'use strict'; /* * Copyright (C) 1998-2019 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ // This file holds definitions of all standard shape figures -- string values for Shape.figure. // The following functions and variables are used throughout this file: /** * @class * @class * This FigureParameter class describes various properties each parameter uses in figures. * @param {string} name * @param {number} def * @param {number=} min Defaults to zero * @param {number=} max Defaults to Infinity */ function FigureParameter(name, def, min, max) { if (min === undefined /*notpresent*/) min = 0.0; if (max === undefined /*notpresent*/) max = Infinity; /** @type {string} */ this._name = name; /** @type {number} */ this._defaultValue = def; /** @type {number} */ this._minimum = min; /** @type {number} */ this._maximum = max; } // Public properties /** * Gets or sets the name of the figure. * * @name FigureParamater#name * @function. * @returns {string} */ Object.defineProperty(FigureParameter.prototype, 'name', { get: function () { return this._name; }, set: function (val) { if (typeof val !== 'string' || val === '') throw new Error('Shape name must be a valid string.'); this._name = val; }, }); /** * Gets or sets the default value for the parameter. * * @function * @name FigureParameter#defaultValue * @returns {number} */ Object.defineProperty(FigureParameter.prototype, 'defaultValue', { get: function () { return this._defaultValue; }, set: function (val) { if (typeof val !== 'number' || isNaN(val)) throw new Error('The default value must be a real number, not: ' + val); this._defaultValue = val; }, }); /** * Gets or sets the minimum value allowed for the figure parameter. * * @name FigureParameter#minimum * @function. * @returns {number} */ Object.defineProperty(FigureParameter.prototype, 'minimum', { get: function () { return this._minimum; }, set: function (val) { if (typeof val !== 'number' || isNaN(val)) throw new Error('Minimum must be a real number, not: ' + val); this._minimum = val; }, }); /** * Gets or sets the maximum value allowed for the figure parameter. * * @name FigureParameter#maximum * @function. * @returns {number} */ Object.defineProperty(FigureParameter.prototype, 'maximum', { get: function () { return this._maximum; }, set: function (val) { if (typeof val !== 'number' || isNaN(val)) throw new Error('Maximum must be a real number, not: ' + val); this._maximum = val; }, }); go.Shape._FigureParameters = {}; /* * This static function gets a FigureParameter for a particular figure name. * @param {String} figurename * @param {number} index, currently must be either 0 or 1 * @return {FigureParameter} */ go.Shape.getFigureParameter = function (figurename, index) { var arr = go.Shape._FigureParameters[figurename]; if (!arr) return null; return /** @type {FigureParmeter} */ (arr[index]); }; /* * This static function sets a FigureParameter for a particular figure name. * @param {String} figurename * @param {number} index, currently must be either 0 or 1 * @param {FigureParameter} figparam */ go.Shape.setFigureParameter = function (figurename, index, figparam) { if (!(figparam instanceof FigureParameter)) throw new Error( 'Third argument to Shape.setFigureParameter is not FigureParameter: ' + figparam, ); if (figparam.defaultValue < figparam.minimum || figparam.defaultValue > figparam.maximum) throw new Error( 'defaultValue must be between minimum and maximum, not: ' + figparam.defaultValue, ); var arr = go.Shape._FigureParameters[figurename]; if (!arr) { arr = []; go.Shape._FigureParameters[figurename] = arr; } arr[index] = figparam; }; /** @ignore */ var _CachedPoints = []; /** * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @ignore * @returns {Point} */ function tempPointAt(x, y) { var temp = _CachedPoints.pop(); if (temp === undefined) return new go.Point(x, y); temp.x = x; temp.y = y; return temp; } /** * @ignore * @returns {Point} */ function tempPoint() { var temp = _CachedPoints.pop(); if (temp === undefined) return new go.Point(); return temp; } /** * @param {Point} temp * @ignore */ function freePoint(temp) { _CachedPoints.push(temp); } /** * @param {number} p1x * @param {number} p1y * @param {number} p2x * @param {number} p2y * @param {number} q1x * @param {number} q1y * @param {number} q2x * @param {number} q2y * @param {Point} result * @ignore * @returns {Point} */ function getIntersection(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, q1x, q1y, q2x, q2y, result) { var dx1 = p1x - p2x; var dx2 = q1x - q2x; var x; var y; if (dx1 === 0 || dx2 === 0) { if (dx1 === 0) { var m2 = (q1y - q2y) / dx2; var b2 = q1y - m2 * q1x; x = p1x; y = m2 * x + b2; } else { var m1 = (p1y - p2y) / dx1; var b1 = p1y - m1 * p1x; x = q1x; y = m1 * x + b1; } } else { var m1 = (p1y - p2y) / dx1; var m2 = (q1y - q2y) / dx2; var b1 = p1y - m1 * p1x; var b2 = q1y - m2 * q1x; x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2); y = m1 * x + b1; } result.x = x; result.y = y; return result; } /** * @param {number} startx * @param {number} starty * @param {number} c1x * @param {number} c1y * @param {number} c2x * @param {number} c2y * @param {number} endx * @param {number} endy * @param {Point} curve1cp1 // modified result control point * @param {Point} curve1cp2 // modified result control point * @param {Point} midpoint // modified result * @param {Point} curve2cp1 // modified result control point * @param {Point} curve2cp2 // modified result control point * @ignore * @pararm {number} fraction */ function breakUpBezier( startx, starty, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, endx, endy, fraction, curve1cp1, curve1cp2, midpoint, curve2cp1, curve2cp2, ) { var fo = 1 - fraction; var so = fraction; var m1x = startx * fo + c1x * so; var m1y = starty * fo + c1y * so; var m2x = c1x * fo + c2x * so; var m2y = c1y * fo + c2y * so; var m3x = c2x * fo + endx * so; var m3y = c2y * fo + endy * so; var m12x = m1x * fo + m2x * so; var m12y = m1y * fo + m2y * so; var m23x = m2x * fo + m3x * so; var m23y = m2y * fo + m3y * so; var m123x = m12x * fo + m23x * so; var m123y = m12y * fo + m23y * so; curve1cp1.x = m1x; curve1cp1.y = m1y; curve1cp2.x = m12x; curve1cp2.y = m12y; midpoint.x = m123x; midpoint.y = m123y; curve2cp1.x = m23x; curve2cp1.y = m23y; curve2cp2.x = m3x; curve2cp2.y = m3y; } var GeneratorEllipseSpot1 = new go.Spot(0.156, 0.156); var GeneratorEllipseSpot2 = new go.Spot(0.844, 0.844); var KAPPA = 4 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3); // PREDEFINED figures, built into the v2.0 library: go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Rectangle', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Rectangle); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Square', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Rectangle); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('RoundedRectangle', 0, new FigureParameter('CornerRounding', 5)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('RoundedRectangle', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0) param1 = 5; // default corner param1 = Math.min(param1, w / 3); param1 = Math.min(param1, h / 3); var cpOffset = param1 * KAPPA; var geo = new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(param1, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - param1, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, param1, w - cpOffset, 0, w, cpOffset)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h - param1)) .add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w - param1, h, w, h - cpOffset, w - cpOffset, h), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h - param1, cpOffset, h, 0, h - cpOffset)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, param1)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, param1, 0, 0, cpOffset, cpOffset, 0).close()), ); if (cpOffset > 1) { geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0, cpOffset, cpOffset); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1, -cpOffset, -cpOffset); } return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Border', 'RoundedRectangle'); // predefined in 2.0 go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Ellipse', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Ellipse); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; geo.spot1 = GeneratorEllipseSpot1; geo.spot2 = GeneratorEllipseSpot2; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Circle', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Ellipse); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; geo.spot1 = GeneratorEllipseSpot1; geo.spot2 = GeneratorEllipseSpot2; geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TriangleRight', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ) .setSpots(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TriangleDown', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h).close()), ) .setSpots(0.25, 0, 0.75, 0.5); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TriangleLeft', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(w, h) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0).close()), ) .setSpots(0.5, 0.25, 1, 0.75); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TriangleUp', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(w, h) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0).close()), ) .setSpots(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Triangle', 'TriangleUp'); // predefined in 2.0 go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Diamond', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h).close()), ) .setSpots(0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LineH', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Line); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = h / 2; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h / 2; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LineV', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Line); geo.startX = w / 2; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w / 2; geo.endY = h; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BarH', 'Rectangle'); // predefined in 2.0 go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BarV', 'Rectangle'); // predefined in 2.0 go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MinusLine', 'LineH'); // predefined in 2.0 go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('PlusLine', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, h / 2, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h / 2)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w / 2, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w / 2, h)), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('XLine', function (shape, w, h) { // predefined in 2.0 return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, h, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)), ); }); // OPTIONAL figures, not predefined in the v2.0 library: go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('AsteriskLine', function (shape, w, h) { var offset = 0.2 / Math.SQRT2; return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(offset * w, (1 - offset) * h, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - offset) * w, offset * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, offset * w, offset * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - offset) * w, (1 - offset) * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, h / 2)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h / 2)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w / 2, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w / 2, h)), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('CircleLine', function (shape, w, h) { var rad = w / 2; var geo = new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(w, w / 2, false) // clockwise .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 0, 360, rad, rad, rad, rad).close()), ); geo.spot1 = GeneratorEllipseSpot1; geo.spot2 = GeneratorEllipseSpot2; geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Line1', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Line); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Line2', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Line); geo.startX = w; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = 0; geo.endY = h; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Curve1', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false).add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, h, KAPPA * w, 0, w, (1 - KAPPA) * h), ), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Curve2', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false).add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, h, 0, KAPPA * h, (1 - KAPPA) * w, h), ), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Curve3', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(w, 0, false).add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h, w, KAPPA * h, KAPPA * w, h), ), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Curve4', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(w, 0, false).add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h, (1 - KAPPA) * w, 0, 0, (1 - KAPPA) * h), ), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TriangleDownLeft', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ) .setSpots(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TriangleDownRight', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(w, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ) .setSpots(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TriangleUpLeft', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ) .setSpots(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TriangleUpRight', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h).close()), ) .setSpots(0.5, 0, 1, 0.5); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('RightTriangle', 'TriangleDownLeft'); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Parallelogram1', 0, new FigureParameter('Indent', 0.1, -0.99, 0.99)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Parallelogram1', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // indent's percent distance if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; else if (param1 < -1) param1 = -1; else if (param1 > 1) param1 = 1; var indent = Math.abs(param1) * w; if (param1 === 0) { var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Rectangle); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; return geo; } else { var geo = new go.Geometry(); if (param1 > 0) { geo.add( new go.PathFigure(indent, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ); } else { // param1 < 0 geo.add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, indent, h).close()), ); } if (indent < w / 2) { geo.setSpots(indent / w, 0, (w - indent) / w, 1); } return geo; } }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Parallelogram', 'Parallelogram1'); // alias // Parallelogram with absolutes instead of scaling go.Shape.setFigureParameter( 'Parallelogram2', 0, new FigureParameter('Indent', 10, -Infinity, Infinity), ); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Parallelogram2', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // indent's