 7))), -1 !== (t = o.indexOf(';')) && (o = o.substring(0, t)), -1 !== (t = o.indexOf(' ')) && (o = o.substring(0, t)), (r = parseInt('' + o, 10)), isNaN(r) && ((o = '' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)), (r = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10))), r >= 49 ); } function C(e, t) { var i = this; if (void 0 === e) throw 'First argument "MediaStream" is required.'; if ('undefined' == typeof MediaRecorder) throw 'Your browser does not support the Media Recorder API. Please try other modules e.g. WhammyRecorder or StereoAudioRecorder.'; if ('audio' === (t = t || { mimeType: 'video/webm' }).type) { var o; if (w(e, 'video').length && w(e, 'audio').length) navigator.mozGetUserMedia ? (o = new f()).addTrack(w(e, 'audio')[0]) : (o = new f(w(e, 'audio'))), (e = o); (t.mimeType && -1 !== t.mimeType.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('audio')) || (t.mimeType = m ? 'audio/webm' : 'audio/ogg'), t.mimeType && 'audio/ogg' !== t.mimeType.toString().toLowerCase() && navigator.mozGetUserMedia && (t.mimeType = 'audio/ogg'); } var r, s = []; function n() { i.timestamps.push(new Date().getTime()), 'function' == typeof t.onTimeStamp && t.onTimeStamp(i.timestamps[i.timestamps.length - 1], i.timestamps); } function A(e) { return r && r.mimeType ? r.mimeType : e.mimeType || 'video/webm'; } function a() { (s = []), (r = null), (i.timestamps = []); } (this.getArrayOfBlobs = function () { return s; }), (this.record = function () { (i.blob = null), i.clearRecordedData(), (i.timestamps = []), (d = []), (s = []); var o = t; t.disableLogs || console.log('Passing following config over MediaRecorder API.', o), r && (r = null), m && !B() && (o = 'video/vp8'), 'function' == typeof MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported && o.mimeType && (MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported(o.mimeType) || (t.disableLogs || console.warn('MediaRecorder API seems unable to record mimeType:', o.mimeType), (o.mimeType = 'audio' === t.type ? 'audio/webm' : 'video/webm'))); try { (r = new MediaRecorder(e, o)), (t.mimeType = o.mimeType); } catch (t) { r = new MediaRecorder(e); } o.mimeType && !MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported && 'canRecordMimeType' in r && !1 === r.canRecordMimeType(o.mimeType) && (t.disableLogs || console.warn('MediaRecorder API seems unable to record mimeType:', o.mimeType)), (r.ondataavailable = function (e) { if ( (e.data && d.push('ondataavailable: ' + b(e.data.size)), 'number' != typeof t.timeSlice) ) !e.data || !e.data.size || e.data.size < 100 || i.blob ? i.recordingCallback && (i.recordingCallback(new Blob([], { type: A(o) })), (i.recordingCallback = null)) : ((i.blob = t.getNativeBlob ? e.data : new Blob([e.data], { type: A(o) })), i.recordingCallback && (i.recordingCallback(i.blob), (i.recordingCallback = null))); else if ( e.data && e.data.size && (s.push(e.data), n(), 'function' == typeof t.ondataavailable) ) { var r = t.getNativeBlob ? e.data : new Blob([e.data], { type: A(o) }); t.ondataavailable(r); } }), (r.onstart = function () { d.push('started'); }), (r.onpause = function () { d.push('paused'); }), (r.onresume = function () { d.push('resumed'); }), (r.onstop = function () { d.push('stopped'); }), (r.onerror = function (e) { e && (e.name || (e.name = 'UnknownError'), d.push('error: ' + e), t.disableLogs || (-1 !== e.name.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('invalidstate') ? console.error( 'The MediaRecorder is not in a state in which the proposed operation is allowed to be executed.', e, ) : -1 !== e.name.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('notsupported') ? console.error('MIME type (', o.mimeType, ') is not supported.', e) : -1 !== e.name.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('security') ? console.error('MediaRecorder security error', e) : 'OutOfMemory' === e.name ? console.error( 'The UA has exhaused the available memory. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute.', e, ) : 'IllegalStreamModification' === e.name ? console.error( 'A modification to the stream has occurred that makes it impossible to continue recording. An example would be the addition of a Track while recording is occurring. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute.', e, ) : 'OtherRecordingError' === e.name ? console.error( 'Used for an fatal error other than those listed above. User agents SHOULD provide as much additional information as possible in the message attribute.', e, ) : 'GenericError' === e.name ? console.error( 'The UA cannot provide the codec or recording option that has been requested.', e, ) : console.error('MediaRecorder Error', e)), (function (e) { if (!i.manuallyStopped && r && 'inactive' === r.state) return delete t.timeslice, void r.start(6e5); setTimeout(void 0, 1e3); })(), 'inactive' !== r.state && 'stopped' !== r.state && r.stop()); }), 'number' == typeof t.timeSlice ? (n(), r.start(t.timeSlice)) : r.start(36e5), t.initCallback && t.initCallback(); }), (this.timestamps = []), (this.stop = function (e) { (e = e || function () {}), (i.manuallyStopped = !0), r && ((this.recordingCallback = e), 'recording' === r.state && r.stop(), 'number' == typeof t.timeSlice && setTimeout(function () { (i.blob = new Blob(s, { type: A(t) })), i.recordingCallback(i.blob); }, 100)); }), (this.pause = function () { r && 'recording' === r.state && r.pause(); }), (this.resume = function () { r && 'paused' === r.state && r.resume(); }), (this.clearRecordedData = function () { r && 'recording' === r.state && i.stop(a), a(); }), (this.getInternalRecorder = function () { return r; }), (this.blob = null), (this.getState = function () { return (r && r.state) || 'inactive'; }); var d = []; (this.getAllStates = function () { return d; }), void 0 === t.checkForInactiveTracks && (t.checkForInactiveTracks = !1); i = this; !(function o() { if (r && !1 !== t.checkForInactiveTracks) return !1 === (function () { if ('active' in e) { if (!e.active) return !1; } else if ('ended' in e && e.ended) return !1; return !0; })() ? (t.disableLogs || console.log('MediaStream seems stopped.'), void i.stop()) : void setTimeout(o, 1e3); })(), (this.name = 'MediaStreamRecorder'), (this.toString = function () { return this.name; }); } function R(e, t) { if (!w(e, 'audio').length) throw 'Your stream has no audio tracks.'; var o, r = this, s = [], n = [], A = !1, a = 0, d = 2, c = (t = t || {}).desiredSampRate; function u() { if (!1 === t.checkForInactiveTracks) return !0; if ('active' in e) { if (!e.active) return !1; } else if ('ended' in e && e.ended) return !1; return !0; } function h(e, t) { function i(e, t) { var i, o = e.numberOfAudioChannels, r = e.leftBuffers.slice(0), s = e.rightBuffers.slice(0), n = e.sampleRate, A = e.internalInterleavedLength, a = e.desiredSampRate; function d(e, t, i) { var o = Math.round(e.length * (t / i)), r = [], s = Number((e.length - 1) / (o - 1)); r[0] = e[0]; for (var n = 1; n < o - 1; n++) { var A = n * s, a = Number(Math.floor(A)).toFixed(), d = Number(Math.ceil(A)).toFixed(), l = A - a; r[n] = c(e[a], e[d], l); } return (r[o - 1] = e[e.length - 1]), r; } function c(e, t, i) { return e + (t - e) * i; } function l(e, t) { for (var i = new Float64Array(t), o = 0, r = e.length, s = 0; s < r; s++) { var n = e[s]; i.set(n, o), (o += n.length); } return i; } function u(e, t, i) { for (var o = i.length, r = 0; r < o; r++) e.setUint8(t + r, i.charCodeAt(r)); } 2 === o && ((r = l(r, A)), (s = l(s, A)), a && ((r = d(r, a, n)), (s = d(s, a, n)))), 1 === o && ((r = l(r, A)), a && (r = d(r, a, n))), a && (n = a), 2 === o && (i = (function (e, t) { for (var i = e.length + t.length, o = new Float64Array(i), r = 0, s = 0; s < i; ) (o[s++] = e[r]), (o[s++] = t[r]), r++; return o; })(r, s)), 1 === o && (i = r); var h = i.length, p = new ArrayBuffer(44 + 2 * h), m = new DataView(p); u(m, 0, 'RIFF'), m.setUint32(4, 36 + 2 * h, !0), u(m, 8, 'WAVE'), u(m, 12, 'fmt '), m.setUint32(16, 16, !0), m.setUint16(20, 1, !0), m.setUint16(22, o, !0), m.setUint32(24, n, !0), m.setUint32(28, n * o * 2, !0), m.setUint16(32, 2 * o, !0), m.setUint16(34, 16, !0), u(m, 36, 'data'), m.setUint32(40, 2 * h, !0); for (var g = h, f = 44, b = 0; b < g; b++) m.setInt16(f, 32767 * i[b], !0), (f += 2); if (t) return t({ buffer: p, view: m }); postMessage({ buffer: p, view: m }); } if (e.noWorker) i(e, function (e) { t(e.buffer, e.view); }); else { var o, r, s, n = ((o = i), (r = l.createObjectURL( new Blob( [o.toString(), ';this.onmessage = function (eee) {' + o.name + '(eee.data);}'], { type: 'application/javascript' }, ), )), ((s = new Worker(r)).workerURL = r), s); (n.onmessage = function (e) { t(e.data.buffer, e.data.view), l.revokeObjectURL(n.workerURL), n.terminate(); }), n.postMessage(e); } } !0 === t.leftChannel && (d = 1), 1 === t.numberOfAudioChannels && (d = 1), (!d || d < 1) && (d = 2), t.disableLogs || console.log('StereoAudioRecorder is set to record number of channels: ' + d), void 0 === t.checkForInactiveTracks && (t.checkForInactiveTracks = !0), (this.record = function () { if (!1 === u()) throw 'Please make sure MediaStream is active.'; v(), (E = y = !1), (A = !0), void 0 !== t.timeSlice && C(); }), (this.stop = function (e) { (e = e || function () {}), (A = !1), h( { desiredSampRate: c, sampleRate: b, numberOfAudioChannels: d, internalInterleavedLength: a, leftBuffers: s, rightBuffers: 1 === d ? [] : n, noWorker: t.noWorker, }, function (t, i) { (r.blob = new Blob([i], { type: 'audio/wav' })), (r.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(i.buffer.byteLength)), (r.view = i), (r.sampleRate = c || b), (r.bufferSize = f), (r.length = a), (E = !1), e && e(r.blob); }, ); }), void 0 === i.Storage && (i.Storage = { AudioContextConstructor: null, AudioContext: window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext, }), (i.Storage.AudioContextConstructor && 'closed' !== i.Storage.AudioContextConstructor.state) || (i.Storage.AudioContextConstructor = new i.Storage.AudioContext()); var p = i.Storage.AudioContextConstructor, m = p.createMediaStreamSource(e), g = [0, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384], f = void 0 === t.bufferSize ? 4096 : t.bufferSize; if ( (-1 === g.indexOf(f) && (t.disableLogs || console.log('Legal values for buffer-size are ' + JSON.stringify(g, null, '\t'))), p.createJavaScriptNode) ) o = p.createJavaScriptNode(f, d, d); else { if (!p.createScriptProcessor) throw 'WebAudio API has no support on this browser.'; o = p.createScriptProcessor(f, d, d); } m.connect(o), t.bufferSize || (f = o.bufferSize); var b = void 0 !== t.sampleRate ? t.sampleRate : p.sampleRate || 44100; (b < 22050 || b > 96e3) && (t.disableLogs || console.log('sample-rate must be under range 22050 and 96000.')), t.disableLogs || (t.desiredSampRate && console.log('Desired sample-rate: ' + t.desiredSampRate)); var y = !1; function v() { (s = []), (n = []), (a = 0), (E = !1), (A = !1), (y = !1), (p = null), (r.leftchannel = s), (r.rightchannel = n), (r.numberOfAudioChannels = d), (r.desiredSampRate = c), (r.sampleRate = b), (r.recordingLength = a), (B = { left: [], right: [], recordingLength: 0 }); } function S() { o && ((o.onaudioprocess = null), o.disconnect(), (o = null)), m && (m.disconnect(), (m = null)), v(); } (this.pause = function () { y = !0; }), (this.resume = function () { if (!1 === u()) throw 'Please make sure MediaStream is active.'; if (!A) return ( t.disableLogs || console.log('Seems recording has been restarted.'), void this.record() ); y = !1; }), (this.clearRecordedData = function () { (t.checkForInactiveTracks = !1), A && this.stop(S), S(); }), (this.name = 'StereoAudioRecorder'), (this.toString = function () { return this.name; }); var E = !1; (o.onaudioprocess = function (e) { if (!y) if ( (!1 === u() && (t.disableLogs || console.log('MediaStream seems stopped.'), o.disconnect(), (A = !1)), A) ) { E || ((E = !0), t.onAudioProcessStarted && t.onAudioProcessStarted(), t.initCallback && t.initCallback()); var i = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0), c = new Float32Array(i); if ((s.push(c), 2 === d)) { var l = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(1), h = new Float32Array(l); n.push(h); } (a += f), (r.recordingLength = a), void 0 !== t.timeSlice && ((B.recordingLength += f), B.left.push(c), 2 === d && B.right.push(h)); } else m && (m.disconnect(), (m = null)); }), p.createMediaStreamDestination ? o.connect(p.createMediaStreamDestination()) : o.connect(p.destination), (this.leftchannel = s), (this.rightchannel = n), (this.numberOfAudioChannels = d), (this.desiredSampRate = c), (this.sampleRate = b), (r.recordingLength = a); var B = { left: [], right: [], recordingLength: 0 }; function C() { A && 'function' == typeof t.ondataavailable && void 0 !== t.timeSlice && (B.left.length ? (h( { desiredSampRate: c, sampleRate: b, numberOfAudioChannels: d, internalInterleavedLength: B.recordingLength, leftBuffers: B.left, rightBuffers: 1 === d ? [] : B.right, }, function (e, i) { var o = new Blob([i], { type: 'audio/wav' }); t.ondataavailable(o), setTimeout(C, t.timeSlice); }, ), (B = { left: [], right: [], recordingLength: 0 })) : setTimeout(C, t.timeSlice)); } } function k(e, t) { if ('undefined' == typeof html2canvas) throw 'Please link: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/screenshot.js'; (t = t || {}).frameInterval || (t.frameInterval = 10); var i = !1; ['captureStream', 'mozCaptureStream', 'webkitCaptureStream'].forEach(function (e) { e in document.createElement('canvas') && (i = !0); }); var o, r, s, n = !((!window.webkitRTCPeerConnection && !window.webkitGetUserMedia) || !window.chrome), A = 50, a = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./); if ( (n && a && a[2] && (A = parseInt(a[2], 10)), n && A < 52 && (i = !1), t.useWhammyRecorder && (i = !1), i) ) if ( (t.disableLogs || console.log('Your browser supports both MediRecorder API and canvas.captureStream!'), e instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) ) o = e; else { if (!(e instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D)) throw 'Please pass either HTMLCanvasElement or CanvasRenderingContext2D.'; o = e.canvas; } else navigator.mozGetUserMedia && (t.disableLogs || console.error('Canvas recording is NOT supported in Firefox.')); (this.record = function () { if (((s = !0), i && !t.useWhammyRecorder)) { var e; 'captureStream' in o ? (e = o.captureStream(25)) : 'mozCaptureStream' in o ? (e = o.mozCaptureStream(25)) : 'webkitCaptureStream' in o && (e = o.webkitCaptureStream(25)); try { var n = new f(); n.addTrack(w(e, 'video')[0]), (e = n); } catch (e) {} if (!e) throw 'captureStream API are NOT available.'; (r = new C(e, { mimeType: t.mimeType || 'video/webm' })).record(); } else (h.frames = []), (u = new Date().getTime()), l(); t.initCallback && t.initCallback(); }), (this.getWebPImages = function (i) { if ('canvas' === e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { var o = h.frames.length; h.frames.forEach(function (e, i) { var r = o - i; t.disableLogs || console.log(r + '/' + o + ' frames remaining'), t.onEncodingCallback && t.onEncodingCallback(r, o); var s = e.image.toDataURL('image/webp', 1); h.frames[i].image = s; }), t.disableLogs || console.log('Generating WebM'), i(); } else i(); }), (this.stop = function (e) { s = !1; var o = this; i && r ? r.stop(e) : this.getWebPImages(function () { h.compile(function (i) { t.disableLogs || console.log('Recording finished!'), (o.blob = i), o.blob.forEach && (o.blob = new Blob([], { type: 'video/webm' })), e && e(o.blob), (h.frames = []); }); }); }); var d = !1; function c() { (h.frames = []), (s = !1), (d = !1); } function l() { if (d) return (u = new Date().getTime()), setTimeout(l, 500); if ('canvas' === e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { var i = new Date().getTime() - u; return ( (u = new Date().getTime()), h.frames.push({ image: ((o = document.createElement('canvas')), (r = o.getContext('2d')), (o.width = e.width), (o.height = e.height), r.drawImage(e, 0, 0), o), duration: i, }), void (s && setTimeout(l, t.frameInterval)) ); } var o, r; html2canvas(e, { grabMouse: void 0 === t.showMousePointer || t.showMousePointer, onrendered: function (e) { var i = new Date().getTime() - u; if (!i) return setTimeout(l, t.frameInterval); (u = new Date().getTime()), h.frames.push({ image: e.toDataURL('image/webp', 1), duration: i }), s && setTimeout(l, t.frameInterval); }, }); } (this.pause = function () { (d = !0), r instanceof C && r.pause(); }), (this.resume = function () { (d = !1), r instanceof C ? r.resume() : s || this.record(); }), (this.clearRecordedData = function () { s && this.stop(c), c(); }), (this.name = 'CanvasRecorder'), (this.toString = function () { return this.name; }); var u = new Date().getTime(), h = new I.Video(100); } function T(e, t) { function i(e) { e = void 0 !