x distance if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 10; else if (param1 < -w) param1 = -w; else if (param1 > w) param1 = w; var indent = Math.abs(param1); if (param1 === 0) { var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Rectangle); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; return geo; } else { var geo = new go.Geometry(); if (param1 > 0) { geo.add( new go.PathFigure(indent, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ); } else { // param1 < 0 geo.add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, indent, h).close()), ); } if (indent < w / 2) { geo.setSpots(indent / w, 0, (w - indent) / w, 1); } return geo; } }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Trapezoid1', 0, new FigureParameter('Indent', 0.2, -0.99, 0.99)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Trapezoid1', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // indent's percent distance if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.2; else if (param1 < 0.5) param1 = -0.5; else if (param1 > 0.5) param1 = 0.5; var indent = Math.abs(param1) * w; if (param1 === 0) { var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Rectangle); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; return geo; } else { var geo = new go.Geometry(); if (param1 > 0) { geo.add( new go.PathFigure(indent, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ); } else { // param1 < 0 geo.add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, indent, h).close()), ); } if (indent < w / 2) { geo.setSpots(indent / w, 0, (w - indent) / w, 1); } return geo; } }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Trapezoid', 'Trapezoid1'); // alias // Trapezoid with absolutes instead of scaling go.Shape.setFigureParameter( 'Trapezoid2', 0, new FigureParameter('Indent', 20, -Infinity, Infinity), ); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Trapezoid2', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // indent's x distance if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 20; // default value else if (param1 < -w) param1 = -w / 2; else if (param1 > w) param1 = w / 2; var indent = Math.abs(param1); if (param1 === 0) { var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Rectangle); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; return geo; } else { var geo = new go.Geometry(); if (param1 > 0) { geo.add( new go.PathFigure(indent, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ); } else { // param1 < 0 geo.add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, indent, h).close()), ); } if (indent < w / 2) { geo.setSpots(indent / w, 0, (w - indent) / w, 1); } return geo; } }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter( 'ManualOperation', 0, new FigureParameter('Indent', 10, -Infinity, Infinity), ); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ManualOperation', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // Distance from topleft of bounding rectangle, // in % of the total width, of the topleft corner if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 10; // default value else if (param1 < -w) param1 = -w / 2; else if (param1 > w) param1 = w / 2; var indent = Math.abs(param1); if (param1 === 0) { var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Rectangle); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; return geo; } else { var geo = new go.Geometry(); if (param1 > 0) { geo.add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, indent, h).close()), ); } else { // param1 < 0 geo.add( new go.PathFigure(indent, 0) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - indent, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ); } if (indent < w / 2) { geo.setSpots(indent / w, 0, (w - indent) / w, 1); } return geo; } }); // The following functions are used by a group of regular figures that are defined below: /** @ignore */ var _CachedArrays = []; /** * @ignore * @returns {Array} */ function tempArray() { var temp = _CachedArrays.pop(); if (temp === undefined) return []; return temp; } /** * @param {Array} a * @ignore */ function freeArray(a) { a.length = 0; // clear any references to objects _CachedArrays.push(a); } /** * @param {number} sides * @ignore * This allocates a temporary Array that should be freeArray()'ed by the caller. * @returns {Array} */ function createPolygon(sides) { // Point[] points = new Point[sides + 1]; var points = tempArray(); var radius = 0.5; var center = 0.5; var offsetAngle = Math.PI * 1.5; var angle = 0; // Loop through each side of the polygon for (var i = 0; i < sides; i++) { angle = ((2 * Math.PI) / sides) * i + offsetAngle; points[i] = new go.Point(center + radius * Math.cos(angle), center + radius * Math.sin(angle)); } // Add the last line // points[points.length - 1] = points[0]; points.push(points[0]); return points; } /** * @param {number} points * @ignore * This allocates a temporary Array that should be freeArray()'ed by the caller. * @returns {Array} */ function createBurst(points) { var star = createStar(points); var pts = tempArray(); // new Point[points * 3 + 1]; pts[0] = star[0]; for (var i = 1, count = 1; i < star.length; i += 2, count += 3) { pts[count] = star[i]; pts[count + 1] = star[i]; pts[count + 2] = star[i + 1]; } freeArray(star); return pts; } /** * @param {number} points * @ignore * This allocates a temporary Array that should be freeArray()'ed by the caller. * @returns {Array} */ function createStar(points) { // First, create a regular polygon var polygon = createPolygon(points); // Calculate the points inbetween var pts = tempArray(); // new Point[points * 2 + 1]; var half = Math.floor(polygon.length / 2); var count = polygon.length - 1; var offset = points % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 1; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Get the intersection of two lines var p0 = polygon[i]; var p1 = polygon[i + 1]; var q21 = polygon[(half + i - 1) % count]; var q2off = polygon[(half + i + offset) % count]; pts[i * 2] = p0; pts[i * 2 + 1] = getIntersection( p0.x, p0.y, q21.x, q21.y, p1.x, p1.y, q2off.x, q2off.y, new go.Point(), ); // ?? not currently managed } pts[pts.length] = pts[0]; freeArray(polygon); return pts; } go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Pentagon', function (shape, w, h) { var points = createPolygon(5); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[i].x * w, points[i].y * h)); } fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h).close()); freeArray(points); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.2, 0.22); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.8, 0.9); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Hexagon', function (shape, w, h) { var points = createPolygon(6); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[i].x * w, points[i].y * h)); } fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h).close()); freeArray(points); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.07, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.93, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Heptagon', function (shape, w, h) { var points = createPolygon(7); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[i].x * w, points[i].y * h)); } fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h).close()); freeArray(points); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.2, 0.15); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.8, 0.85); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Octagon', function (shape, w, h) { var points = createPolygon(8); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[i].x * w, points[i].y * h)); } fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h).close()); freeArray(points); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.15, 0.15); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.85, 0.85); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Nonagon', function (shape, w, h) { var points = createPolygon(9); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[i].x * w, points[i].y * h)); } fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h).close()); freeArray(points); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.17, 0.13); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.82, 0.82); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Decagon', function (shape, w, h) { var points = createPolygon(10); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[i].x * w, points[i].y * h)); } fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h).close()); freeArray(points); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.16, 0.16); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.84, 0.84); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Dodecagon', function (shape, w, h) { var points = createPolygon(12); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 12; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[i].x * w, points[i].y * h)); } fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h).close()); freeArray(points); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.16, 0.16); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.84, 0.84); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('FivePointedStar', function (shape, w, h) { var starPoints = createStar(5); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[i].x * w, starPoints[i].y * h)); } fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h).close(), ); freeArray(starPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.266, 0.333); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.733, 0.733); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SixPointedStar', function (shape, w, h) { var starPoints = createStar(6); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 12; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[i].x * w, starPoints[i].y * h)); } fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h).close(), ); freeArray(starPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.17, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.83, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SevenPointedStar', function (shape, w, h) { var starPoints = createStar(7); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 14; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[i].x * w, starPoints[i].y * h)); } fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h).close(), ); freeArray(starPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.222, 0.277); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.777, 0.666); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('EightPointedStar', function (shape, w, h) { var starPoints = createStar(8); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 16; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[i].x * w, starPoints[i].y * h)); } fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h).close(), ); freeArray(starPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('NinePointedStar', function (shape, w, h) { var starPoints = createStar(9); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 18; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[i].x * w, starPoints[i].y * h)); } fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h).close(), ); freeArray(starPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.222, 0.277); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.777, 0.666); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TenPointedStar', function (shape, w, h) { var starPoints = createStar(10); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < 20; i++) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[i].x * w, starPoints[i].y * h)); } fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, starPoints[0].x * w, starPoints[0].y * h).close(), ); freeArray(starPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.281, 0.261); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.723, 0.748); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('FivePointedBurst', function (shape, w, h) { var burstPoints = createBurst(5); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(burstPoints[0].x * w, burstPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < burstPoints.length; i += 3) { fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, burstPoints[i + 2].x * w, burstPoints[i + 2].y * h, burstPoints[i].x * w, burstPoints[i].y * h, burstPoints[i + 1].x * w, burstPoints[i + 1].y * h, ), ); } fig.segments.last().close(); freeArray(burstPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.222, 0.277); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.777, 0.777); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SixPointedBurst', function (shape, w, h) { var burstPoints = createBurst(6); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(burstPoints[0].x * w, burstPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < burstPoints.length; i += 3) { fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, burstPoints[i + 2].x * w, burstPoints[i + 2].y * h, burstPoints[i].x * w, burstPoints[i].y * h, burstPoints[i + 1].x * w, burstPoints[i + 1].y * h, ), ); } fig.segments.last().close(); freeArray(burstPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.17, 0.222); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.833, 0.777); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SevenPointedBurst', function (shape, w, h) { var burstPoints = createBurst(7); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(burstPoints[0].x * w, burstPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < burstPoints.length; i += 3) { fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, burstPoints[i + 2].x * w, burstPoints[i + 2].y * h, burstPoints[i].x * w, burstPoints[i].y * h, burstPoints[i + 1].x * w, burstPoints[i + 1].y * h, ), ); } fig.segments.last().close(); freeArray(burstPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.222, 0.222); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.777, 0.777); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('EightPointedBurst', function (shape, w, h) { var burstPoints = createBurst(8); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(burstPoints[0].x * w, burstPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < burstPoints.length; i += 3) { fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, burstPoints[i + 2].x * w, burstPoints[i + 2].y * h, burstPoints[i].x * w, burstPoints[i].y * h, burstPoints[i + 1].x * w, burstPoints[i + 1].y * h, ), ); } fig.segments.last().close(); freeArray(burstPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.222, 0.222); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.777, 0.777); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('NinePointedBurst', function (shape, w, h) { var burstPoints = createBurst(9); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(burstPoints[0].x * w, burstPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < burstPoints.length; i += 3) { fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, burstPoints[i + 2].x * w, burstPoints[i + 2].y * h, burstPoints[i].x * w, burstPoints[i].y * h, burstPoints[i + 1].x * w, burstPoints[i + 1].y * h, ), ); } fig.segments.last().close(); freeArray(burstPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.222, 0.222); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.777, 0.777); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TenPointedBurst', function (shape, w, h) { var burstPoints = createBurst(10); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(burstPoints[0].x * w, burstPoints[0].y * h, true); geo.add(fig); for (var i = 1; i < burstPoints.length; i += 3) { fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, burstPoints[i + 2].x * w, burstPoints[i + 2].y * h, burstPoints[i].x * w, burstPoints[i].y * h, burstPoints[i + 1].x * w, burstPoints[i + 1].y * h, ), ); } fig.segments.last().close(); freeArray(burstPoints); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.222, 0.222); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.777, 0.777); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('FramedRectangle', 0, new FigureParameter('ThicknessX', 8)); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('FramedRectangle', 1, new FigureParameter('ThicknessY', 8)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('FramedRectangle', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 8; // default values PARAMETER 1 is for WIDTH if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 8; // default values PARAMETER 2 is for HEIGHT var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // outer rectangle, clockwise fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); if (param1 < w / 2 && param2 < h / 2) { // inner rectangle, counter-clockwise fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, param1, param2)); // subpath fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1, h - param2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - param1, h - param2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - param1, param2).close()); } geo.setSpots(0, 0, 1, 1, param1, param2, -param1, -param2); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Ring', 0, new FigureParameter('Thickness', 8)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Ring', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0) param1 = 8; var rad = w / 2; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, w / 2, true); // clockwise geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 0, 360, rad, rad, rad, rad).close()); var rad2 = Math.max(rad - param1, 0); if (rad2 > 0) { // counter-clockwise fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w / 2 + rad2, w / 2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 0, -360, rad, rad, rad2, rad2).close()); } geo.spot1 = GeneratorEllipseSpot1; geo.spot2 = GeneratorEllipseSpot2; geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cloud', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0.08034461 * w, 0.1944299 * h, true) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.2008615 * w, 0.05349299 * h, -0.09239631 * w, 0.07836421 * h, 0.1406031 * w, -0.0542823 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.4338609 * w, 0.074219 * h, 0.2450511 * w, -0.00697547 * h, 0.3776197 * w, -0.01112067 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.6558228 * w, 0.07004196 * h, 0.4539471 * w, 0, 0.6066018 * w, -0.02526587 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8921095 * w, 0.08370865 * h, 0.6914277 * w, -0.01904177 * h, 0.8921095 * w, -0.01220843 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.9147671 * w, 0.3194596 * h, 1.036446 * w, 0.04105738 * h, 1.020377 * w, 0.3022052 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.9082935 * w, 0.562044 * h, 1.04448 * w, 0.360238 * h, 0.992256 * w, 0.5219009 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.9212406 * w, 0.8217117 * h, 1.032337 * w, 0.5771781 * h, 1.018411 * w, 0.8120651 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.7592566 * w, 0.9156953 * h, 1.028411 * w, 0.9571472 * h, 0.8556702 * w, 1.052487 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5101666 * w, 0.9310455 * h, 0.7431877 * w, 1.009325 * h, 0.5624123 * w, 1.021761 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.2609328 * w, 0.9344623 * h, 0.4820677 * w, 1.031761 * h, 0.3030112 * w, 1.002796 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.08034461 * w, 0.870098 * h, 0.2329994 * w, 1.01518 * h, 0.03213784 * w, 1.01518 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.06829292 * w, 0.6545475 * h, -0.02812061 * w, 0.9032597 * h, -0.01205169 * w, 0.6835638 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.06427569 * w, 0.4265613 * h, -0.01812061 * w, 0.6089503 * h, -0.00606892 * w, 0.4555777 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.08034461 * w, 0.1944299 * h, -0.01606892 * w, 0.3892545 * h, -0.01205169 * w, 0.1944299 * h, ), ), ) .setSpots(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('StopSign', function (shape, w, h) { var part = 1 / (Math.SQRT2 + 2); return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(part * w, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - part) * w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, part * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, (1 - part) * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - part) * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, part * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, (1 - part) * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, part * h).close()), ) .setSpots(part / 2, part / 2, 1 - part / 2, 1 - part / 2); }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Pie', 0, new FigureParameter('Start', 0, -360, 360)); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Pie', 1, new FigureParameter('Sweep', 315, -360, 360)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Pie', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0; // default values PARAMETER 1 is for Start Angle if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 315; // default values PARAMETER 2 is for Sweep Angle var start = param1 % 360; if (start < 0) start += 360; var sweep = param2 % 360; var rad = Math.min(w, h) / 2; return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(rad, rad) // start point .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Arc, start, sweep, // angles rad, rad, // center rad, rad, ) // radius .close(), ), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('PiePiece', function (shape, w, h) { var factor = (KAPPA / Math.SQRT2) * 0.5; var x1 = Math.SQRT2 / 2; var y1 = 1 - Math.SQRT2 / 2; return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(w, h, true) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, x1 * w, y1 * h, w, (1 - factor) * h, (x1 + factor) * w, (y1 + factor) * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()), ); }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('ThickCross', 0, new FigureParameter('Thickness', 30)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ThickCross', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0) param1 = 30; var t = Math.min(param1, w) / 2; var mx = w / 2; var my = h / 2; return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(mx - t, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx + t, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx + t, my - t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, my - t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, my + t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx + t, my + t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx + t, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx - t, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx - t, my + t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, my + t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, my - t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx - t, my - t).close()), ); }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('ThinCross', 0, new FigureParameter('Thickness', 10)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ThinCross', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0) param1 = 10; var t = Math.min(param1, w) / 2; var mx = w / 2; var my = h / 2; return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(mx - t, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx + t, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx + t, my - t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, my - t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, my + t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx + t, my + t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx + t, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx - t, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx - t, my + t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, my + t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, my - t)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mx - t, my - t).close()), ); }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('ThickX', 0, new FigureParameter('Thickness', 30)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ThickX', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0) param1 = 30; if (w === 0 || h === 0) { var geo = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Rectangle); geo.startX = 0; geo.startY = 0; geo.endX = w; geo.endY = h; return geo; } else { var w2 = w / 2; var h2 = h / 2; var a2 = Math.atan2(h, w); var dx = param1 - Math.min((Math.cos(a2) * param1) / 2, w2); var dy = param1 - Math.min((Math.sin(a2) * param1) / 2, h2); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(dx, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w2, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - dx, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, dy)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, h2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h - dy)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - dx, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w2, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, dx, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h - dy)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, h2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, dy).close()); return geo; } }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('ThinX', 0, new FigureParameter('Thickness', 10)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ThinX', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0) param1 = 10; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.1 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('SquareIBeam', 0, new FigureParameter('BeamWidth', 0.2, 0.1, 0.9)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SquareIBeam', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // width of the ibeam in % of the total width if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.2; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, param1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.5 + param1 / 2) * w, param1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.5 + param1 / 2) * w, (1 - param1) * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, (1 - param1) * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, (1 - param1) * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.5 - param1 / 2) * w, (1 - param1) * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.5 - param1 / 2) * w, param1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, param1 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('RoundedIBeam', 0, new FigureParameter('Curviness', 0.5, 0.05, 0.65)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('RoundedIBeam', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // curviness of the ibeam relative to total width if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.5; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, h, Math.abs(1 - param1) * w, 0.25 * h, Math.abs(1 - param1) * w, 0.75 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0, param1 * w, 0.75 * h, param1 * w, 0.25 * h, ).close(), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('HalfEllipse', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, KAPPA * w, 0, w, (0.5 - KAPPA / 2) * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h, w, (0.5 + KAPPA / 2) * h, KAPPA * w, h, ).close(), ), ) .setSpots(0, 0.156, 0.844, 0.844); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Crescent', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h, w, 0, w, h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0, 0.5 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.5 * w, 0.25 * h, ).close(), ), ) .setSpots(0.311, 0.266, 0.744, 0.744); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Heart', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, h, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.3 * h, 0.1 * w, 0.8 * h, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.3 * h, 0, 0, 0.45 * w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.3 * h, 0.55 * w, 0, w, 0)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h, w, 0.5 * h, 0.9 * w, 0.8 * h, ).close(), ), ) .setSpots(0.14, 0.29, 0.86, 0.78); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Spade', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.51 * w, 0.01 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.2 * h, w, 0.25 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.55 * w, 0.7 * h, w, 0.8 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.8 * h, ), ) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.75 * w, h, 0.5 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.55 * w, 0.95 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.45 * w, 0.7 * h, 0.45 * w, 0.95 * h, 0.5 * w, 0.75 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.5 * h, 0.4 * w, 0.8 * h, 0, 0.8 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.49 * w, 0.01 * h, 0, 0.25 * h, 0.4 * w, 0.2 * h, ).close(), ), ) .setSpots(0.14, 0.26, 0.86, 0.78); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Club', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.4 * w, 0.6 * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Start the base fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.15 * w, h, 0.5 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.45 * w, 0.95 * h), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.6 * w, 0.6 * h, 0.55 * w, 0.95 * h, 0.5 * w, 0.75 * h, ), ); // First circle: var r = 0.2; // radius var cx = 0.3; // offset from Center x var cy = 0; // offset from Center y var d = r * KAPPA; fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.65 * w, 0.36771243 * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx + 0.05) * w, (0.5 - d + cy - 0.02) * h, ), ); r = 0.2; // radius cx = 0; // offset from Center x cy = -0.3; // offset from Center y d = r * KAPPA; fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, ), ); r = 0.2; // radius cx = -0.3; // offset from Center x cy = 0; // offset from Center y d = r * KAPPA; fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx - 0.05) * w, (0.5 - d + cy - 0.02) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.4 * w, 0.6 * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, ).close(), ); geo.setSpots(0.06, 