== e ? e : 10; var t = new Date().getTime() - a; return t ? s ? ((a = new Date().getTime()), setTimeout(i, 100)) : ((a = new Date().getTime()), A.paused && A.play(), l.drawImage(A, 0, 0, c.width, c.height), d.frames.push({ duration: t, image: c.toDataURL('image/webp') }), void (r || setTimeout(i, e, e))) : setTimeout(i, e, e); } function o(e, t, i, o, r) { var s = document.createElement('canvas'); (s.width = c.width), (s.height = c.height); var n, A, a, d = s.getContext('2d'), l = [], u = -1 === t, h = t && t > 0 && t <= e.length ? t : e.length, p = 0, m = 0, g = 0, f = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(255, 2) + Math.pow(255, 2) + Math.pow(255, 2)), b = i && i >= 0 && i <= 1 ? i : 0, y = o && o >= 0 && o <= 1 ? o : 0, v = !1; (A = -1), (a = (n = { length: h, functionToLoop: function (t, i) { var o, r, s, n = function () { (!v && s - o <= s * y) || (u && (v = !0), l.push(e[i])), t(); }; if (v) n(); else { var A = new Image(); (A.onload = function () { d.drawImage(A, 0, 0, c.width, c.height); var e = d.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height); (o = 0), (r = e.data.length), (s = e.data.length / 4); for (var t = 0; t < r; t += 4) { var i = { r: e.data[t], g: e.data[t + 1], b: e.data[t + 2] }; Math.sqrt(Math.pow(i.r - p, 2) + Math.pow(i.g - m, 2) + Math.pow(i.b - g, 2)) <= f * b && o++; } n(); }), (A.src = e[i].image); } }, callback: function () { (l = l.concat(e.slice(h))).length <= 0 && l.push(e[e.length - 1]), r(l); }, }).length), (function e() { ++A !== a ? setTimeout(function () { n.functionToLoop(e, A); }, 1) : n.callback(); })(); } (t = t || {}).frameInterval || (t.frameInterval = 10), t.disableLogs || console.log('Using frames-interval:', t.frameInterval), (this.record = function () { t.width || (t.width = 320), t.height || (t.height = 240), t.video || (t.video = { width: t.width, height: t.height }), t.canvas || (t.canvas = { width: t.width, height: t.height }), (c.width = t.canvas.width || 320), (c.height = t.canvas.height || 240), (l = c.getContext('2d')), t.video && t.video instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? ((A = t.video.cloneNode()), t.initCallback && t.initCallback()) : ((A = document.createElement('video')), S(e, A), (A.onloadedmetadata = function () { t.initCallback && t.initCallback(); }), (A.width = t.video.width), (A.height = t.video.height)), (A.muted = !0), A.play(), (a = new Date().getTime()), (d = new I.Video()), t.disableLogs || (console.log('canvas resolutions', c.width, '*', c.height), console.log('video width/height', A.width || c.width, '*', A.height || c.height)), i(t.frameInterval); }); var r = !1; this.stop = function (e) { (e = e || function () {}), (r = !0); var i = this; setTimeout(function () { o(d.frames, -1, null, null, function (o) { (d.frames = o), t.advertisement && t.advertisement.length && (d.frames = t.advertisement.concat(d.frames)), d.compile(function (t) { (i.blob = t), i.blob.forEach && (i.blob = new Blob([], { type: 'video/webm' })), e && e(i.blob); }); }); }, 10); }; var s = !1; function n() { (d.frames = []), (r = !0), (s = !1); } (this.pause = function () { s = !0; }), (this.resume = function () { (s = !1), r && this.record(); }), (this.clearRecordedData = function () { r || this.stop(n), n(); }), (this.name = 'WhammyRecorder'), (this.toString = function () { return this.name; }); var A, a, d, c = document.createElement('canvas'), l = c.getContext('2d'); } void 0 !== c ? (E.AudioContext = c) : 'undefined' != typeof webkitAudioContext && (E.AudioContext = webkitAudioContext), (i.Storage = E), (i.MediaStreamRecorder = C), (i.StereoAudioRecorder = R), (i.CanvasRecorder = k), (i.WhammyRecorder = T); var I = (function () { function e(e) { (this.frames = []), (this.duration = e || 1), (this.quality = 0.8); } function t(e) { function t(e, t, i) { return [{ data: e, id: 231 }].concat( i.map(function (e) { var i = (function (e) { var t = 0; e.keyframe && (t |= 128); e.invisible && (t |= 8); e.lacing && (t |= e.lacing << 1); e.discardable && (t |= 1); if (e.trackNum > 127) throw 'TrackNumber > 127 not supported'; return ( [128 | e.trackNum, e.timecode >> 8, 255 & e.timecode, t] .map(function (e) { return String.fromCharCode(e); }) .join('') + e.frame ); })({ discardable: 0, frame: e.data.slice(4), invisible: 0, keyframe: 1, lacing: 0, trackNum: 1, timecode: Math.round(t), }); return (t += e.duration), { data: i, id: 163 }; }), ); } function i(e) { for (var t = []; e > 0; ) t.push(255 & e), (e >>= 8); return new Uint8Array(t.reverse()); } function o(e) { var t = []; e = (e.length % 8 ? new Array(9 - (e.length % 8)).join('0') : '') + e; for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i += 8) t.push(parseInt(e.substr(i, 8), 2)); return new Uint8Array(t); } function r(e) { for (var t = [], s = 0; s < e.length; s++) { var n = e[s].data; 'object' == typeof n && (n = r(n)), 'number' == typeof n && (n = o(n.toString(2))), 'string' == typeof n && (n = new Uint8Array( n.split('').map(function (e) { return e.charCodeAt(0); }), )); var A = n.size || n.byteLength || n.length, a = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.log(A) / Math.log(2)) / 8), d = A.toString(2), c = new Array(7 * a + 7 + 1 - d.length).join('0') + d, l = new Array(a).join('0') + '1' + c; t.push(i(e[s].id)), t.push(o(l)), t.push(n); } return new Blob(t, { type: 'video/webm' }); } function s(e, t) { return parseInt( e .substr(t + 4, 4) .split('') .map(function (e) { var t = e.charCodeAt(0).toString(2); return new Array(8 - t.length + 1).join('0') + t; }) .join(''), 2, ); } function n(e) { for (var t = 0, i = {}; t < e.length; ) { var o = e.substr(t, 4), r = s(e, t), A = e.substr(t + 4 + 4, r); (t += 8 + r), (i[o] = i[o] || []), 'RIFF' === o || 'LIST' === o ? i[o].push(n(A)) : i[o].push(A); } return i; } var A = new (function (e) { var i = (function (e) { if (!e[0]) return void postMessage({ error: 'Something went wrong. Maybe WebP format is not supported in the current browser.', }); for (var t = e[0].width, i = e[0].height, o = e[0].duration, r = 1; r < e.length; r++) o += e[r].duration; return { duration: o, width: t, height: i }; })(e); if (!i) return []; for ( var o, s = [ { id: 440786851, data: [ { data: 1, id: 17030 }, { data: 1, id: 17143 }, { data: 4, id: 17138 }, { data: 8, id: 17139 }, { data: 'webm', id: 17026 }, { data: 2, id: 17031 }, { data: 2, id: 17029 }, ], }, { id: 408125543, data: [ { id: 357149030, data: [ { data: 1e6, id: 2807729 }, { data: 'whammy', id: 19840 }, { data: 'whammy', id: 22337 }, { data: ((o = i.duration), [].slice .call(new Uint8Array(new Float64Array([o]).buffer), 0) .map(function (e) { return String.fromCharCode(e); }) .reverse() .join('')), id: 17545, }, ], }, { id: 374648427, data: [ { id: 174, data: [ { data: 1, id: 215 }, { data: 1, id: 29637 }, { data: 0, id: 156 }, { data: 'und', id: 2274716 }, { data: 'V_VP8', id: 134 }, { data: 'VP8', id: 2459272 }, { data: 1, id: 131 }, { id: 224, data: [ { data: i.width, id: 176 }, { data: i.height, id: 186 }, ], }, ], }, ], }, ], }, ], n = 0, A = 0; n < e.length; ) { var a = [], d = 0; do { a.push(e[n]), (d += e[n].duration), n++; } while (n < e.length && d < 3e4); var c = { id: 524531317, data: t(A, 0, a) }; s[1].data.push(c), (A += d); } return r(s); })( e.map(function (e) { var t = (function (e) { for (var t = e.RIFF[0].WEBP[0], i = t.indexOf('*'), o = 0, r = []; o < 4; o++) r[o] = t.charCodeAt(i + 3 + o); return { width: 16383 & ((r[1] << 8) | r[0]), height: 16383 & ((r[3] << 8) | r[2]), data: t, riff: e, }; })(n(atob(e.image.slice(23)))); return (t.duration = e.duration), t; }), ); postMessage(A); } return ( (e.prototype.add = function (e, t) { if ( ('canvas' in e && (e = e.canvas), 'toDataURL' in e && (e = e.toDataURL('image/webp', this.quality)), !/^data:image\/webp;base64,/gi.test(e)) ) throw 'Input must be formatted properly as a base64 encoded DataURI of type image/webp'; this.frames.push({ image: e, duration: t || this.duration }); }), (e.prototype.compile = function (e) { var i, o, r, s = ((i = t), (o = l.createObjectURL( new Blob( [i.toString(), 'this.onmessage = function (eee) {' + i.name + '(eee.data);}'], { type: 'application/javascript' }, ), )), (r = new Worker(o)), l.revokeObjectURL(o), r); (s.onmessage = function (t) { t.data.error ? console.error(t.data.error) : e(t.data); }), s.postMessage(this.frames); }), { Video: e } ); })(); i.Whammy = I; var x = { init: function () { var e = this; if ('undefined' != typeof indexedDB && void 0 !== indexedDB.open) { var t, i = this.dbName || location.href.replace(/\/|:|#|%|\.|\[|\]/g, ''), o = indexedDB.open(i, 1); (o.onerror = e.onError), (o.onsuccess = function () { (((t = o.result).onerror = e.onError), t.setVersion) ? 1 !== t.version ? (t.setVersion(1).onsuccess = function () { r(t), s(); }) : s() : s(); }), (o.onupgradeneeded = function (e) { r(e.target.result); }); } else console.error('IndexedDB API are not available in this browser.'); function r(t) { t.createObjectStore(e.dataStoreName); } function s() { var i = t.transaction([e.dataStoreName], 'readwrite'); function o(t) { i.objectStore(e.dataStoreName).get(t).onsuccess = function (i) { e.callback && e.callback(i.target.result, t); }; } e.videoBlob && i.objectStore(e.dataStoreName).put(e.videoBlob, 'videoBlob'), e.gifBlob && i.objectStore(e.dataStoreName).put(e.gifBlob, 'gifBlob'), e.audioBlob && i.objectStore(e.dataStoreName).put(e.audioBlob, 'audioBlob'), o('audioBlob'), o('videoBlob'), o('gifBlob'); } }, Fetch: function (e) { return (this.callback = e), this.init(), this; }, Store: function (e) { return ( (this.audioBlob = e.audioBlob), (this.videoBlob = e.videoBlob), (this.gifBlob = e.gifBlob), this.init(), this ); }, onError: function (e) { console.error(JSON.stringify(e, null, '\t')); }, dataStoreName: 'recordRTC', dbName: null, }; function D(e, t) { if ('undefined' == typeof GIFEncoder) { var i = document.createElement('script'); (i.src = 'https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/gif-recorder.js'), (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(i); } t = t || {}; var o = e instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D || e instanceof HTMLCanvasElement; (this.record = function () { 'undefined' != typeof GIFEncoder && a ? (o || (t.width || (t.width = c.offsetWidth || 320), t.height || (t.height = c.offsetHeight || 240), t.video || (t.video = { width: t.width, height: t.height }), t.canvas || (t.canvas = { width: t.width, height: t.height }), (s.width = t.canvas.width || 320), (s.height = t.canvas.height || 240), (c.width = t.video.width || 320), (c.height = t.video.height || 240)), (u = new GIFEncoder()).setRepeat(0), u.setDelay(t.frameRate || 200), u.setQuality(t.quality || 10), u.start(), 'function' == typeof t.onGifRecordingStarted && t.onGifRecordingStarted(), (h = A(function e(i) { if (!0 !== p.clearedRecordedData) { if (r) return setTimeout(function () { e(i); }, 100); (h = A(e)), void 0 === typeof l && (l = i), i - l < 90 || (!o && c.paused && c.play(), o || n.drawImage(c, 0, 0, s.width, s.height), t.onGifPreview && t.onGifPreview(s.toDataURL('image/png')), u.addFrame(n), (l = i)); } })), t.initCallback && t.initCallback()) : setTimeout(p.record, 1e3); }), (this.stop = function (e) { (e = e || function () {}), h && d(h), (this.blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(u.stream().bin)], { type: 'image/gif' })), e(this.blob), (u.stream().bin = []); }); var r = !1; (this.pause = function () { r = !0; }), (this.resume = function () { r = !1; }), (this.clearRecordedData = function () { (p.clearedRecordedData = !0), u && (u.stream().bin = []); }), (this.name = 'GifRecorder'), (this.toString = function () { return this.name; }); var s = document.createElement('canvas'), n = s.getContext('2d'); o && (e instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D ? (s = (n = e).canvas) : e instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && ((n = e.getContext('2d')), (s = e))); var a = !0; if (!o) { var c = document.createElement('video'); (c.muted = !0), (c.autoplay = !0), (c.playsInline = !0), (a = !1), (c.onloadedmetadata = function () { a = !0; }), S(e, c), c.play(); } var l, u, h = null, p = this; } function j(e, t) { t = t || 'multi-streams-mixer'; var i = [], o = !1, r = document.createElement('canvas'), s = r.getContext('2d'); (r.style.opacity = 0), (r.style.position = 'absolute'), (r.style.zIndex = -1), (r.style.top = '-1000em'), (r.style.left = '-1000em'), (r.className = t), (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(r), (this.disableLogs = !1), (this.frameInterval = 10), (this.width = 360), (this.height = 240), (this.useGainNode = !0); var n = this, A = window.AudioContext; void 0 === A && ('undefined' != typeof webkitAudioContext && (A = webkitAudioContext), 'undefined' != typeof mozAudioContext && (A = mozAudioContext)); var a = window.URL; void 0 === a && 'undefined' != typeof webkitURL && (a = webkitURL), 'undefined' != typeof navigator && void 0 === navigator.getUserMedia && (void 0 !== navigator.webkitGetUserMedia && (navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia), void 0 !== navigator.mozGetUserMedia && (navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia)); var d = window.MediaStream; void 0 === d && 'undefined' != typeof webkitMediaStream && (d = webkitMediaStream), void 0 !== d && void 0 === d.prototype.stop && (d.prototype.stop = function () { this.getTracks().forEach(function (e) { e.stop(); }); }); var c = {}; function l() { if (!o) { var e = i.length, t = !1, s = []; if ( (i.forEach(function (e) { e.stream || (e.stream = {}), e.stream.fullcanvas ? (t = e) : s.push(e); }), t) ) (r.width = t.stream.width), (r.height = t.stream.height); else if (s.length) { r.width = e > 1 ? 2 * s[0].width : s[0].width; var A = 1; (3 !== e && 4 !== e) || (A = 2), (5 !== e && 6 !== e) || (A = 3), (7 !== e && 8 !== e) || (A = 4), (9 !== e && 10 !== e) || (A = 5), (r.height = s[0].height * A); } else (r.width = n.width || 360), (r.height = n.height || 240); t && t instanceof HTMLVideoElement && u(t), s.forEach(function (e, t) { u(e, t); }), setTimeout(l, n.frameInterval); } } function u(e, t) { if (!o) { var i = 0, r = 0, n = e.width, A = e.height; 1 === t && (i = e.width), 2 === t && (r = e.height), 3 === t && ((i = e.width), (r = e.height)), 4 === t && (r = 2 * e.height), 5 === t && ((i = e.width), (r = 2 * e.height)), 6 === t && (r = 3 * e.height), 7 === t && ((i = e.width), (r = 3 * e.height)), void 0 !== e.stream.left && (i = e.stream.left), void 0 !== e.stream.top && (r = e.stream.top), void 0 !== e.stream.width && (n = e.stream.width), void 0 !== e.stream.height && (A = e.stream.height), s.drawImage(e, i, r, n, A), 'function' == typeof e.stream.onRender && e.stream.onRender(s, i, r, n, A, t); } } function h(e) { var i = document.createElement('video'); return ( (function (e, t) { 'srcObject' in t ? (t.srcObject = e) : 'mozSrcObject' in t ? (t.mozSrcObject = e) : (t.srcObject = e); })(e, i), (i.className = t), (i.muted = !0), (i.volume = 0), (i.width = e.width || n.width || 360), (i.height = e.height || n.height || 240), i.play(), i ); } function p(t) { (i = []), (t = t || e).forEach(function (e) { if ( e.getTracks().filter(function (e) { return 'video' === e.kind; }).length ) { var t = h(e); (t.stream = e), i.push(t); } }); } void 0 !== A ? (c.AudioContext = A) : 'undefined' != typeof webkitAudioContext && (c.AudioContext = webkitAudioContext), (this.startDrawingFrames = function () { l(); }), (this.appendStreams = function (t) { if (!t) throw 'First parameter is required.'; t instanceof Array || (t = [t]), t.forEach(function (t) { var o = new d(); if ( t.getTracks().filter(function (e) { return 'video' === e.kind; }).length ) { var r = h(t); (r.stream = t), i.push(r), o.addTrack( t.getTracks().filter(function (e) { return 'video' === e.kind; })[0], ); } if ( t.getTracks().filter(function (e) { return 'audio' === e.kind; }).length ) { var s = n.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(t); (n.audioDestination = n.audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination()), s.connect(n.audioDestination), o.addTrack( n.audioDestination.stream.getTracks().filter(function (e) { return 'audio' === e.kind; })[0], ); } e.push(o); }); }), (this.releaseStreams = function () { (i = []), (o = !0), n.gainNode && (n.gainNode.disconnect(), (n.gainNode = null)), n.audioSources.length && (n.audioSources.forEach(function (e) { e.disconnect(); }), (n.audioSources = [])), n.audioDestination && (n.audioDestination.disconnect(), (n.audioDestination = null)), n.audioContext && n.audioContext.close(), (n.audioContext = null), s.clearRect(0, 0, r.width, r.height), r.stream && (r.stream.stop(), (r.stream = null)); }), (this.resetVideoStreams = function (e) { !e || e instanceof Array || (e = [e]), p(e); }), (this.name = 'MultiStreamsMixer'), (this.toString = function () { return this.name; }), (this.getMixedStream = function () { o = !1; var t = (function () { var e; p(), 'captureStream' in r ? (e = r.captureStream()) : 'mozCaptureStream' in r ? (e = r.mozCaptureStream()) : n.disableLogs || console.error( 'Upgrade to latest Chrome or otherwise enable this flag: chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features', ); var t = new d(); return ( e .getTracks() .filter(function (e) { return 'video' === e.kind; }) .forEach(function (e) { t.addTrack(e); }), (r.stream = t), t ); })(), i = (function () { c.AudioContextConstructor || (c.AudioContextConstructor = new c.AudioContext()); (n.audioContext = c.AudioContextConstructor), (n.audioSources = []), !0 === n.useGainNode && ((n.gainNode = n.audioContext.createGain()), n.gainNode.connect(n.audioContext.destination), (n.gainNode.gain.value = 0)); var t = 0; if ( (e.forEach(function (e) { if ( e.getTracks().filter(function (e) { return 'audio' === e.kind; }).length ) { t++; var i = n.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(e); !0 === n.useGainNode && i.connect(n.gainNode), n.audioSources.push(i); } }), !t) ) return; return ( (n.audioDestination = n.audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination()), n.audioSources.forEach(function (e) { e.connect(n.audioDestination); }), n.audioDestination.stream ); })(); return ( i && i .getTracks() .filter(function (e) { return 'audio' === e.kind; }) .forEach(function (e) { t.addTrack(e); }), e.forEach(function (e) { e.fullcanvas; }), t ); }); } function L(e, t) { e = e || []; var i, o, r = this; (t = t || { elementClass: 'multi-streams-mixer', mimeType: 'video/webm', video: { width: 360, height: 240 }, }).frameInterval || (t.frameInterval = 10), t.video || (t.video = {}), t.video.width || (t.video.width = 360), t.video.height || (t.video.height = 240), (this.record = function () { var r; (i = new j(e, t.elementClass || 'multi-streams-mixer')), ((r = []), e.forEach(function (e) { w(e, 'video').forEach(function (e) { r.push(e); }); }), r).length && ((i.frameInterval = t.frameInterval || 10), (i.width = t.video.width || 360), (i.height = t.video.height || 240), i.startDrawingFrames()), t.previewStream && 'function' == typeof t.previewStream && t.previewStream(i.getMixedStream()), (o = new C(i.getMixedStream(), t)).record(); }), (this.stop = function (e) { o && o.stop(function (t) { (r.blob = t), e(t), r.clearRecordedData(); }); }), (this.pause = function () { o && o.pause(); }), (this.resume = function () { o && o.resume(); }), (this.clearRecordedData = function () { o && (o.clearRecordedData(), (o = null)), i && (i.releaseStreams(), (i = null)); }), (this.addStreams = function (r) { if (!r) throw 'First parameter is required.'; r instanceof Array || (r = [r]), e.concat(r), o && i && (i.appendStreams(r), t.previewStream && 'function' == typeof t.previewStream && t.previewStream(i.getMixedStream())); }), (this.resetVideoStreams = function (e) { i && (!e || e instanceof Array || (e = [e]), i.resetVideoStreams(e)); }), (this.getMixer = function () { return i; }), (this.name = 'MultiStreamRecorder'), (this.toString = function () { return this.name; }); } function U(e, t) { var i, o, r; function s() { return new ReadableStream({ start: function (o) { var r = document.createElement('canvas'), s = document.createElement('video'), n = !0; (s.srcObject = e), (s.muted = !0), (s.height = t.height), (s.width = t.width), (s.volume = 0), (s.onplaying = function () { (r.width = t.width), (r.height = t.height); var e = r.getContext('2d'), A = 1e3 / t.frameRate, a = setInterval(function () { if ( (i && (clearInterval(a), o.close()), n && ((n = !1), t.onVideoProcessStarted && t.onVideoProcessStarted()), e.drawImage(s, 0, 0), 'closed' !== o._controlledReadableStream.state) ) try { o.enqueue(e.getImageData(0, 0, t.width, t.height)); } catch (e) {} }, A); }), s.play(); }, }); } function n(e, a) { if (!t.workerPath && !a) return ( (i = !1), void fetch('https://unpkg.com/webm-wasm@latest/dist/webm-worker.js').then(function (t) { t.arrayBuffer().then(function (t) { n(e, t); }); }) ); if (!t.workerPath && a instanceof ArrayBuffer) { var d = new Blob([a], { type: 'text/javascript' }); t.workerPath = l.createObjectURL(d); } t.workerPath || console.error('workerPath parameter is missing.'), (o = new Worker(t.workerPath)).postMessage( t.webAssemblyPath || 'https://unpkg.com/webm-wasm@latest/dist/webm-wasm.wasm', ), o.addEventListener('message', function (e) { 'READY' === e.data ? (o.postMessage({ width: t.width, height: t.height, bitrate: t.bitrate || 1200, timebaseDen: t.frameRate || 30, realtime: t.realtime, }), s().pipeTo( new WritableStream({ write: function (e) { i ? console.error('Got image, but recorder is finished!') : o.postMessage(e.data.buffer, [e.data.buffer]); }, }), )) : e.data && (r || A.push(e.data)); }); } ('undefined' != typeof ReadableStream && 'undefined' != typeof WritableStream) || console.error( 'Following polyfill is strongly recommended: https://unpkg.com/@mattiasbuelens/web-streams-polyfill/dist/polyfill.min.js', ), ((t = t || {}).width = t.width || 640), (t.height = t.height || 480), (t.frameRate = t.frameRate || 30), (t.bitrate = t.bitrate || 1200), (t.realtime = t.realtime || !0), (this.record = function () { (A = []), (r = !1), (this.blob = null), n(e), 'function' == typeof t.initCallback && t.initCallback(); }), (this.pause = function () { r = !0; }), (this.resume = function () { r = !1; }); var A = []; (this.stop = function (e) { i = !0; var t = this; !(function (e) { o ? (o.addEventListener('message', function (t) { null === t.data && (o.terminate(), (o = null), e && e()); }), o.postMessage(null)) : e && e(); })(function () { (t.blob = new Blob(A, { type: 'video/webm' })), e(t.blob); }); }), (this.name = 'WebAssemblyRecorder'), (this.toString = function () { return this.name; }), (this.clearRecordedData = function () { (A = []), (r = !1), (this.blob = null); }), (this.blob = null); } (i.DiskStorage = x), (i.GifRecorder = D), (i.MultiStreamRecorder = L), (i.RecordRTCPromisesHandler = function (e, t) { if (!this) throw 'Use "new RecordRTCPromisesHandler()"'; if (void 0 === e) throw 'First argument "MediaStream" is required.'; var o = this; (o.recordRTC = new i(e, t)), (this.startRecording = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { o.recordRTC.startRecording(), e(); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.stopRecording = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { o.recordRTC.stopRecording(function (i) { (o.blob = o.recordRTC.getBlob()), o.blob && o.blob.size ? e(i) : t('Empty blob.', o.blob); }); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.pauseRecording = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { o.recordRTC.pauseRecording(), e(); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.resumeRecording = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { o.recordRTC.resumeRecording(), e(); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.getDataURL = function (e) { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { o.recordRTC.getDataURL(function (t) { e(t); }); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.getBlob = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { e(o.recordRTC.getBlob()); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.getInternalRecorder = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { e(o.recordRTC.getInternalRecorder()); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.reset = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { e(o.recordRTC.reset()); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.destroy = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { e(o.recordRTC.destroy()); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.getState = function () { return new Promise(function (e, t) { try { e(o.recordRTC.getState()); } catch (e) { t(e); } }); }), (this.blob = null), (this.version = '5.6.2'); }), (i.WebAssemblyRecorder = U); }); class Fe extends Ce { constructor(e) { super(), (this.player = e), (this.fileName = ''), (this.fileType = X), (this.isRecording = !1), (this.recordingTimestamp = 0), (this.recordingInterval = null), e.debug.log('Recorder', 'init'); } destroy() { this._reset(), this.player.debug.log('Recorder', 'destroy'); } setFileName(e, t) { (this.fileName = e), (H !== t && X !== t) || (this.fileType = t); } get recording() { return this.isRecording; } get recordTime() { return this.recordingTimestamp; } startRecord() { const e = this.player.debug, t = { type: 'video', mimeType: 'video/webm;codecs=h264', onTimeStamp: (t) => { e.log('Recorder', 'record timestamp :' + t); }, disableLogs: !this.player._opt.debug, }; try { const e = this.player.video.$videoElement.captureStream(25); if ( this.player.audio && this.player.audio.mediaStreamAudioDestinationNode && this.player.audio.mediaStreamAudioDestinationNode.stream && !this.player.audio.isStateSuspended() && this.player.audio.hasAudio && this.player._opt.hasAudio ) { const t = this.player.audio.mediaStreamAudioDestinationNode.stream; if (t.getAudioTracks().length > 0) { const i = t.getAudioTracks()[0]; i && i.enabled && e.addTrack(i); } } this.recorder = Ve(e, t); } catch (t) { e.error('Recorder', t), this.emit(T.recordCreateError); } this.recorder && ((this.isRecording = !0), this.player.emit(T.recording, !0), this.recorder.startRecording(), e.log('Recorder', 'start recording'), this.player.emit(T.recordStart), (this.recordingInterval = window.setInterval(() => { (this.recordingTimestamp += 1), this.player.emit(T.recordingTimestamp, this.recordingTimestamp); }, 1e3))); } stopRecordAndSave() { this.recorder && this.isRecording && this.recorder.stopRecording(() => { this.player.debug.log('Recorder', 'stop recording'), this.player.emit(T.recordEnd), (function (e, t, i) { const o = window.URL.createObjectURL(e), r = document.createElement('a'); (r.href = o), (r.download = (t || pe()) + '.' + (i || X)), r.click(), setTimeout( () => { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(o); }, we() ? 1e3 : 0, ); })(this.recorder.getBlob(), this.fileName, this.fileType), this._reset(), this.player.emit(T.recording, !1); }); } _reset() { (this.isRecording = !1), (this.recordingTimestamp = 0), this.recorder && (this.recorder.destroy(), (this.recorder = null)), (this.fileName = null), this.recordingInterval && clearInterval(this.recordingInterval), (this.recordingInterval = null); } } class Oe { constructor(e) { return new (Oe.getLoaderFactory())(e); } static getLoaderFactory() { return Fe; } } class Me { constructor(e) { (this.player = e), (this.decoderWorker = new Worker(e._opt.decoder)), this._initDecoderWorker(), e.debug.log('decoderWorker', 'init'); } destroy() { this.decoderWorker.postMessage({ cmd: R }), this.decoderWorker.terminate(), (this.decoderWorker = null), this.player.debug.log('decoderWorker', 'destroy'); } _initDecoderWorker() { const { debug: e, events: { proxy: t }, } = this.player; this.decoderWorker.onmessage = (t) => { const i = t.data; switch (i.cmd) { case c: e.log('decoderWorker', 'onmessage:', c), this.player.loaded || this.player.emit(T.load), this.player.emit(T.decoderWorkerInit), this._initWork(); break; case g: e.log('decoderWorker', 'onmessage:', g, i.code), this.player._times.decodeStart || (this.player._times.decodeStart = pe()), this.player.video.updateVideoInfo({ encTypeCode: i.code }); break; case m: e.log('decoderWorker', 'onmessage:', m, i.code), this.player.audio && this.player.audio.updateAudioInfo({ encTypeCode: i.code }); break; case l: e.log('decoderWorker', 'onmessage:', l, `width:${i.w},height:${i.h}`), this.player.video.updateVideoInfo({ width: i.w, height: i.h }), this.player.video.initCanvasViewSize(); break; case p: e.log( 'decoderWorker', 'onmessage:', p, `channels:${i.channels},sampleRate:${i.sampleRate}`, ), this.player.audio && (this.player.audio.updateAudioInfo(i), this.player.audio.initScriptNode(i)); break; case u: this.player.handleRender(), this.player.video.render(i), this.player.emit(T.timeUpdate, i.ts), this.player.updateStats({ fps: !0, ts: i.ts, buf: i.delay }), this.player._times.videoStart || ((this.player._times.videoStart = pe()), this.player.handlePlayToRenderTimes()); break; case h: this.player.playing && this.player.audio && this.player.audio.play(i.buffer, i.ts); break; case f: i.message && -1 !== i.message.indexOf(b) && (this.player.emit(T.error, x.wasmDecodeError), this.player.emit(x.wasmDecodeError)); break; default: this.player[i.cmd] && this.player[i.cmd](i); } }; } _initWork() { const e = { debug: this.player._opt.debug, forceNoOffscreen: this.player._opt.forceNoOffscreen, useWCS: this.player._opt.useWCS, videoBuffer: this.player._opt.videoBuffer, videoBufferDelay: this.player._opt.videoBufferDelay, openWebglAlignment: this.player._opt.openWebglAlignment, }; this.decoderWorker.postMessage({ cmd: E, opt: JSON.stringify(e), sampleRate: (this.player.audio && this.player.audio.audioContext.sampleRate) || 0, }); } decodeVideo(e, t, i) { const o = { type: v, ts: Math.max(t, 0), isIFrame: i }; this.decoderWorker.postMessage({ cmd: B, buffer: e, options: o }, [e.buffer]); } decodeAudio(e, t) { (this.player._opt.useWCS && !this.player._opt.useOffscreen) || this.player._opt.useMSE ? this._decodeAudioNoDelay(e, t) : this._decodeAudio(e, t); } _decodeAudio(e, t) { const i = { type: y, ts: Math.max(t, 0) }; this.decoderWorker.postMessage({ cmd: B, buffer: e, options: i }, [e.buffer]); } _decodeAudioNoDelay(e, t) { this.decoderWorker.postMessage({ cmd: C, buffer: e, ts: Math.max(t, 0) }, [e.buffer]); } updateWorkConfig(e) { this.decoderWorker.postMessage({ cmd: k, key: e.key, value: e.value }); } } class Qe extends Ce { constructor(e) { super(), (this.player = e), (this.stopId = null), (this.firstTimestamp = null), (this.startTimestamp = null), (this.delay = -1), (this.bufferList = []), (this.dropping = !1), this.initInterval(); } destroy() { this.stopId && (clearInterval(this.stopId), (this.stopId = null)), (this.firstTimestamp = null), (this.startTimestamp = null), (this.delay = -1), (this.bufferList = []), (this.dropping = !1), this.off(); } getDelay(e) { if (!e) return -1; if (this.firstTimestamp) { if (e) { const t = Date.now() - this.startTimestamp, i = e - this.firstTimestamp; this.delay = t >= i ? t - i : i - t; } } else (this.firstTimestamp = e), (this.startTimestamp = Date.now()), (this.delay = -1); return this.delay; } resetDelay() { (this.firstTimestamp = null), (this.startTimestamp = null), (this.delay = -1), (this.dropping = !1); } initInterval() { this.player.debug.log('common dumex', 'init Interval'); let e = () => { let e; const t = this.player._opt.videoBuffer, i = this.player._opt.videoBufferDelay; if (this.bufferList.length) if (this.dropping) { for ( e = this.bufferList.shift(), e.type === y && 0 === e.payload[1] && this._doDecoderDecode(e); !e.isIFrame && this.bufferList.length; ) (e = this.bufferList.shift()), e.type === y && 0 === e.payload[1] && this._doDecoderDecode(e); e.isIFrame && ((this.dropping = !1), this._doDecoderDecode(e)); } else if (((e = this.bufferList[0]), -1 === this.getDelay(e.ts))) this.bufferList.shift(), this._doDecoderDecode(e); else if (this.delay > t + i) this.resetDelay(), (this.dropping = !0); else for (; this.bufferList.length && ((e = this.bufferList[0]), this.getDelay(e.ts) > t); ) this.bufferList.shift(), this._doDecoderDecode(e); }; e(), (this.stopId = setInterval(e, 10)); } _doDecode(e, t, i, o) { const r = this.player; let s = { ts: i, type: t, isIFrame: !1 }; (r._opt.useWCS && !r._opt.useOffscreen) || r._opt.useMSE ? (t === v && (s.isIFrame = o), this.pushBuffer(e, s)) : t === v ? r.decoderWorker && r.decoderWorker.decodeVideo(e, i, o) : t === y && r._opt.hasAudio && r.decoderWorker && r.decoderWorker.decodeAudio(e, i); } _doDecoderDecode(e) { const t = this.player, { webcodecsDecoder: i, mseDecoder: o } = t; e.type === y ? t._opt.hasAudio && t.decoderWorker && t.decoderWorker.decodeAudio(e.payload, e.ts) : e.type === v && (t._opt.useWCS && !t._opt.useOffscreen ? i.decodeVideo(e.payload, e.ts, e.isIFrame) : t._opt.useMSE && o.decodeVideo(e.payload, e.ts, e.isIFrame)); } pushBuffer(e, t) { t.type === y ? this.bufferList.push({ ts: t.ts, payload: e, type: y }) : t.type === v && this.bufferList.push({ ts: t.ts, payload: e, type: v, isIFrame: t.isIFrame }); } close() {} } class We extends Qe { constructor(e) { super(e), (this.input = this._inputFlv()), (this.flvDemux = this.dispatchFlvData(this.input)), e.debug.log('FlvDemux', 'init'); } destroy() { super.destroy(), (this.input = null), (this.flvDemux = null), this.player.debug.log('FlvDemux', 'destroy'); } dispatch(e) { this.flvDemux(e); } *_inputFlv() { yield 9; const e = new ArrayBuffer(4), t = new Uint8Array(e), i = new Uint32Array(e), o = this.player; for (;;) { t[3] = 0; const e = yield 15, r = e[4]; (t[0] = e[7]), (t[1] = e[6]), (t[2] = e[5]); const s = i[0]; (t[0] = e[10]), (t[1] = e[9]), (t[2] = e[8]); let n = i[0]; 16777215 === n && ((t[3] = e[11]), (n = i[0])); const A = yield s; switch (r) { case w: o._opt.hasAudio && (o.updateStats({ abps: A.byteLength }), A.byteLength > 0 && this._doDecode(A, y, n)); break; case S: if ((o._times.demuxStart || (o._times.demuxStart = pe()), o._opt.hasVideo)) { o.updateStats({ vbps: A.byteLength }); const e = A[0] >> 4 == 1; A.byteLength > 0 && this._doDecode(A, v, n, e); } } } } dispatchFlvData(e) { let t = e.next(), i = null; return (o) => { let r = new Uint8Array(o); if (i) { let e = new Uint8Array(i.length + r.length); e.set(i), e.set(r, i.length), (r = e), (i = null); } for (; r.length >= t.value; ) { let i = r.slice(t.value); (t = e.next(r.slice(0, t.value))), (r = i); } r.length > 0 && (i = r); }; } close() { this.input && this.input.return(null); } } class Ge extends Qe { constructor(e) { super(e), e.debug.log('M7sDemux', 'init'); } destroy() { super.destroy(), this.player.debug.log('M7sDemux', 'destroy'); } dispatch(e) { const t = this.player, i = new DataView(e), o = i.getUint8(0), r = i.getUint32(1, !1); switch (o) { case y: if (t._opt.hasAudio) { const i = new Uint8Array(e, 5); t.updateStats({ abps: i.byteLength }), i.byteLength > 0 && this._doDecode(i, o, r); } break; case v: if ( t._opt.hasVideo && (t._times.demuxStart || (t._times.demuxStart = pe()), i.byteLength > 5) ) { const s = new Uint8Array(e, 5), n = i.getUint8(5) >> 4 == 1; t.updateStats({ vbps: s.byteLength }), s.byteLength > 0 && this._doDecode(s, o, r, n); } } } } class Pe { constructor(e) { return new (Pe.getLoaderFactory(e._opt.demuxType))(e); } static getLoaderFactory(e) { return e === a ? Ge : e === A ? We : void 0; } } class Je extends Ce { constructor(e) { super(), (this.player = e), (this.hasInit = !1), (this.isDecodeFirstIIframe = !1), (this.isInitInfo = !1), (this.decoder = null), this.initDecoder(), e.debug.log('Webcodecs', 'init'); } destroy() { this.decoder && (this.decoder.close(), (this.decoder = null)), (this.hasInit = !1), (this.isInitInfo = !1), (this.isDecodeFirstIIframe = !1), this.off(), this.player.debug.log('Webcodecs', 'destroy'); } initDecoder() { const e = this; this.decoder = new VideoDecoder({ output(t) { e.handleDecode(t); }, error(t) { e.handleError(t); }, }); } handleDecode(e) { this.isInitInfo || (this.player.video.updateVideoInfo({ width: e.codedWidth, height: e.codedHeight }), this.player.video.initCanvasViewSize(), (this.isInitInfo = !0)), this.player._times.videoStart || ((this.player._times.videoStart = pe()), this.player.handlePlayToRenderTimes()), this.player.handleRender(), this.player.video.render({ videoFrame: e }), this.player.updateStats({ fps: !0, ts: 0, buf: this.player.demux.delay }), setTimeout(function () { e.close ? e.close() : e.destroy(); }, 100); } handleError(e) { this.player.debug.log('Webcodecs', 'VideoDecoder handleError', e); } decodeVideo(e, t, i) { if (this.hasInit) if ( (!this.isDecodeFirstIIframe && i && (this.isDecodeFirstIIframe = !0), this.isDecodeFirstIIframe) ) { const o = new EncodedVideoChunk({ data: e.slice(5), timestamp: t, type: i ? _ : $ }); this.decoder.decode(o); } else this.player.debug.warn('Webcodecs', 'VideoDecoder isDecodeFirstIIframe false'); else if (i && 0 === e[1]) { const t = 15 & e[0]; if ((this.player.video.updateVideoInfo({ encTypeCode: t }), t === M)) return void this.emit(x.webcodecsH265NotSupport); this.player._times.decodeStart || (this.player._times.decodeStart = pe()); const i = (function (e) { let t = e.subarray(1, 4), i = 'avc1.'; for (let e = 0; e < 3; e++) { let o = t[e].toString(16); o.length < 2 && (o = '0' + o), (i += o); } return { codec: i, description: e }; })(e.slice(5)); this.decoder.configure(i), (this.hasInit = !0); } } } const Ne = { play: '播放', pause: '暂停', audio: '', mute: '', screenshot: '截图', loading: '加载', fullscreen: '全屏', fullscreenExit: '退出全屏', record: '录制', recordStop: '停止录制', }; var ze = Object.keys(Ne).reduce( (e, t) => ( (e[t] = `\n <i class="jessibuca-icon jessibuca-icon-${t}"></i>\n ${ Ne[t] ? `<span class="icon-title-tips"><span class="icon-title">${Ne[t]}</span></span>` : '' }\n`), e ), {}, ), Ye = (e, t) => { const { events: { proxy: i }, } = e, o = document.createElement('object'); o.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'), o.setAttribute('tabindex', -1), (o.type = 'text/html'), (o.data = 'about:blank'), ge(o, { display: 'block', position: 'absolute', top: '0', left: '0', height: '100%', width: '100%', overflow: 'hidden', pointerEvents: 'none', zIndex: '-1', }); let r = e.width, s = e.height; i(o, 'load', () => { i(o.contentDocument.defaultView, 'resize', () => { (e.width === r && e.height === s) || ((r = e.width), (s = e.height), e.emit(T.resize), A()); }); }), e.$container.appendChild(o), e.on(T.destroy, () => { e.$container.removeChild(o); }), e.on(T.volumechange, () => { !(function (e) { if (0 === e) ge(t.$volumeOn, 'display', 'none'), ge(t.$volumeOff, 'display', 'flex'), ge(t.$volumeHandle, 'top', '48px'); else if (t.$volumeHandle && t.$volumePanel) { const i = fe(t.$volumePanel, 'height') || 60, o = fe(t.$volumeHandle, 'height'), r = i - (i - o) * e - o; ge(t.$volumeHandle, 'top', `${r}px`), ge(t.$volumeOn, 'display', 'flex'), ge(t.$volumeOff, 'display', 'none'); } t.$volumePanelText && (t.$volumePanelText.innerHTML = parseInt(100 * e)); })(e.volume); }), e.on(T.loading, (e) => { ge(t.$loading, 'display', e ? 'flex' : 'none'), ge(t.$poster, 'display', 'none'), e && ge(t.$playBig, 'display', 'none'); }); const n = (i) => { let o = !0 === (r = i) || !1 === r ? i : e.fullscreen; var r; ge(t.$fullscreenExit, 'display', o ? 'flex' : 'none'), ge(t.$fullscreen, 'display', o ? 'none' : 'flex'); }, A = () => { ve() && t.$controls && setTimeout(() => { if (e.fullscreen) { console.log(e.width, e.height); let i = e.height / 2 - e.width + 19, o = e.height / 2 - 19; t.$controls.style.transform = `translateX(${-i}px) translateY(-${o}px) rotate(-90deg)`; } else t.$controls.style.transform = 'translateX(0) translateY(0) rotate(0)'; }, 10); }; try { ce.on('change', n), e.events.destroys.push(() => { ce.off('change', n); }); } catch (e) {} e.on(T.webFullscreen, (e) => { n(e), A(); }), e.on(T.recording, () => { ge(t.$record, 'display', e.recording ? 'none' : 'flex'), ge(t.$recordStop, 'display', e.recording ? 'flex' : 'none'), ge(t.$recording, 'display', e.recording ? 'flex' : 'none'); }), e.on(T.recordingTimestamp, (e) => { t.$recordingTime && (t.$recordingTime.innerHTML = (function (e) { var t; if (e > -1) { var i = Math.floor(e / 3600), o = Math.floor(e / 60) % 60, r = e % 60; (t = i < 10 ? '0' + i + ':' : i + ':'), o < 10 && (t += '0'), (t += o + ':'), (r = Math.round(r)) < 10 && (t += '0'), (t += r.toFixed(0)); } return t; })(e)); }), e.on(T.playing, (e) => { ge(t.$play, 'display', e ? 'none' : 'flex'), ge(t.$playBig, 'display', e ? 'none' : 'block'), ge(t.$pause, 'display', e ? 'flex' : 'none'), ge(t.$screenshot, 'display', e ? 'flex' : 'none'), ge(t.$record, 'display', e ? 'flex' : 'none'), ge(t.$fullscreen, 'display', e ? 'flex' : 'none'), e || (t.$speed && (t.$speed.innerHTML = Se(''))); }), e.on(T.kBps, (e) => { const i = Se(e); t.$speed && (t.$speed.innerHTML = i); }); }; function He(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}); var i = t.insertAt; if (e && 'undefined' != typeof document) { var o = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], r = document.createElement('style'); (r.type = 'text/css'), 'top' === i && o.firstChild ? o.insertBefore(r, o.firstChild) : o.appendChild(r), r.styleSheet ? (r.styleSheet.cssText = e) : r.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)); } } He( '@keyframes rotation{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg)}to{-webkit-transform:rotate(1turn)}}@keyframes magentaPulse{0%{background-color:#630030;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 9px #333}50%{background-color:#a9014b;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 18px #a9014b}to{background-color:#630030;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 9px #333}}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon{cursor:pointer;width:16px;height:16px}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-poster{position:absolute;z-index:10;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;height:100%;width:100%;background-position:50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain;pointer-events:none}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-play-big{position:absolute;display:none;height:100%;width:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,.4)}.jessibuca-container 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.jessibuca-loading{display:none;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;align-items:center;position:absolute;z-index:20;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;width:100%;height:100%;pointer-events:none}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-loading-text{line-height:20px;font-size:13px;color:#fff;margin-top:10px}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls{background-color:#161616;box-sizing:border-box;display:flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:flex-end;position:absolute;z-index:40;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;height:38px;width:100%;padding-left:13px;padding-right:13px;font-size:14px;color:#fff;opacity:0;visibility:hidden;transition:all .2s ease-in-out;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;transition:width .5s ease-in}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-controls-item{position:relative;display:flex;justify-content:center;padding:0 8px}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-controls-item:hover .icon-title-tips{visibility:visible;opacity:1}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-fullscreen,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-fullscreen-exit,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-icon-audio,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-microphone-close,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-pause,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-play,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-record,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-record-stop,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-screenshot{display:none}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-icon-audio,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-icon-mute{z-index:1}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-controls-bottom{display:flex;justify-content:space-between;height:100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-controls-bottom .jessibuca-controls-left,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-controls .jessibuca-controls-bottom .jessibuca-controls-right{display:flex;align-items:center}.jessibuca-container.jessibuca-controls-show .jessibuca-controls{opacity:1;visibility:visible}.jessibuca-container.jessibuca-controls-show-auto-hide .jessibuca-controls{opacity:.8;visibility:visible;display:none}.jessibuca-container.jessibuca-hide-cursor *{cursor:none!important}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-loading{width:50px;height:50px;background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%;animation:rotation 1s linear infinite}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-screenshot{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-screenshot:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-play{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-play:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-pause{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-pause:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-record{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-record:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-recordStop{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-recordStop:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-fullscreen{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-fullscreen:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-fullscreenExit{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-fullscreenExit:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-audio{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-audio:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-mute{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-mute:hover{background:url("") no-repeat 50%;background-size:100% 100%}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-icon-text{font-size:14px;width:30px}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-speed{font-size:14px;color:#fff}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-quality-menu-list{position:absolute;left:50%;bottom:100%;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;transform:translateX(-50%);transition:visibility .3s,opacity .3s;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.5);border-radius:4px}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-quality-menu-list.jessibuca-quality-menu-shown{visibility:visible;opacity:1}.jessibuca-container .icon-title-tips{pointer-events:none;position:absolute;left:50%;bottom:100%;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;transform:translateX(-50%);transition:visibility .3s ease 0s,opacity .3s ease 0s;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.5);border-radius:4px}.jessibuca-container .icon-title{display:inline-block;padding:5px 10px;font-size:12px;white-space:nowrap;color:#fff}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-quality-menu{padding:8px 0}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-quality-menu-item{display:block;height:25px;margin:0;padding:0 10px;cursor:pointer;font-size:14px;text-align:center;width:50px;color:hsla(0,0%,100%,.5);transition:color .3s,background-color .3s}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-quality-menu-item:hover{background-color:hsla(0,0%,100%,.2)}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-quality-menu-item:focus{outline:none}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-quality-menu-item.jessibuca-quality-menu-item-active{color:#2298fc}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel-wrap{position:absolute;left:50%;bottom:100%;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(22%);transition:visibility .3s,opacity .3s;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.5);border-radius:4px;height:120px;width:50px;overflow:hidden}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel-wrap.jessibuca-volume-panel-wrap-show{visibility:visible;opacity:1}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel{cursor:pointer;position:absolute;top:21px;height:60px;width:50px;overflow:hidden}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel-text{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:50px;height:20px;line-height:20px;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-size:12px}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel-handle{position:absolute;top:48px;left:50%;width:12px;height:12px;border-radius:12px;margin-left:-6px;background:#fff}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel-handle:before{bottom:-54px;background:#fff}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel-handle:after{bottom:6px;background:hsla(0,0%,100%,.2)}.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel-handle:after,.jessibuca-container .jessibuca-volume-panel-handle:before{content:"";position:absolute;display:block;left:50%;width:3px;margin-left:-1px;height:60px}.jessibuca-container.jessibuca-fullscreen-web .jessibuca-controls{width:100vh}.jessibuca-container.jessibuca-fullscreen-web .jessibuca-play-big:after{transform:translate(-50%,-50%) rotate(270deg)}.jessibuca-container.jessibuca-fullscreen-web .jessibuca-loading{flex-direction:row}.jessibuca-container.jessibuca-fullscreen-web .jessibuca-loading-text{transform:rotate(270deg)}', ); class Xe { constructor(e) { var t; (this.player = e), ((e, t) => { e._opt.hasControl && e._opt.controlAutoHide ? e.$container.classList.add('jessibuca-controls-show-auto-hide') : e.$container.classList.add('jessibuca-controls-show'); const i = e._opt, o = i.operateBtns; e.$container.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', `\n ${ i.background ? `<div class="jessibuca-poster" style="background-image: url(${i.background})"></div>` : '' }\n <div class="jessibuca-loading">\n ${ ze.loading }\n ${ i.loadingText ? `<div class="jessibuca-loading-text">${i.loadingText}</div>` : '' }\n </div>\n ${ i.hasControl && o.play ? '<div class="jessibuca-play-big"></div>' : '' }\n ${ i.hasControl ? `\n <div class="jessibuca-recording">\n <div class="jessibuca-recording-red-point"></div>\n <div class="jessibuca-recording-time">00:00:01</div>\n <div class="jessibuca-icon-recordStop jessibuca-recording-stop">${ze.recordStop}</div>\n </div>\n ` : '' }\n ${ i.hasControl ? `\n <div class="jessibuca-controls">\n <div class="jessibuca-controls-bottom">\n <div class="jessibuca-controls-left">\n ${ i.showBandwidth ? '<div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-speed"></div>' : '' }\n </div>\n <div class="jessibuca-controls-right">\n ${ o.audio ? `\n <div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-volume">\n ${ze.audio}\n ${ze.mute}\n <div class="jessibuca-volume-panel-wrap">\n <div class="jessibuca-volume-panel">\n <div class="jessibuca-volume-panel-handle"></div>\n </div>\n <div class="jessibuca-volume-panel-text"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ` : '' }\n ${ o.play ? `<div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-play">${ze.play}</div><div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-pause">${ze.pause}</div>` : '' }\n ${ o.screenshot ? `<div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-screenshot">${ze.screenshot}</div>` : '' }\n ${ o.record ? ` <div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-record">${ze.record}</div><div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-record-stop">${ze.recordStop}</div>` : '' }\n ${ o.fullscreen ? `<div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-fullscreen">${ze.fullscreen}</div><div class="jessibuca-controls-item jessibuca-fullscreen-exit">${ze.fullscreenExit}</div>` : '' }\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ` : '' }\n\n `, ), Object.defineProperty(t, '$poster', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-poster'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$loading', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-loading'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$play', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-play'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$playBig', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-play-big'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$recording', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-recording'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$recordingTime', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-recording-time'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$recordingStop', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-recording-stop'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$pause', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-pause'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$controls', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-controls'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$fullscreen', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-fullscreen'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$fullscreen', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-fullscreen'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$volume', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-volume'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$volumePanelWrap', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-volume-panel-wrap'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$volumePanelText', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-volume-panel-text'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$volumePanel', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-volume-panel'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$volumeHandle', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-volume-panel-handle'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$volumeOn', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-icon-audio'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$volumeOff', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-icon-mute'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$fullscreen', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-fullscreen'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$fullscreenExit', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-fullscreen-exit'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$record', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-record'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$recordStop', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-record-stop'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$screenshot', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-screenshot'), }), Object.defineProperty(t, '$speed', { value: e.$container.querySelector('.jessibuca-speed'), }); })(e, this), (t = this), Object.defineProperty(t, 'controlsRect', { get: () => t.$controls.getBoundingClientRect(), }), Ye(e, this), ((e, t) => { const { events: { proxy: i }, debug: o, } = e; function r(e) { const { bottom: i, height: o } = t.$volumePanel.getBoundingClientRect(), { height: r } = t.$volumeHandle.getBoundingClientRect(); return me(i - e.y - r / 2, 0, o - r / 2) / (o - r); } i(window, ['click', 'contextmenu'], (i) => { i.composedPath().indexOf(e.$container) > -1 ? (t.isFocus = !0) : (t.isFocus = !1); }), i(window, 'orientationchange', () => { setTimeout(() => { e.resize(); }, 300); }), i(t.$controls, 'click', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }), i(t.$pause, 'click', (t) => { e.pause(); }), i(t.$play, 'click', (t) => { e.play(), e.resumeAudioAfterPause(); }), i(t.$playBig, 'click', (t) => { e.play(), e.resumeAudioAfterPause(); }), i(t.$volume, 'mouseover', () => { t.$volumePanelWrap.classList.add('jessibuca-volume-panel-wrap-show'); }), i(t.$volume, 'mouseout', () => { t.$volumePanelWrap.classList.remove('jessibuca-volume-panel-wrap-show'); }), i(t.$volumeOn, 'click', (i) => { i.stopPropagation(), ge(t.$volumeOn, 'display', 'none'), ge(t.$volumeOff, 'display', 'block'); const o = e.volume; (e.volume = 0), (e._lastVolume = o); }), i(t.$volumeOff, 'click', (i) => { i.stopPropagation(), ge(t.$volumeOn, 'display', 'block'), ge(t.$volumeOff, 'display', 'none'), (e.volume = e.lastVolume || 0.5); }), i(t.$screenshot, 'click', (t) => { t.stopPropagation(), e.video.screenshot(); }), i(t.$volumePanel, 'click', (t) => { t.stopPropagation(), (e.volume = r(t)); }), i(t.$volumeHandle, 'mousedown', () => { t.isVolumeDroging = !0; }), i(t.$volumeHandle, 'mousemove', (i) => { t.isVolumeDroging && (e.volume = r(i)); }), i(document, 'mouseup', () => { t.isVolumeDroging && (t.isVolumeDroging = !1); }), i(t.$record, 'click', (t) => { t.stopPropagation(), (e.recording = !0); }), i(t.$recordStop, 'click', (t) => { t.stopPropagation(), (e.recording = !1); }), i(t.$recordingStop, 'click', (t) => { t.stopPropagation(), (e.recording = !1); }), i(t.$fullscreen, 'click', (t) => { t.stopPropagation(), (e.fullscreen = !0); }), i(t.$fullscreenExit, 'click', (t) => { t.stopPropagation(), (e.fullscreen = !1); }), e._opt.hasControl && e._opt.controlAutoHide && (i(e.$container, 'mouseover', () => { e.fullscreen || ge(t.$controls, 'display', 'block'); }), i(e.$container, 'mouseout', () => { ge(t.$controls, 'display', 'none'); })); })(e, this), e._opt.hotKey && ((e, t) => { const { events: { proxy: i }, } = e, o = {}; function r(e, t) { o[e] ? o[e].push(t) : (o[e] = [t]); } r(se, () => { e.fullscreen && (e.fullscreen = !1); }), r(ne, () => { e.volume += 0.05; }), r(Ae, () => { e.volume -= 0.05; }), i(window, 'keydown', (e) => { if (t.isFocus) { const t = document.activeElement.tagName.toUpperCase(), i = document.activeElement.getAttribute('contenteditable'); if ('INPUT' !== t && 'TEXTAREA' !== t && '' !== i && 'true' !== i) { const t = o[e.keyCode]; t && (e.preventDefault(), t.forEach((e) => e())); } } }); })(e, this), this.player.debug.log('Control', 'init'); } destroy() { this.$poster && this.player.$container.removeChild(this.$poster), this.$loading && this.player.$container.removeChild(this.$loading), this.$controls && this.player.$container.removeChild(this.$controls), this.$playBig && this.player.$container.removeChild(this.$playBig), this.player.debug.log('control', 'destroy'); } autoSize() { const e = this.player; e.$container.style.padding = '0 0'; const t = e.width, i = e.height, o = t / i, r = e.video.$videoElement.width / e.video.$videoElement.height; if (o > r) { const o = (t - i * r) / 2; e.$container.style.padding = `0 ${o}px`; } else { const o = (i - t / r) / 2; e.$container.style.padding = `${o}px 0`; } } } He( '.jessibuca-container{position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden}.jessibuca-container.jessibuca-fullscreen-web{position:fixed;z-index:9999;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;width:100vw!important;height:100vh!important;background:#000}', ); var Ze = (e) => { const { _opt: t, debug: i, events: { proxy: o }, } = e; t.supportDblclickFullscreen && o(e.$container, 'dblclick', (t) => { const i = (function (e) { const t = e || window.event; return t.target || t.srcElement; })(t), o = i.nodeName.toLowerCase(); ('canvas' !== o && 'video' !== o) || (e.fullscreen = !e.fullscreen); }), o(document, 'visibilitychange', () => { t.hiddenAutoPause && (i.log('visibilitychange', document.visibilityState, e._isPlayingBeforePageHidden), 'visible' === document.visibilityState ? e._isPlayingBeforePageHidden && e.play() : ((e._isPlayingBeforePageHidden = e.playing), e.playing && e.pause())); }), o(window, 'fullscreenchange', () => { null !== e.keepScreenOn && 'visible' === document.visibilityState && e.enableWakeLock(); }); }; class qe { static init() { qe.types = { avc1: [], avcC: [], hvc1: [], hvcC: [], btrt: [], dinf: [], dref: [], esds: [], ftyp: [], hdlr: [], mdat: [], mdhd: [], mdia: [], mfhd: [], minf: [], moof: [], moov: [], mp4a: [], mvex: [], mvhd: [], sdtp: [], stbl: [], stco: [], stsc: [], stsd: [], stsz: [], stts: [], tfdt: [], tfhd: [], traf: [], trak: [], trun: [], trex: [], tkhd: [], vmhd: [], smhd: [], }; for (let e in qe.types) qe.types.hasOwnProperty(e) && (qe.types[e] = [e.charCodeAt(0), e.charCodeAt(1), e.charCodeAt(2), e.charCodeAt(3)]); let e = (qe.constants = {}); (e.FTYP = new Uint8Array([ 105, 115, 111, 109, 0, 0, 0, 1, 105, 115, 111, 109, 97, 118, 99, 49, ])), (e.STSD_PREFIX = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])), (e.STTS = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])), (e.STSC = e.STCO = e.STTS), (e.STSZ = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])), (e.HDLR_VIDEO = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 118, 105, 100, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 86, 105, 100, 101, 111, 72, 97, 110, 100, 108, 101, 114, 0, ])), (e.HDLR_AUDIO = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 115, 111, 117, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 83, 111, 117, 110, 100, 72, 97, 110, 100, 108, 101, 114, 0, ])), (e.DREF = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 12, 117, 114, 108, 32, 0, 0, 0, 1, ])), (e.SMHD = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])), (e.VMHD = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])); } static box(e) { let t = 8, i = null, o = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), r = o.length; for (let e = 0; e < r; e++) t += o[e].byteLength; (i = new Uint8Array(t)), (i[0] = (t >>> 24) & 255), (i[1] = (t >>> 16) & 255), (i[2] = (t >>> 8) & 255), (i[3] = 255 & t), i.set(e, 4); let s = 8; for (let e = 0; e < r; e++) i.set(o[e], s), (s += o[e].byteLength); return i; } static generateInitSegment(e) { let t = qe.box(qe.types.ftyp, qe.constants.FTYP), i = qe.moov(e), o = new Uint8Array(t.byteLength + i.byteLength); return o.set(t, 0), o.set(i, t.byteLength), o; } static moov(e) { let t = qe.mvhd(e.timescale, e.duration), i = qe.trak(e), o = qe.mvex(e); return qe.box(qe.types.moov, t, i, o); } static mvhd(e, t) { return qe.box( qe.types.mvhd, new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (e >>> 24) & 255, (e >>> 16) & 255, (e >>> 8) & 255, 255 & e, (t >>> 24) & 255, (t >>> 16) & 255, (t >>> 8) & 255, 255 & t, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, ]), ); } static trak(e) { return qe.box(qe.types.trak, qe.tkhd(e), qe.mdia(e)); } static tkhd(e) { let t = e.id, i = e.duration, o = e.presentWidth, r = e.presentHeight; return qe.box( qe.types.tkhd, new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (t >>> 24) & 255, (t >>> 16) & 255, (t >>> 8) & 255, 255 & t, 0, 0, 0, 0, (i >>> 24) & 255, (i >>> 16) & 255, (i >>> 8) & 255, 255 & i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0, 0, 0, (o >>> 8) & 255, 255 & o, 0, 0, (r >>> 8) & 255, 255 & r, 0, 0, ]), ); } static mdia(e) { return qe.box(qe.types.mdia, qe.mdhd(e), qe.hdlr(e), qe.minf(e)); } static mdhd(e) { let t = e.timescale, i = e.duration; return qe.box( qe.types.mdhd, new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (t >>> 24) & 255, (t >>> 16) & 255, (t >>> 8) & 255, 255 & t, (i >>> 24) & 255, (i >>> 16) & 255, (i >>> 8) & 255, 255 & i, 85, 196, 0, 0, ]), ); } static hdlr(e) { let t = null; return ( (t = 'audio' === e.type ? qe.constants.HDLR_AUDIO : qe.constants.HDLR_VIDEO), qe.box(qe.types.hdlr, t) ); } static minf(e) { let t = null; return ( (t = 'audio' === e.type ? qe.box(qe.types.smhd, qe.constants.SMHD) : qe.box(qe.types.vmhd, qe.constants.VMHD)), qe.box(qe.types.minf, t, qe.dinf(), qe.stbl(e)) ); } static dinf() { return qe.box(qe.types.dinf, qe.box(qe.types.dref, qe.constants.DREF)); } static stbl(e) { return qe.box( qe.types.stbl, qe.stsd(e), qe.box(qe.types.stts, qe.constants.STTS), qe.box(qe.types.stsc, qe.constants.STSC), qe.box(qe.types.stsz, qe.constants.STSZ), qe.box(qe.types.stco, qe.constants.STCO), ); } static stsd(e) { return 'audio' === e.type ? qe.box(qe.types.stsd, qe.constants.STSD_PREFIX, qe.mp4a(e)) : 'avc' === e.videoType ? qe.box(qe.types.stsd, qe.constants.STSD_PREFIX, qe.avc1(e)) : qe.box(qe.types.stsd, qe.constants.STSD_PREFIX, qe.hvc1(e)); } static mp4a(e) { let t = e.channelCount, i = e.audioSampleRate, o = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, (i >>> 8) & 255, 255 & i, 0, 0, ]); return qe.box(qe.types.mp4a, o, qe.esds(e)); } static esds(e) { let t = e.config || [], i = t.length, o = new Uint8Array( [0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 23 + i, 0, 1, 0, 4, 15 + i, 64, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5] .concat([i]) .concat(t) .concat([6, 1, 2]), ); return qe.box(qe.types.esds, o); } static avc1(e) { let t = e.avcc; const i = e.codecWidth, o = e.codecHeight; let r = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (i >>> 8) & 255, 255 & i, (o >>> 8) & 255, 255 & o, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 255, 255, ]); return qe.box(qe.types.avc1, r, qe.box(qe.types.avcC, t)); } static hvc1(e) { let t = e.avcc; const i = e.codecWidth, o = e.codecHeight; let r = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (i >>> 8) & 255, 255 & i, (o >>> 8) & 255, 255 & o, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 255, 255, ]); return qe.box(qe.types.hvc1, r, qe.box(qe.types.hvcC, t)); } static mvex(e) { return qe.box(qe.types.mvex, qe.trex(e)); } static trex(e) { let t = e.id, i = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, (t >>> 24) & 255, (t >>> 16) & 255, (t >>> 8) & 255, 255 & t, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, ]); return qe.box(qe.types.trex, i); } static moof(e, t) { return qe.box(qe.types.moof, qe.mfhd(e.sequenceNumber), qe.traf(e, t)); } static mfhd(e) { let t = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, (e >>> 24) & 255, (e >>> 16) & 255, (e >>> 8) & 255, 255 & e, ]); return qe.box(qe.types.mfhd, t); } static traf(e, t) { let i = e.id, o = qe.box( qe.types.tfhd, new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, (i >>> 24) & 255, (i >>> 16) & 255, (i >>> 8) & 255, 255 & i, ]), ), r = qe.box( qe.types.tfdt, new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, (t >>> 24) & 255, (t >>> 16) & 255, (t >>> 8) & 255, 255 & t, ]), ), s = qe.sdtp(e), n = qe.trun(e, s.byteLength + 16 + 16 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 8); return qe.box(qe.types.traf, o, r, n, s); } static sdtp(e) { let t = new Uint8Array(5), i = e.flags; return ( (t[4] = (i.isLeading << 6) | (i.dependsOn << 4) | (i.isDependedOn << 2) | i.hasRedundancy), qe.box(qe.types.sdtp, t) ); } static trun(e, t) { let i = new Uint8Array(28); (t += 36), i.set( [0, 0, 15, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, (t >>> 24) & 255, (t >>> 16) & 255, (t >>> 8) & 255, 255 & t], 0, ); let o = e.duration, r = e.size, s = e.flags, n = e.cts; return ( i.set( [ (o >>> 24) & 255, (o >>> 16) & 255, (o >>> 8) & 255, 255 & o, (r >>> 24) & 255, (r >>> 16) & 255, (r >>> 8) & 255, 255 & r, (s.isLeading << 2) | s.dependsOn, (s.isDependedOn << 6) | (s.hasRedundancy << 4) | s.isNonSync, 0, 0, (n >>> 24) & 255, (n >>> 16) & 255, (n >>> 8) & 255, 255 & n, ], 12, ), qe.box(qe.types.trun, i) ); } static mdat(e) { return qe.box(qe.types.mdat, e); } } qe.init(); class Ke { constructor(e) { (this.TAG = 'ExpGolomb'), (this._buffer = e), (this._buffer_index = 0), (this._total_bytes = e.byteLength), (this._total_bits = 8 * e.byteLength), (this._current_word = 0), (this._current_word_bits_left = 0); } destroy() { this._buffer = null; } _fillCurrentWord() { let e = this._total_bytes - this._buffer_index, t = Math.min(4, e), i = new Uint8Array(4); i.set(this._buffer.subarray(this._buffer_index, this._buffer_index + t)), (this._current_word = new DataView(i.buffer).getUint32(0, !1)), (this._buffer_index += t), (this._current_word_bits_left = 8 * t); } readBits(e) { if (e <= this._current_word_bits_left) { let t = this._current_word >>> (32 - e); return (this._current_word <<= e), (this._current_word_bits_left -= e), t; } let t = this._current_word_bits_left ? this._current_word : 0; t >>>= 32 - this._current_word_bits_left; let i = e - this._current_word_bits_left; this._fillCurrentWord(); let o = Math.min(i, this._current_word_bits_left), r = this._current_word >>> (32 - o); return (this._current_word <<= o), (this._current_word_bits_left -= o), (t = (t << o) | r), t; } readBool() { return 1 === this.readBits(1); } readByte() { return this.readBits(8); } _skipLeadingZero() { let e; for (e = 0; e < this._current_word_bits_left; e++) if (0 != (this._current_word & (2147483648 >>> e))) return (this._current_word <<= e), (this._current_word_bits_left -= e), e; return this._fillCurrentWord(), e + this._skipLeadingZero(); } readUEG() { let e = this._skipLeadingZero(); return this.readBits(e + 1) - 1; } readSEG() { let e = this.readUEG(); return 1 & e ? (e + 1) >>> 1 : -1 * (e >>> 1); } } class _e { static _ebsp2rbsp(e) { let t = e, i = t.byteLength, o = new Uint8Array(i), r = 0; for (let e = 0; e < i; e++) (e >= 2 && 3 === t[e] && 0 === t[e - 1] && 0 === t[e - 2]) || ((o[r] = t[e]), r++); return new Uint8Array(o.buffer, 0, r); } static parseSPS(e) { let t = _e._ebsp2rbsp(e), i = new Ke(t); i.readByte(); let o = i.readByte(); i.readByte(); let r = i.readByte(); i.readUEG(); let s = _e.getProfileString(o), n = _e.getLevelString(r), A = 1, a = 420, d = [0, 420, 422, 444], c = 8; if ( (100 === o || 110 === o || 122 === o || 244 === o || 44 === o || 83 === o || 86 === o || 118 === o || 128 === o || 138 === o || 144 === o) && ((A = i.readUEG()), 3 === A && i.readBits(1), A <= 3 && (a = d[A]), (c = i.readUEG() + 8), i.readUEG(), i.readBits(1), i.readBool()) ) { let e = 3 !== A ? 8 : 12; for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) i.readBool() && (t < 6 ? _e._skipScalingList(i, 16) : _e._skipScalingList(i, 64)); } i.readUEG(); let l = i.readUEG(); if (0 === l) i.readUEG(); else if (1 === l) { i.readBits(1), i.readSEG(), i.readSEG(); let e = i.readUEG(); for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) i.readSEG(); } let u = i.readUEG(); i.readBits(1); let h = i.readUEG(), p = i.readUEG(), m = i.readBits(1); 0 === m && i.readBits(1), i.readBits(1); let g = 0, f = 0, b = 0, y = 0; i.readBool() && ((g = i.readUEG()), (f = i.readUEG()), (b = i.readUEG()), (y = i.readUEG())); let v = 1, w = 1, S = 0, E = !0, B = 0, C = 0; if (i.readBool()) { if (i.readBool()) { let e = i.readByte(), t = [1, 12, 10, 16, 40, 24, 20, 32, 80, 18, 15, 64, 160, 4, 3, 2], o = [1, 11, 11, 11, 33, 11, 11, 11, 33, 11, 11, 33, 99, 3, 2, 1]; e > 0 && e < 16 ? ((v = t[e - 1]), (w = o[e - 1])) : 255 === e && ((v = (i.readByte() << 8) | i.readByte()), (w = (i.readByte() << 8) | i.readByte())); } if ( (i.readBool() && i.readBool(), i.readBool() && (i.readBits(4), i.readBool() && i.readBits(24)), i.readBool() && (i.readUEG(), i.readUEG()), i.readBool()) ) { let e = i.readBits(32), t = i.readBits(32); (E = i.readBool()), (B = t), (C = 2 * e), (S = B / C); } } let R = 1; (1 === v && 1 === w) || (R = v / w); let k = 0, T = 0; if (0 === A) (k = 1), (T = 2 - m); else { (k = 3 === A ? 1 : 2), (T = (1 === A ? 2 : 1) * (2 - m)); } let I = 16 * (h + 1), x = 16 * (p + 1) * (2 - m); (I -= (g + f) * k), (x -= (b + y) * T); let D = Math.ceil(I * R); return ( i.destroy(), (i = null), { profile_string: s, level_string: n, bit_depth: c, ref_frames: u, chroma_format: a, chroma_format_string: _e.getChromaFormatString(a), frame_rate: { fixed: E, fps: S, fps_den: C, fps_num: B }, sar_ratio: { width: v, height: w }, codec_size: { width: I, height: x }, present_size: { width: D, height: x }, } ); } static _skipScalingList(e, t) { let i = 8, o = 8, r = 0; for (let s = 0; s < t; s++) 0 !== o && ((r = e.readSEG()), (o = (i + r + 256) % 256)), (i = 0 === o ? i : o); } static getProfileString(e) { switch (e) { case 66: return 'Baseline'; case 77: return 'Main'; case 88: return 'Extended'; case 100: return 'High'; case 110: return 'High10'; case 122: return 'High422'; case 244: return 'High444'; default: return 'Unknown'; } } static getLevelString(e) { return (e / 10).toFixed(1); } static getChromaFormatString(e) { switch (e) { case 420: return '4:2:0'; case 422: return '4:2:2'; case 444: return '4:4:4'; default: return 'Unknown'; } } } class $e { static _ebsp2rbsp(e) { let t = e, i = t.byteLength, o = new Uint8Array(i), r = 0; for (let e = 0; e < i; e++) (e >= 2 && 3 === t[e] && 0 === t[e - 1] && 0 === t[e - 2]) || ((o[r] = t[e]), r++); return new Uint8Array(o.buffer, 0, r); } static parseSPS(e) { let t = $e._ebsp2rbsp(e); new Ke(t); return { profile_string: '', level_string: '', bit_depth: '', ref_frames: '', chroma_format: '', chroma_format_string: '', frame_rate: { fixed: '', fps: '', fps_den: '', fps_num: '' }, sar_ratio: { width: '', height: '' }, codec_size: { width: '', height: '' }, present_size: { width: '', height: '' }, }; } static _skipScalingList(e, t) { let i = 8, o = 8, r = 0; for (let s = 0; s < t; s++) 0 !== o && ((r = e.readSEG()), (o = (i + r + 256) % 256)), (i = 0 === o ? i : o); } static getLevelString(e) { return (e / 10).toFixed(1); } } class et extends Ce { constructor(e) { super(), (this.player = e), (this.isAvc = !0), (this.mediaSource = new window.MediaSource()), (this.sourceBuffer = null), (this.hasInit = !1), (this.isInitInfo = !1), (this.cacheTrack = {}), (this.timeInit = !1), (this.sequenceNumber = 0), (this.mediaSourceOpen = !1), (this.bufferList = []), (this.dropping = !1), (this.player.video.$videoElement.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.mediaSource)); const { debug: t, events: { proxy: i }, } = e; i(this.mediaSource, 'sourceopen', () => { (this.mediaSourceOpen = !0), this.player.emit(T.mseSourceOpen); }), i(this.mediaSource, 'sourceclose', () => { this.player.emit(T.mseSourceClose); }), e.debug.log('MediaSource', 'init'); } destroy() { this.stop(), (this.bufferList = []), (this.mediaSource = null), (this.mediaSourceOpen = !1), (this.sourceBuffer = null), (this.hasInit = !1), (this.isInitInfo = !1), (this.sequenceNumber = 0), (this.cacheTrack = null), (this.timeInit = !1), this.off(), this.player.debug.log('MediaSource', 'destroy'); } get state() { return this.mediaSource.readyState; } get isStateOpen() { return this.state === ie; } get isStateClosed() { return this.state === oe; } get isStateEnded() { return this.state === te; } get duration() { return this.mediaSource.duration; } set duration(e) { this.mediaSource.duration = e; } decodeVideo(e, t, i) { const o = this.player; if (this.hasInit) this._decodeVideo(e, t, i); else if (i && 0 === e[1]) { const r = 15 & e[0]; if ((o.video.updateVideoInfo({ encTypeCode: r }), r === M)) return void this.emit(x.mediaSourceH265NotSupport); o._times.decodeStart || (o._times.decodeStart = pe()), this._decodeConfigurationRecord(e, t, i, r), (this.hasInit = !0); } } _doDecode() { const e = this.bufferList.shift(); e && this._decodeVideo(e.payload, e.ts, e.isIframe); } _decodeConfigurationRecord(e, t, i, o) { let r = e.slice(5), s = {}; o === O ? (s = (function (e) { const t = {}, i = new DataView(e.buffer); let o = i.getUint8(0), r = i.getUint8(1); if ((i.getUint8(2), i.getUint8(3), 1 !== o || 0 === r)) return; const s = 1 + (3 & i.getUint8(4)); if (3 !== s && 4 !== s) return; let n = 31 & i.getUint8(5); if (0 === n) return; let A = 6; for (let o = 0; o < n; o++) { let r = i.getUint16(A, !1); if (((A += 2), 0 === r)) continue; let s = new Uint8Array(e.buffer, A, r); A += r; let n = _e.parseSPS(s); if (0 !== o) continue; (t.codecWidth = n.codec_size.width), (t.codecHeight = n.codec_size.height), (t.presentWidth = n.present_size.width), (t.presentHeight = n.present_size.height), (t.profile = n.profile_string), (t.level = n.level_string), (t.bitDepth = n.bit_depth), (t.chromaFormat = n.chroma_format), (t.sarRatio = n.sar_ratio), (t.frameRate = n.frame_rate), (!1 !== n.frame_rate.fixed && 0 !== n.frame_rate.fps_num && 0 !== n.frame_rate.fps_den) || (t.frameRate = {}); let a = t.frameRate.fps_den, d = t.frameRate.fps_num; t.refSampleDuration = t.timescale * (a / d); let c = s.subarray(1, 4), l = 'avc1.'; for (let e = 0; e < 3; e++) { let t = c[e].toString(16); t.length < 2 && (t = '0' + t), (l += t); } t.codec = l; } let a = i.getUint8(A); if (0 !== a) { A++; for (let t = 0; t < a; t++) { let t = i.getUint16(A, !1); (A += 2), 0 !== t && (new Uint8Array(e.buffer, A, t), (A += t)); } return (t.videoType = 'avc'), t; } })(r)) : o === M && (s = (function (e) { const t = { videoType: 'hevc' }; let i = 23; if (e[i] !== W) return t; (i += 2), (i += 1); const o = e[i + 1] | (e[i] << 8); i += 2; const r = e.slice(i, i + o); if ((console.log(Uint8Array.from(r)), (i += o), e[i] !== G)) return t; (i += 2), (i += 1); const s = e[i + 1] | (e[i] << 8); i += 2; const n = e.slice(i, i + s); if ((console.log(Uint8Array.from(n)), (i += s), e[i] !== P)) return t; (i += 2), (i += 1); const A = e[i + 1] | (e[i] << 8); i += 2; const a = e.slice(i, i + A); console.log(Uint8Array.from(a)); let d = Uint8Array.from(n), c = $e.parseSPS(d); return ( (t.codecWidth = c.codec_size.width), (t.codecHeight = c.codec_size.height), (t.presentWidth = c.present_size.width), (t.presentHeight = c.present_size.height), (t.profile = c.profile_string), (t.level = c.level_string), (t.bitDepth = c.bit_depth), (t.chromaFormat = c.chroma_format), (t.sarRatio = c.sar_ratio), t ); })(r)); const n = { id: 1, type: 'video', timescale: 1e3, duration: 0, avcc: r, codecWidth: s.codecWidth, codecHeight: s.codecHeight, videoType: s.videoType, }, A = qe.generateInitSegment(n); (this.isAvc = !0), this.appendBuffer(A.buffer), (this.sequenceNumber = 0), (this.cacheTrack = null), (this.timeInit = !1); } _decodeVideo(e, t, i) { const o = this.player; let r = e.slice(5), s = r.byteLength, n = t; const A = o.video.$videoElement, a = o._opt.videoBufferDelay; if ( (A.buffered.length > 1 && (this.removeBuffer(A.buffered.start(0), A.buffered.end(0)), (this.timeInit = !1)), this.dropping && n - this.cacheTrack.dts > a) ) (this.dropping = !1), (this.cacheTrack = {}); else if (this.cacheTrack && n > this.cacheTrack.dts) { let e = 8 + this.cacheTrack.size, i = new Uint8Array(e); (i[0] = (e >>> 24) & 255), (i[1] = (e >>> 16) & 255), (i[2] = (e >>> 8) & 255), (i[3] = 255 & e), i.set(qe.types.mdat, 4), i.set(this.cacheTrack.data, 8), (this.cacheTrack.duration = n - this.cacheTrack.dts); let r = qe.moof(this.cacheTrack, this.cacheTrack.dts), s = new Uint8Array(r.byteLength + i.byteLength); s.set(r, 0), s.set(i, r.byteLength), this.appendBuffer(s.buffer), o.handleRender(), o.updateStats({ fps: !0, ts: t, buf: o.demux.delay }), o._times.videoStart || ((o._times.videoStart = pe()), o.handlePlayToRenderTimes()); } else o.debug.log('MediaSource', 'timeInit set false , cacheTrack = {}'), (this.timeInit = !1), (this.cacheTrack = {}); (this.cacheTrack.id = 1), (this.cacheTrack.sequenceNumber = ++this.sequenceNumber), (this.cacheTrack.size = s), (this.cacheTrack.dts = n), (this.cacheTrack.cts = 0), (this.cacheTrack.isKeyframe = i), (this.cacheTrack.data = r), (this.cacheTrack.flags = { isLeading: 0, dependsOn: i ? 2 : 1, isDependedOn: i ? 1 : 0, hasRedundancy: 0, isNonSync: i ? 0 : 1, }), this.timeInit || 1 !== A.buffered.length || (o.debug.log('MediaSource', 'timeInit set true'), (this.timeInit = !0), (A.currentTime = A.buffered.end(0))), !this.isInitInfo && A.videoWidth > 0 && A.videoHeight > 0 && (o.debug.log('MediaSource', `updateVideoInfo: ${A.videoWidth},${A.videoHeight}`), o.video.updateVideoInfo({ width: A.videoWidth, height: A.videoHeight }), o.video.initCanvasViewSize(), (this.isInitInfo = !0)); } appendBuffer(e) { const { debug: t, events: { proxy: i }, } = this.player; null === this.sourceBuffer && ((this.sourceBuffer = this.mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(ee)), i(this.sourceBuffer, 'error', (e) => { this.player.emit(T.mseSourceBufferError, e); })), !1 === this.sourceBuffer.updating && this.isStateOpen ? this.sourceBuffer.appendBuffer ? this.sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(e) : t.log('MediaSource', 'this.sourceBuffer.appendBuffer function is undefined') : this.isStateClosed ? this.player.emit( T.mseSourceBufferError, 'mediaSource is not attached to video or mediaSource is closed', ) : this.isStateEnded ? this.player.emit(T.mseSourceBufferError, 'mediaSource is closed') : !0 === this.sourceBuffer.updating && this.player.emit(T.mseSourceBufferBusy); } stop() { this.isStateOpen && this.sourceBuffer && this.sourceBuffer.abort(), this.endOfStream(); } dropSourceBuffer(e) { const t = this.player.video.$videoElement; (this.dropping = e), t.buffered.length > 0 && t.buffered.end(0) - t.currentTime > 1 && (t.currentTime = t.buffered.end(0)); } removeBuffer(e, t) { if (this.isStateOpen && !1 === this.sourceBuffer.updating) try { this.sourceBuffer.remove(e, t); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } endOfStream() { this.isStateOpen && this.mediaSource.endOfStream(); } } const tt = () => 'undefined' != typeof navigator && parseFloat( ( '' + (/CPU.*OS ([0-9_]{3,4})[0-9_]{0,1}|(CPU like).*AppleWebKit.*Mobile/i.exec( navigator.userAgent, ) || [0, ''])[1] ) .replace('undefined', '3_2') .replace('_', '.') .replace('_', ''), ) < 10 && !window.MSStream, it = () => 'wakeLock' in navigator; class ot { constructor(e) { if (((this.player = e), (this.enabled = !1), it())) { this._wakeLock = null; const e = () => { null !== this._wakeLock && 'visible' === document.visibilityState && this.enable(); }; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', e), document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', e); } else tt() ? (this.noSleepTimer = null) : ((this.noSleepVideo = document.createElement('video')), this.noSleepVideo.setAttribute('title', 'No Sleep'), this.noSleepVideo.setAttribute('playsinline', ''), this._addSourceToVideo( this.noSleepVideo, 'webm', 'data:video/webm;base64,GkXfowEAAAAAAAAfQoaBAUL3gQFC8oEEQvOBCEKChHdlYm1Ch4EEQoWBAhhTgGcBAAAAAAAVkhFNm3RALE27i1OrhBVJqWZTrIHfTbuMU6uEFlSua1OsggEwTbuMU6uEHFO7a1OsghV17AEAAAAAAACkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVSalmAQAAAAAAAEUq17GDD0JATYCNTGF2ZjU1LjMzLjEwMFdBjUxhdmY1NS4zMy4xMDBzpJBlrrXf3DCDVB8KcgbMpcr+RImIQJBgAAAAAAAWVK5rAQAAAAAAD++uAQAAAAAAADLXgQFzxYEBnIEAIrWcg3VuZIaFVl9WUDiDgQEj44OEAmJaAOABAAAAAAAABrCBsLqBkK4BAAAAAAAPq9eBAnPFgQKcgQAitZyDdW5khohBX1ZPUkJJU4OBAuEBAAAAAAAAEZ+BArWIQOdwAAAAAABiZIEgY6JPbwIeVgF2b3JiaXMAAAAAAoC7AAAAAAAAgLUBAAAAAAC4AQN2b3JiaXMtAAAAWGlwaC5PcmcgbGliVm9yYmlzIEkgMjAxMDExMDEgKFNjaGF1ZmVudWdnZXQpAQAAABUAAABlbmNvZGVyPUxhdmM1NS41Mi4xMDIBBXZvcmJpcyVCQ1YBAEAAACRzGCpGpXMWhBAaQlAZ4xxCzmvsGUJMEYIcMkxbyyVzkCGkoEKIWyiB0JBVAABAAACHQXgUhIpBCCGEJT1YkoMnPQghhIg5eBSEaUEIIYQQQgghhBBCCCGERTlokoMnQQgdhOMwOAyD5Tj4HIRFOVgQgydB6CCED0K4moOsOQghhCQ1SFCDBjnoHITCLCiKgsQwuBaEBDUojILkMMjUgwtCiJqDSTX4GoRnQXgWhGlBCCGEJEFIkIMGQcgYhEZBWJKDBjm4FITLQagahCo5CB+EIDRkFQCQAACgoiiKoigKEBqyCgDIAAAQQFEUx3EcyZEcybEcCwgNWQUAAAEACAAAoEiKpEiO5EiSJFmSJVmSJVmS5omqLMuyLMuyLMsyEBqyCgBIAABQUQxFcRQHCA1ZBQBkAAAIoDiKpViKpWiK54iOCISGrAIAgAAABAAAEDRDUzxHlETPVFXXtm3btm3btm3btm3btm1blmUZCA1ZBQBAAAAQ0mlmqQaIMAMZBkJDVgEACAAAgBGKMMSA0JBVAABAAACAGEoOogmtOd+c46BZDppKsTkdnEi1eZKbirk555xzzsnmnDHOOeecopxZDJoJrTnnnMSgWQqaCa0555wnsXnQmiqtOeeccc7pYJwRxjnnnCateZCajbU555wFrWmOmkuxOeecSLl5UptLtTnnnHPOOeecc84555zqxekcnBPOOeecqL25lpvQxTnnnE/G6d6cEM4555xzzjnnnHPOOeecIDRkFQAABABAEIaNYdwpCNLnaCBGEWIaMulB9+gwCRqDnELq0ehopJQ6CCWVcVJKJwgNWQUAAAIAQAghhRRSSCGFFFJIIYUUYoghhhhyyimnoIJKKqmooowyyyyzzDLLLLPMOuyssw47DDHEEEMrrcRSU2011lhr7jnnmoO0VlprrbVSSimllFIKQkNWAQAgAAAEQgYZZJBRSCGFFGKIKaeccgoqqIDQkFUAACAAgAAAAABP8hzRER3RER3RER3RER3R8RzPESVREiVREi3TMjXTU0VVdWXXlnVZt31b2IVd933d933d+HVhWJZlWZZlWZZlWZZlWZZlWZYgNGQVAAACAAAghBBCSCGFFFJIKcYYc8w56CSUEAgNWQUAAAIACAAAAHAUR3EcyZEcSbIkS9IkzdIsT/M0TxM9URRF0zRV0RVdUTdtUTZl0zVdUzZdVVZtV5ZtW7Z125dl2/d93/d93/d93/d93/d9XQdCQ1YBABIAADqSIymSIimS4ziOJElAaMgqAEAGAEAAAIriKI7jOJIkSZIlaZJneZaomZrpmZ4qqkBoyCoAABAAQAAAAAAAAIqmeIqpeIqoeI7oiJJomZaoqZoryqbsuq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq4LhIasAgAkAAB0JEdyJEdSJEVSJEdygNCQVQCADACAAAAcwzEkRXIsy9I0T/M0TxM90RM901NFV3SB0JBVAAAgAIAAAAAAAAAMybAUy9EcTRIl1VItVVMt1VJF1VNVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVN0zRNEwgNWQkAkAEAkBBTLS3GmgmLJGLSaqugYwxS7KWxSCpntbfKMYUYtV4ah5RREHupJGOKQcwtpNApJq3WVEKFFKSYYyoVUg5SIDRkhQAQmgHgcBxAsixAsiwAAAAAAAAAkDQN0DwPsDQPAAAAAAAAACRNAyxPAzTPAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABA0jRA8zxA8zwAAAAAAAAA0DwP8DwR8EQRAAAAAAAAACzPAzTRAzxRBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABA0jRA8zxA8zwAAAAAAAAAsDwP8EQR0DwRAAAAAAAAACzPAzxRBDzRAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAEOAAABBgIRQasiIAiBMAcEgSJAmSBM0DSJYFTYOmwTQBkmVB06BpME0AAAAAAAAAAAAAJE2DpkHTIIoASdOgadA0iCIAAAAAAAAAAAAAkqZB06BpEEWApGnQNGgaRBEAAAAAAAAAAAAAzzQhihBFmCbAM02IIkQRpgkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAGHAAAAgwoQwUGrIiAIgTAHA4imUBAIDjOJYFAACO41gWAABYliWKAABgWZooAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAYcAAACDChDBQashIAiAIAcCiKZQHHsSzgOJYFJMmyAJYF0DyApgFEEQAIAAAocAAACLBBU2JxgEJDVgIAUQAABsWxLE0TRZKkaZoniiRJ0zxPFGma53meacLzPM80IYqiaJoQRVE0TZimaaoqME1VFQAAUOAAABBgg6bE4gCFhqwEAEICAByKYlma5nmeJ4qmqZokSdM8TxRF0TRNU1VJkqZ5niiKommapqqyLE3zPFEURdNUVVWFpnmeKIqiaaqq6sLzPE8URdE0VdV14XmeJ4qiaJqq6roQRVE0TdNUTVV1XSCKpmmaqqqqrgtETxRNU1Vd13WB54miaaqqq7ouEE3TVFVVdV1ZBpimaaqq68oyQFVV1XVdV5YBqqqqruu6sgxQVdd1XVmWZQCu67qyLMsCAAAOHAAAAoygk4wqi7DRhAsPQKEhKwKAKAAAwBimFFPKMCYhpBAaxiSEFEImJaXSUqogpFJSKRWEVEoqJaOUUmopVRBSKamUCkIqJZVSAADYgQMA2IGFUGjISgAgDwCAMEYpxhhzTiKkFGPOOScRUoox55yTSjHmnHPOSSkZc8w556SUzjnnnHNSSuacc845KaVzzjnnnJRSSuecc05KKSWEzkEnpZTSOeecEwAAVOAAABBgo8jmBCNBhYasBABSAQAMjmNZmuZ5omialiRpmud5niiapiZJmuZ5nieKqsnzPE8URdE0VZXneZ4oiqJpqirXFUXTNE1VVV2yLIqmaZqq6rowTdNUVdd1XZimaaqq67oubFtVVdV1ZRm2raqq6rqyDFzXdWXZloEsu67s2rIAAPAEBwCgAhtWRzgpGgssNGQlAJABAEAYg5BCCCFlEEIKIYSUUggJAAAYcAAACDChDBQashIASAUAAIyx1lprrbXWQGettdZaa62AzFprrbXW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), this._addSourceToVideo( this.noSleepVideo, 'mp4', 'data:video/mp4;base64,AAAAHGZ0eXBNNFYgAAACAGlzb21pc28yYXZjMQAAAAhmcmVlAAAGF21kYXTeBAAAbGliZmFhYyAxLjI4AABCAJMgBDIARwAAArEGBf//rdxF6b3m2Ui3lizYINkj7u94MjY0IC0gY29yZSAxNDIgcjIgOTU2YzhkOCAtIEguMjY0L01QRUctNCBBVkMgY29kZWMgLSBDb3B5bGVmdCAyMDAzLTIwMTQgLSBodHRwOi8vd3d3LnZpZGVvbGFuLm9yZy94MjY0Lmh0bWwgLSBvcHRpb25zOiBjYWJhYz0wIHJlZj0zIGRlYmxvY2s9MTowOjAgYW5hbHlzZT0weDE6MHgxMTEgbWU9aGV4IHN1Ym1lPTcgcHN5PTEgcHN5X3JkPTEuMDA6MC4wMCBtaXhlZF9yZWY9MSBtZV9yYW5nZT0xNiBjaHJvbWFfbWU9MSB0cmVsbGlzPTEgOHg4ZGN0PTAgY3FtPTAgZGVhZHpvbmU9MjEsMTEgZmFzdF9wc2tpcD0xIGNocm9tYV9xcF9vZmZzZXQ9LTIgdGhyZWFkcz02IGxvb2thaGVhZF90aHJlYWRzPTEgc2xpY2VkX3RocmVhZHM9MCBucj0wIGRlY2ltYXRlPTEgaW50ZXJsYWNlZD0wIGJsdXJheV9jb21wYXQ9MCBjb25zdHJhaW5lZF9pbnRyYT0wIGJmcmFtZXM9MCB3ZWlnaHRwPTAga2V5aW50PTI1MCBrZXlpbnRfbWluPTI1IHNjZW5lY3V0PTQwIGludHJhX3JlZnJlc2g9MCByY19sb29rYWhlYWQ9NDAgcmM9Y3JmIG1idHJlZT0xIGNyZj0yMy4wIHFjb21wPTAuNjAgcXBtaW49MCBxcG1heD02OSBxcHN0ZXA9NCB2YnZfbWF4cmF0ZT03NjggdmJ2X2J1ZnNpemU9MzAwMCBjcmZfbWF4PTAuMCBuYWxfaHJkPW5vbmUgZmlsbGVyPTAgaXBfcmF0aW89MS40MCBhcT0xOjEuMDAAgAAAAFZliIQL8mKAAKvMnJycnJycnJycnXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiEASZACGQAjgCEASZACGQAjgAAAAAdBmjgX4GSAIQBJkAIZACOAAAAAB0GaVAX4GSAhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZpgL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGagC/AySEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBmqAvwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZrAL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGa4C/AySEASZACGQAjgCEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBmwAvwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZsgL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGbQC/AySEASZACGQAjgCEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBm2AvwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZuAL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGboC/AySEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBm8AvwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZvgL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGaAC/AySEASZACGQAjgCEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBmiAvwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZpAL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGaYC/AySEASZACGQAjgCEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBmoAvwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZqgL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGawC/AySEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBmuAvwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZsAL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGbIC/AySEASZACGQAjgCEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBm0AvwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAAGQZtgL8DJIQBJkAIZACOAAAAABkGbgCvAySEASZACGQAjgCEASZACGQAjgAAAAAZBm6AnwMkhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AhAEmQAhkAI4AAAAhubW9vdgAAAGxtdmhkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD6AAABDcAAQAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwAAAzB0cmFrAAAAXHRraGQAAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAA+kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAALAAAACQAAAAAAAkZWR0cwAAABxlbHN0AAAAAAAAAAEAAAPpAAAAAAABAAAAAAKobWRpYQAAACBtZGhkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB1MAAAdU5VxAAAAAAALWhkbHIAAAAAAAAAAHZpZGUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABWaWRlb0hhbmRsZXIAAAACU21pbmYAAAAUdm1oZAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAACRkaW5mAAAAHGRyZWYAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAx1cmwgAAAAAQAAAhNzdGJsAAAAr3N0c2QAAAAAAAAAAQAAAJ9hdmMxAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAkABIAAAASAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGP//AAAALWF2Y0MBQsAN/+EAFWdCwA3ZAsTsBEAAAPpAADqYA8UKkgEABWjLg8sgAAAAHHV1aWRraEDyXyRPxbo5pRvPAyPzAAAAAAAAABhzdHRzAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAeAAAD6QAAABRzdHNzAAAAAAAAAAEAAAABAAAAHHN0c2MAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAEAAAABAAAAAQAAAIxzdHN6AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAADDwAAAAsAAAALAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAACgAAAAoAAAAKAAAAiHN0Y28AAAAAAAAAHgAAAEYAAANnAAADewAAA5gAAAO0AAADxwAAA+MAAAP2AAAEEgAABCUAAARBAAAEXQAABHAAAASMAAAEnwAABLsAAATOAAAE6gAABQYAAAUZAAAFNQAABUgAAAVkAAAFdwAABZMAAAWmAAAFwgAABd4AAAXxAAAGDQAABGh0cmFrAAAAXHRraGQAAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAABDcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkZWR0cwAAABxlbHN0AAAAAAAAAAEAAAQkAAADcAABAAAAAAPgbWRpYQAAACBtZGhkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC7gAAAykBVxAAAAAAALWhkbHIAAAAAAAAAAHNvdW4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABTb3VuZEhhbmRsZXIAAAADi21pbmYAAAAQc21oZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJGRpbmYAAAAcZHJlZgAAAAAAAAABAAAADHVybCAAAAABAAADT3N0YmwAAABnc3RzZAAAAAAAAAABAAAAV21wNGEAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAIAEAAAAAC7gAAAAAAAM2VzZHMAAAAAA4CAgCIAAgAEgICAFEAVBbjYAAu4AAAADcoFgICAAhGQBoCAgAECAAAAIHN0dHMAAAAAAAAAAgAAADIAAAQAAAAAAQAAAkAAAAFUc3RzYwAAAAAAAAAbAAAAAQAAAAEAAAABAAAAAgAAAAIAAAABAAAAAwAAAAEAAAABAAAABAAAAAIAAAABAAAABgAAAAEAAAABAAAABwAAAAIAAAABAAAACAAAAAEAAAABAAAACQAAAAIAAAABAAAACgAAAAEAAAABAAAACwAAAAIAAAABAAAADQAAAAEAAAABAAAADgAAAAIAAAABAAAADwAAAAEAAAABAAAAEAAAAAIAAAABAAAAEQAAAAEAAAABAAAAEgAAAAIAAAABAAAAFAAAAAEAAAABAAAAFQAAAAIAAAABAAAAFgAAAAEAAAABAAAAFwAAAAIAAAABAAAAGAAAAAEAAAABAAAAGQAAAAIAAAABAAAAGgAAAAEAAAABAAAAGwAAAAIAAAABAAAAHQAAAAEAAAABAAAAHgAAAAIAAAABAAAAHwAAAAQAAAABAAAA4HN0c3oAAAAAAAAAAAAAADMAAAAaAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAAAJAAAACQAAAAkAAACMc3RjbwAAAAAAAAAfAAAALAAAA1UAAANyAAADhgAAA6IAAAO+AAAD0QAAA+0AAAQAAAAEHAAABC8AAARLAAAEZwAABHoAAASWAAAEqQAABMUAAATYAAAE9AAABRAAAAUjAAAFPwAABVIAAAVuAAAFgQAABZ0AAAWwAAAFzAAABegAAAX7AAAGFwAAAGJ1ZHRhAAAAWm1ldGEAAAAAAAAAIWhkbHIAAAAAAAAAAG1kaXJhcHBsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALWlsc3QAAAAlqXRvbwAAAB1kYXRhAAAAAQAAAABMYXZmNTUuMzMuMTAw', ), this.noSleepVideo.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { this.noSleepVideo.duration <= 1 ? this.noSleepVideo.setAttribute('loop', '') : this.noSleepVideo.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { this.noSleepVideo.currentTime > 0.5 && (this.noSleepVideo.currentTime = Math.random()); }); })); } _addSourceToVideo(e, t, i) { var o = document.createElement('source'); (o.src = i), (o.type = `video/${t}`), e.appendChild(o); } get isEnabled() { return this.enabled; } enable() { const e = this.player.debug; if (it()) return navigator.wakeLock .request('screen') .then((t) => { (this._wakeLock = t), (this.enabled = !0), e.log('wakeLock', 'Wake Lock active.'), this._wakeLock.addEventListener('release', () => { e.log('wakeLock', 'Wake Lock released.'); }); }) .catch((t) => { throw ((this.enabled = !1), e.error('wakeLock', `${t.name}, ${t.message}`), t); }); if (tt()) return ( this.disable(), (this.noSleepTimer = window.setInterval(() => { document.hidden || ((window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]), window.setTimeout(window.stop, 0)); }, 15e3)), (this.enabled = !0), Promise.resolve() ); return this.noSleepVideo .play() .then((e) => ((this.enabled = !0), e)) .catch((e) => { throw ((this.enabled = !1), e); }); } disable() { const e = this.player.debug; it() ? (this._wakeLock && this._wakeLock.release(), (this._wakeLock = null)) : tt() ? this.noSleepTimer && (e.warn('wakeLock', 'NoSleep now disabled for older iOS devices.'), window.clearInterval(this.noSleepTimer), (this.noSleepTimer = null)) : this.noSleepVideo.pause(), (this.enabled = !1); } } class rt extends Ce { constructor(e, t) { var i; super(), (this.$container = e), (this._opt = Object.assign({}, d, t)), (this.debug = new ae(this)), this._opt.useWCS && (this._opt.useWCS = 'VideoEncoder' in window), this._opt.useMSE && (this._opt.useMSE = window.MediaSource && window.MediaSource.isTypeSupported(ee)), this._opt.wcsUseVideoRender && (this._opt.wcsUseVideoRender = window.MediaStreamTrackGenerator && 'function' == typeof window.MediaStreamTrackGenerator), this._opt.useMSE ? (this._opt.useWCS && this.debug.log('Player', 'useWCS set true->false'), this._opt.forceNoOffscreen || this.debug.log('Player', 'forceNoOffscreen set false->true'), (this._opt.useWCS = !1), (this._opt.forceNoOffscreen = !0)) : this._opt.useWCS, this._opt.forceNoOffscreen || ('undefined' == typeof OffscreenCanvas ? ((this._opt.forceNoOffscreen = !0), (this._opt.useOffscreen = !1)) : (this._opt.useOffscreen = !0)), this._opt.hasAudio || (this._opt.operateBtns.audio = !1), (this._opt.hasControl = this._hasControl()), (this._loading = !1), (this._playing = !1), (this._hasLoaded = !1), (this._checkHeartTimeout = null), (this._checkLoadingTimeout = null), (this._startBpsTime = null), (this._isPlayingBeforePageHidden = !1), (this._stats = { buf: 0, fps: 0, abps: 0, vbps: 0, ts: 0 }), (this._times = { playInitStart: '', playStart: '', streamStart: '', streamResponse: '', demuxStart: '', decodeStart: '', videoStart: '', playTimestamp: '', streamTimestamp: '', streamResponseTimestamp: '', demuxTimestamp: '', decodeTimestamp: '', videoTimestamp: '', allTimestamp: '', }), (this._videoTimestamp = 0), (this._audioTimestamp = 0), (i = this), Object.defineProperty(i, 'rect', { get: () => { const e = i.$container.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( (e.width = Math.max(e.width, i.$container.clientWidth)), (e.height = Math.max(e.height, i.$container.clientHeight)), e ); }, }), ['bottom', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'width'].forEach((e) => { Object.defineProperty(i, e, { get: () => i.rect[e] }); }), (this.events = new de(this)), (this.video = new Ie(this)), this._opt.hasAudio && (this.audio = new De(this)), (this.recorder = new Oe(this)), this._onlyMseOrWcsVideo() ? (this.loaded = !0) : (this.decoderWorker = new Me(this)), (this.stream = null), (this.demux = null), (this._lastVolume = null), this._opt.useWCS && ((this.webcodecsDecoder = new Je(this)), (this.loaded = !0)), this._opt.useMSE && ((this.mseDecoder = new et(this)), (this.loaded = !0)), (this.control = new Xe(this)), ve() && (this.keepScreenOn = new ot(this)), ((e) => { try { const t = (t) => { t.target === e.$container && (e.emit(I.fullscreen, e.fullscreen), e.fullscreen ? e._opt.useMSE && e.resize() : e.resize()); }; ce.on('change', t), e.events.destroys.push(() => { ce.off('change', t); }); } catch (e) {} if ( (e.on(T.decoderWorkerInit, () => { e.debug.log('player', 'has loaded'), (e.loaded = !0); }), e.on(T.play, () => { e.loading = !1; }), e.on(T.fullscreen, (t) => { if (t) try { ce.request(e.$container) .then(() => {}) .catch((t) => { e.webFullscreen = !0; }); } catch (t) { e.webFullscreen = !0; } else try { ce.exit() .then(() => {}) .catch(() => { e.webFullscreen = !1; }); } catch (t) { e.webFullscreen = !1; } }), e.on(T.webFullscreen, (t) => { t ? e.$container.classList.add('jessibuca-fullscreen-web') : e.$container.classList.remove('jessibuca-fullscreen-web'), e.emit(I.fullscreen, e.fullscreen); }), e.on(T.resize, () => { e.video.resize(); }), e._opt.debug) ) { const t = [T.timeUpdate]; Object.keys(T).forEach((i) => { e.on(T[i], (o) => { t.includes(i) || e.debug.log('player events', T[i], o); }); }), Object.keys(x).forEach((t) => { e.on(x[t], (i) => { e.debug.log('player event error', x[t], i); }); }); } })(this), Ze(this), this._opt.useWCS && this.debug.log('Player', 'use WCS'), this._opt.useMSE && this.debug.log('Player', 'use MSE'), this._opt.useOffscreen && this.debug.log('Player', 'use offscreen'), this.debug.log('Player options', this._opt); } destroy() { (this._loading = !1), (this._playing = !1), (this._hasLoaded = !1), (this._lastVolume = null), (this._times = { playInitStart: '', playStart: '', streamStart: '', streamResponse: '', demuxStart: '', decodeStart: '', videoStart: '', playTimestamp: '', streamTimestamp: '', streamResponseTimestamp: '', demuxTimestamp: '', decodeTimestamp: '', videoTimestamp: '', allTimestamp: '', }), this.decoderWorker && (this.decoderWorker.destroy(), (this.decoderWorker = null)), this.video && (this.video.destroy(), (this.video = null)), this.audio && (this.audio.destroy(), (this.audio = null)), this.stream && (this.stream.destroy(), (this.stream = null)), this.recorder && (this.recorder.destroy(), (this.recorder = null)), this.control && (this.control.destroy(), (this.control = null)), this.webcodecsDecoder && (this.webcodecsDecoder.destroy(), (this.webcodecsDecoder = null)), this.mseDecoder && (this.mseDecoder.destroy(), (this.mseDecoder = null)), this.demux && (this.demux.destroy(), (this.demux = null)), this.events && (this.events.destroy(), (this.events = null)), this.clearCheckHeartTimeout(), this.clearCheckLoadingTimeout(), this.releaseWakeLock(), (this.keepScreenOn = null), this.resetStats(), (this._audioTimestamp = 0), (this._videoTimestamp = 0), this.emit('destroy'), this.off(), this.debug.log('play', 'destroy end'); } set fullscreen(e) { ve() ? (this.emit(T.webFullscreen, e), setTimeout(() => { this.updateOption({ rotate: e ? 270 : 0 }), this.resize(); }, 10)) : this.emit(T.fullscreen, e); } get fullscreen() { return ( document.isFullScreen || document.mozIsFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen || this.webFullscreen ); } set webFullscreen(e) { this.emit(T.webFullscreen, e); } get webFullscreen() { return this.$container.classList.contains('jessibuca-fullscreen-web'); } set loaded(e) { this._hasLoaded = e; } get loaded() { return this._hasLoaded; } set playing(e) { e && (this.loading = !1), this.playing !== e && ((this._playing = e), this.emit(T.playing, e), this.emit(T.volumechange, this.volume), e ? this.emit(T.play) : this.emit(T.pause)); } get playing() { return this._playing; } get volume() { return (this.audio && this.audio.volume) || 0; } set volume(e) { e !== this.volume && (this.audio && this.audio.setVolume(e), (this._lastVolume = e)); } get lastVolume() { return this._lastVolume; } set loading(e) { this.loading !== e && ((this._loading = e), this.emit(T.loading, this._loading)); } get loading() { return this._loading; } set recording(e) { e ? this.playing && this.recorder && this.recorder.startRecord() : this.recorder && this.recorder.stopRecordAndSave(); } get recording() { return !!this.recorder && this.recorder.recording; } set audioTimestamp(e) { null !== e && (this._audioTimestamp = e); } get audioTimestamp() { return this._audioTimestamp; } set videoTimestamp(e) { null !== e && ((this._videoTimestamp = e), this._opt.useWCS || this._opt.useMSE || (this.audioTimestamp && this.videoTimestamp && this.audio && this.audio.emit(T.videoSyncAudio, { audioTimestamp: this.audioTimestamp, videoTimestamp: this.videoTimestamp, diff: this.audioTimestamp - this.videoTimestamp, }))); } get videoTimestamp() { return this._videoTimestamp; } updateOption(e) { this._opt = Object.assign({}, this._opt, e); } init() { return new Promise((e, t) => { this.stream || (this.stream = new Ue(this)), this.audio || (this._opt.hasAudio && (this.audio = new De(this))), this.demux || (this.demux = new Pe(this)), this._opt.useWCS && (this.webcodecsDecoder || (this.webcodecsDecoder = new Je(this))), this._opt.useMSE && (this.mseDecoder || (this.mseDecoder = new et(this))), this.decoderWorker || this._onlyMseOrWcsVideo() ? e() : ((this.decoderWorker = new Me(this)), this.once(T.decoderWorkerInit, () => { e(); })); }); } play(e, t) { return new Promise((i, o) => { if (!e && !this._opt.url) return o(); (this.loading = !0), (this.playing = !1), (this._times.playInitStart = pe()), e || (e = this._opt.url), (this._opt.url = e), this.clearCheckHeartTimeout(), this.init() .then(() => { (this._times.playStart = pe()), this._opt.isNotMute && this.mute(!1), this.webcodecsDecoder && this.webcodecsDecoder.once(x.webcodecsH265NotSupport, () => { this.emit(x.webcodecsH265NotSupport), this._opt.autoWasm || this.emit(T.error, x.webcodecsH265NotSupport); }), this.mseDecoder && this.mseDecoder.once(x.mediaSourceH265NotSupport, () => { this.emit(x.mediaSourceH265NotSupport), this._opt.autoWasm || this.emit(T.error, x.mediaSourceH265NotSupport); }), this.enableWakeLock(), this.stream.fetchStream(e, t), this.checkLoadingTimeout(), this.stream.once(x.fetchError, (e) => { o(e); }), this.stream.once(x.websocketError, (e) => { o(e); }), this.stream.once(T.streamSuccess, () => { i(), (this._times.streamResponse = pe()), this.video.play(); }); }) .catch((e) => { o(e); }); }); } close() { return new Promise((e, t) => { this._close().then(() => { this.video && this.video.clearView(), e(); }); }); } resumeAudioAfterPause() { this.lastVolume && (this.volume = this.lastVolume); } _close() { return new Promise((e, t) => { this.stream && (this.stream.destroy(), (this.stream = null)), this.demux && (this.demux.destroy(), (this.demux = null)), this.decoderWorker && (this.decoderWorker.destroy(), (this.decoderWorker = null)), this.webcodecsDecoder && (this.webcodecsDecoder.destroy(), (this.webcodecsDecoder = null)), this.mseDecoder && (this.mseDecoder.destroy(), (this.mseDecoder = null)), this.audio && (this.audio.destroy(), (this.audio = null)), this.clearCheckHeartTimeout(), this.clearCheckLoadingTimeout(), (this.playing = !1), (this.loading = !1), (this.recording = !1), this.video && (this.video.resetInit(), this.video.pause()), this.releaseWakeLock(), this.resetStats(), (this._audioTimestamp = 0), (this._videoTimestamp = 0), (this._times = { playInitStart: '', playStart: '', streamStart: '', streamResponse: '', demuxStart: '', decodeStart: '', videoStart: '', playTimestamp: '', streamTimestamp: '', streamResponseTimestamp: '', demuxTimestamp: '', decodeTimestamp: '', videoTimestamp: '', allTimestamp: '', }), setTimeout(() => { e(); }, 0); }); } pause(e) { return e ? this.close() : this._close(); } mute(e) { this.audio && this.audio.mute(e); } resize() { this.video.resize(); } startRecord(e, t) { this.recording || (this.recorder.setFileName(e, t), (this.recording = !0)); } stopRecordAndSave() { this.recording && (this.recording = !1); } _hasControl() { let e = !1, t = !1; return ( Object.keys(this._opt.operateBtns).forEach((e) => { this._opt.operateBtns[e] && (t = !0); }), (this._opt.showBandwidth || this._opt.text || t) && (e = !0), e ); } _onlyMseOrWcsVideo() { return ( !1 === this._opt.hasAudio && (this._opt.useMSE || (this._opt.useWCS && !this._opt.useOffscreen)) ); } checkHeart() { this.clearCheckHeartTimeout(), this.checkHeartTimeout(); } checkHeartTimeout() { this._checkHeartTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.pause(!1).then(() => { this.emit(T.timeout, T.delayTimeout), this.emit(T.delayTimeout); }); }, 1e3 * this._opt.heartTimeout); } clearCheckHeartTimeout() { this._checkHeartTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._checkHeartTimeout), (this._checkHeartTimeout = null)); } checkLoadingTimeout() { this._checkLoadingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.pause(!1).then(() => { this.emit(T.timeout, T.loadingTimeout), this.emit(T.loadingTimeout); }); }, 1e3 * this._opt.loadingTimeout); } clearCheckLoadingTimeout() { this._checkLoadingTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._checkLoadingTimeout), (this._checkLoadingTimeout = null)); } handleRender() { this.loading && (this.emit(T.start), (this.loading = !1), this.clearCheckLoadingTimeout()), this.playing || (this.playing = !0), this.checkHeart(); } updateStats(e) { (e = e || {}), this._startBpsTime || (this._startBpsTime = pe()), Be(e.ts) && (this._stats.ts = e.ts), Be(e.buf) && (this._stats.buf = e.buf), e.fps && (this._stats.fps += 1), e.abps && (this._stats.abps += e.abps), e.vbps && (this._stats.vbps += e.vbps); const t = pe(); t - this._startBpsTime < 1e3 || (this.emit(T.stats, this._stats), this.emit( T.performance, (function (e) { let t = 0; return e >= 24 ? (t = 2) : e >= 15 && (t = 1), t; })(this._stats.fps), ), (this._stats.fps = 0), (this._stats.abps = 0), (this._stats.vbps = 0), (this._startBpsTime = t)); } resetStats() { (this._startBpsTime = null), (this._stats = { buf: 0, fps: 0, abps: 0, vbps: 0, ts: 0 }); } enableWakeLock() { this._opt.keepScreenOn && this.keepScreenOn && this.keepScreenOn.enable(); } releaseWakeLock() { this._opt.keepScreenOn && this.keepScreenOn && this.keepScreenOn.disable(); } handlePlayToRenderTimes() { const e = this._times; (e.playTimestamp = e.playStart - e.playInitStart), (e.streamTimestamp = e.streamStart - e.playStart), (e.streamResponseTimestamp = e.streamResponse - e.streamStart), (e.demuxTimestamp = e.demuxStart - e.streamResponse), (e.decodeTimestamp = e.decodeStart - e.demuxStart), (e.videoTimestamp = e.videoStart - e.decodeStart), (e.allTimestamp = e.videoStart - e.playInitStart), this.emit(T.playToRenderTimes, e); } } class st extends Ce { constructor(e) { super(); let t = e, i = e.container; if (('string' == typeof e.container && (i = document.querySelector(e.container)), !i)) throw new Error('Jessibuca need container option'); i.classList.add('jessibuca-container'), delete t.container, Be(t.videoBuffer) && (t.videoBuffer = 1e3 * Number(t.videoBuffer)), Be(t.timeout) && (Ee(t.loadingTimeout) && (t.loadingTimeout = t.timeout), Ee(t.heartTimeout) && (t.heartTimeout = t.timeout)), (this._opt = t), (this.$container = i), (this._loadingTimeoutReplayTimes = 0), (this._heartTimeoutReplayTimes = 0), (this.events = new de(this)), this._initPlayer(i, t); } destroy() { this.events && (this.events.destroy(), (this.events = null)), this.player && (this.player.destroy(), (this.player = null)), (this.$container = null), (this._opt = null), (this._loadingTimeoutReplayTimes = 0), (this._heartTimeoutReplayTimes = 0), this.off(); } _initPlayer(e, t) { (this.player = new rt(e, t)), this._bindEvents(); } _resetPlayer() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; this.player.destroy(), (this.player = null); const t = Object.assign(this._opt, e); this._initPlayer(this.$container, t); } _bindEvents() { Object.keys(I).forEach((e) => { this.player.on(I[e], (t) => { this.emit(e, t); }); }); } setDebug(e) { this.player.updateOption({ isDebug: !!e }); } mute() { this.player.mute(!0); } cancelMute() { this.player.mute(!1); } setVolume(e) { this.player.volume = e; } audioResume() { this.player.audio && this.player.audio.audioEnabled(!0); } setTimeout(e) { (e = Number(e)), this.player.updateOption({ timeout: e, loadingTimeout: e, heartTimeout: e }); } setScaleMode(e) { let t = { isFullResize: !1, isResize: !1 }; switch ((e = Number(e))) { case N: (t.isFullResize = !1), (t.isResize = !1); break; case z: (t.isFullResize = !1), (t.isResize = !0); break; case Y: (t.isFullResize = !0), (t.isResize = !0); } this.player.updateOption(t), this.resize(); } pause() { return this.player.pause(); } close() { return (this._opt.url = ''), (this._opt.playOptions = {}), this.player.close(); } clearView() { this.player.video.clearView(); } play(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return new Promise((i, o) => { if (!e && !this._opt.url) return this.emit(T.error, x.playError), void o(); if (e) { if (!this._opt.url) return this._play(e, t); e === this._opt.url ? this.player.playing ? i() : (this.clearView(), this.player .play(this._opt.url, this._opt.playOptions) .then(() => { i(), this.player.resumeAudioAfterPause(); }) .catch(() => { this.player.pause().then(() => { o(); }); })) : this.player .pause() .then(() => (this.clearView(), this._play(e, t))) .catch(() => { o(); }); } else this.player .play(this._opt.url, this._opt.playOptions) .then(() => { i(), this.player.resumeAudioAfterPause(); }) .catch(() => { this.player.pause().then(() => { o(); }); }); }); } _play(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return new Promise((i, o) => { (this._opt.url = e), (this._opt.playOptions = t); const r = 0 === e.indexOf('http'), d = r ? n : s, c = r || -1 !== e.indexOf('.flv') || this._opt.isFlv ? A : a; this.player.updateOption({ protocol: d, demuxType: c }), this.player.once(x.mediaSourceH265NotSupport, () => { this.close().then(() => { this.player._opt.autoWasm && (this.player.debug.log('Jessibuca', 'auto wasm [mse-> wasm] reset player and play'), this._resetPlayer({ useMSE: !1 }), this.play(e, t) .then(() => { this.player.debug.log( 'Jessibuca', 'auto wasm [mse-> wasm] reset player and play success', ); }) .catch(() => { this.player.debug.log( 'Jessibuca', 'auto wasm [mse-> wasm] reset player and play error', ); })); }); }), this.player.once(x.webcodecsH265NotSupport, () => { this.close().then(() => { this.player._opt.autoWasm && (this.player.debug.log('Jessibuca', 'auto wasm [wcs-> wasm] reset player and play'), this._resetPlayer({ useWCS: !1 }), this.play(e, t) .then(() => { this.player.debug.log( 'Jessibuca', 'auto wasm [wcs-> wasm] reset player and play success', ); }) .catch(() => { this.player.debug.log( 'Jessibuca', 'auto wasm [wcs-> wasm] reset player and play error', ); })); }); }), this.player.once(x.wasmDecodeError, () => { this.player._opt.wasmDecodeErrorReplay && this.close().then(() => { this.player.debug.log('Jessibuca', 'wasm decode error and reset player and play'), this._resetPlayer({ useWCS: !1 }), this.play(e, t) .then(() => { this.player.debug.log( 'Jessibuca', 'wasm decode error and reset player and play success', ); }) .catch(() => { this.player.debug.log( 'Jessibuca', 'wasm decode error and reset player and play error', ); }); }); }), this.player.once(T.delayTimeout, () => { this.player._opt.heartTimeoutReplay && this._heartTimeoutReplayTimes < this.player._opt.heartTimeoutReplayTimes && ((this._heartTimeoutReplayTimes += 1), this.play(e, t) .then(() => { this._heartTimeoutReplayTimes = 0; }) .catch(() => {})); }), this.player.once(T.loadingTimeout, () => { this.player._opt.loadingTimeoutReplay && this._loadingTimeoutReplayTimes < this.player._opt.loadingTimeoutReplayTimes && ((this._loadingTimeoutReplayTimes += 1), this.play(e, t) .then(() => { this._loadingTimeoutReplayTimes = 0; }) .catch(() => {})); }), this.hasLoaded() ? this.player .play(e, t) .then(() => { i(); }) .catch(() => { this.player.pause().then(() => { o(); }); }) : this.player.once(T.decoderWorkerInit, () => { this.player .play(e, t) .then(() => { i(); }) .catch(() => { this.player.pause().then(() => { o(); }); }); }); }); } resize() { this.player.resize(); } setBufferTime(e) { (e = Number(e)), this.player.updateOption({ videoBuffer: 1e3 * e }), this.player.decoderWorker && this.player.decoderWorker.updateWorkConfig({ key: 'videoBuffer', value: 1e3 * e }); } setRotate(e) { e = parseInt(e, 10); this._opt.rotate !== e && -1 !== [0, 90, 180, 270].indexOf(e) && (this.player.updateOption({ rotate: e }), this.resize()); } hasLoaded() { return this.player.loaded; } setKeepScreenOn() { this.player.updateOption({ keepScreenOn: !0 }); } setFullscreen(e) { const t = !!e; this.player.fullscreen !== t && (this.player.fullscreen = t); } screenshot(e, t, i, o) { return this.player.video.screenshot(e, t, i, o); } startRecord(e, t) { return new Promise((i, o) => { this.player.playing ? (this.player.startRecord(e, t), i()) : o(); }); } stopRecordAndSave() { this.player.recording && this.player.stopRecordAndSave(); } isPlaying() { return !!this.player && this.player.playing; } isMute() { return !this.player.audio || this.player.audio.isMute; } isRecording() { return this.player.recorder.recording; } } return ( r(st, 'ERROR', x), r(st, 'TIMEOUT', { loadingTimeout: T.loadingTimeout, delayTimeout: T.delayTimeout }), (window.Jessibuca = st), st ); });