0.33, 0.93, 0.68); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('YinYang', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.5, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Right semi-circle fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, 180, w * 0.5, w * 0.5, w * 0.5, w * 0.5)); // bottom semi-circle fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 90, -180, w * 0.5, w * 0.75, w * 0.25, w * 0.25)); // top semi-circle fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 90, 180, w * 0.5, w * 0.25, w * 0.25, w * 0.25)); var radius = 0.1; // of the small circles var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.25; // Top small circle, goes counter-clockwise fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Arc, 0, -360, w * centerx, h * centery, radius * w, radius * w, ).close(), ); // Right semi-circle // Left semi-circle fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.5, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, -180, w * 0.5, w * 0.5, w * 0.5, w * 0.5)); centery = 0.75; // Bottom small circle fig = new go.PathFigure((centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, true); // Not a subpath geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Arc, 0, 360, w * centerx, h * centery, radius * w, radius * w, ).close(), ); // Right semi-circle geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Peace', function (shape, w, h) { var a = 1.0 - 0.1464466094067262; // at 45 degrees var w2 = 0.5 * w; var h2 = 0.5 * h; return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(w2, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, 360, w2, h2, w2, h2)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w2, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w2, h2)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1.0 - a) * w, a * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w2, h2)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, a * w, a * h)), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('NotAllowed', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var radius = 0.5; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); // Inner circle, composed of two parts, separated by // a beam across going from top-right to bottom-left. radius = 0.4; cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.4; // First we cut up the top right 90 degree curve into two smaller // curves. // Since its clockwise, StartOfArrow is the first of the two points // on the circle. EndOfArrow is the other one. var startOfArrowc1 = tempPoint(); var startOfArrowc2 = tempPoint(); var startOfArrow = tempPoint(); var unused = tempPoint(); breakUpBezier( centerx, centery - radius, centerx + cpOffset, centery - radius, centerx + radius, centery - cpOffset, centerx + radius, centery, 0.42, startOfArrowc1, startOfArrowc2, startOfArrow, unused, unused, ); var endOfArrowc1 = tempPoint(); var endOfArrowc2 = tempPoint(); var endOfArrow = tempPoint(); breakUpBezier( centerx, centery - radius, centerx + cpOffset, centery - radius, centerx + radius, centery - cpOffset, centerx + radius, centery, 0.58, unused, unused, endOfArrow, endOfArrowc1, endOfArrowc2, ); // Cut up the bottom left 90 degree curve into two smaller curves. var startOfArrow2c1 = tempPoint(); var startOfArrow2c2 = tempPoint(); var startOfArrow2 = tempPoint(); breakUpBezier( centerx, centery + radius, centerx - cpOffset, centery + radius, centerx - radius, centery + cpOffset, centerx - radius, centery, 0.42, startOfArrow2c1, startOfArrow2c2, startOfArrow2, unused, unused, ); var endOfArrow2c1 = tempPoint(); var endOfArrow2c2 = tempPoint(); var endOfArrow2 = tempPoint(); breakUpBezier( centerx, centery + radius, centerx - cpOffset, centery + radius, centerx - radius, centery + cpOffset, centerx - radius, centery, 0.58, unused, unused, endOfArrow2, endOfArrow2c1, endOfArrow2c2, ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, endOfArrow2.x * w, endOfArrow2.y * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, endOfArrow2c1.x * w, endOfArrow2c1.y * h, endOfArrow2c2.x * w, endOfArrow2c2.y * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, startOfArrow.x * w, startOfArrow.y * h, startOfArrowc1.x * w, startOfArrowc1.y * h, startOfArrowc2.x * w, startOfArrowc2.y * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, endOfArrow2.x * w, endOfArrow2.y * h).close()); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, startOfArrow2.x * w, startOfArrow2.y * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, endOfArrow.x * w, endOfArrow.y * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, endOfArrowc1.x * w, endOfArrowc1.y * h, endOfArrowc2.x * w, endOfArrowc2.y * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, startOfArrow2.x * w, startOfArrow2.y * h, startOfArrow2c1.x * w, startOfArrow2c1.y * h, startOfArrow2c2.x * w, startOfArrow2c2.y * h, ).close(), ); freePoint(startOfArrowc1); freePoint(startOfArrowc2); freePoint(startOfArrow); freePoint(unused); freePoint(endOfArrowc1); freePoint(endOfArrowc2); freePoint(endOfArrow); freePoint(startOfArrow2c1); freePoint(startOfArrow2c2); freePoint(startOfArrow2); freePoint(endOfArrow2c1); freePoint(endOfArrow2c2); freePoint(endOfArrow2); geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Fragile', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.15 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0.25 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.29 * w, 0.33 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.35 * w, 0.25 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0.15 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) // Left Side .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.55 * w, 0.5 * h, w, 0.25 * h, 0.75 * w, 0.5 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.9 * h)) // The base .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.9 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0.9 * h)) // Right side .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.9 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h, 0, 0.25 * h).close()), ); }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('HourGlass', 0, new FigureParameter('Thickness', 30)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('HourGlass', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // width at middle of hourglass if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0) param1 = 30; if (param1 > w) param1 = w; var x1 = (w - param1) / 2; var x2 = x1 + param1; return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(x2, 0.5 * h) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x1, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0).close()), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Lightning', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0.55 * h) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0.45 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.45 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.55 * h).close()), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('GenderMale', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.4; var radius = 0.4; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.5; var unused = tempPoint(); var mid = tempPoint(); var c1 = tempPoint(); var c2 = tempPoint(); var fig = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, false); geo.add(fig); // Outer circle fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); breakUpBezier( centerx, centery - radius, centerx + cpOffset, centery - radius, centerx + radius, centery - cpOffset, centerx + radius, centery, 0.44, c1, c2, mid, unused, unused, ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, mid.x * w, mid.y * h, c1.x * w, c1.y * h, c2.x * w, c2.y * h, ), ); var startOfArrow = tempPointAt(mid.x, mid.y); breakUpBezier( centerx, centery - radius, centerx + cpOffset, centery - radius, centerx + radius, centery - cpOffset, centerx + radius, centery, 0.56, unused, unused, mid, c1, c2, ); var endOfArrow = tempPointAt(mid.x, mid.y); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Line, (startOfArrow.x * 0.1 + 0.95 * 0.9) * w, startOfArrow.y * 0.1 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, startOfArrow.y * 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.15 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (endOfArrow.x * 0.1 + 0.9) * w, 0.15 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Line, (endOfArrow.x * 0.1 + 0.9) * w, (endOfArrow.y * 0.1 + 0.05 * 0.9) * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, endOfArrow.x * w, endOfArrow.y * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, c1.x * w, c1.y * h, c2.x * w, c2.y * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); // Inner circle radius = 0.35; cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.35; var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, false); geo.add(fig3); freePoint(unused); freePoint(mid); freePoint(c1); freePoint(c2); freePoint(startOfArrow); freePoint(endOfArrow); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.202, 0.257); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.792, 0.739); geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('GenderFemale', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); // Outer Circle var r = 0.375; // radius var cx = 0; // offset from Center x var cy = -0.125; // offset from Center y var d = r * KAPPA; var fig = new go.PathFigure((0.525 + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.475 + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, ), ); // Legs fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.475 * w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.425 * w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.425 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.475 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.475 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.525 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.525 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.575 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.575 * w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.525 * w, 0.85 * h).close()); // Inner circle r = 0.325; // radius cx = 0; // offset from Center x cy = -0.125; // offset from Center y d = r * KAPPA; var fig = new go.PathFigure((1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (1 - 0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, ), ); var fig = new go.PathFigure((0.525 + cx) * w, (0.5 + r + cy) * h, false); geo.add(fig); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.232, 0.136); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.682, 0.611); geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicImplies', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.2; // Distance the arrow folds from the right return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure((1 - param1) * w, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param1) * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)), ) .setSpots(0, 0, 0.8, 0.5); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicIff', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.2; // Distance the arrow folds from the right return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure((1 - param1) * w, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param1) * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, param1 * w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, h)), ) .setSpots(0.2, 0, 0.8, 0.5); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicNot', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicAnd', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, h, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)), ) .setSpots(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicOr', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)), ) .setSpots(0.219, 0, 0.78, 0.409); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicXor', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 0, 360, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)), ); geo.defaultStretch = go.GraphObject.Uniform; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicTruth', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicFalsity', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, h, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicThereExists', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicForAll', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.5 * h)), ) .setSpots(0.25, 0, 0.75, 0.5); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicIsDefinedAs', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)), ) .setSpots(0.01, 0.01, 0.99, 0.49); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicIntersect', function (shape, w, h) { var radius = 0.5; return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(0, h, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, radius * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Arc, 180, 180, radius * w, radius * h, radius * w, radius * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)), ) .setSpots(0, 0.5, 1, 1); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LogicUnion', function (shape, w, h) { var radius = 0.5; return new go.Geometry() .add( new go.PathFigure(w, 0, false) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, radius * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Arc, 0, 180, radius * w, radius * h, radius * w, radius * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)), ) .setSpots(0, 0, 1, 0.5); }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Arrow', 0, new FigureParameter('ArrowheadWidth', 0.3, 0.01, 0.99)); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Arrow', 1, new FigureParameter('TailHeight', 0.3, 0.01, 0.99)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Arrow', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // % width of arrowhead if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.3; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; // % height of tail if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 0.3; var x = (1 - param1) * w; var y1 = (0.5 - param2 / 2) * h; var y2 = (0.5 + param2 / 2) * h; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, y1, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, y2).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, y1 / h); var temp = getIntersection(0, y2 / h, 1, y2 / h, x / w, 1, 1, 0.5, tempPoint()); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); // Arrow with absolutes instead of scaling go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Arrow2', 0, new FigureParameter('ArrowheadWidth', 30)); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Arrow2', 0, new FigureParameter('TailHeight', 30)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Arrow2', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // width of arrowhead if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 30; if (param1 > w) param1 = w; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; // height of tail if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 30; param2 = Math.min(param2, h / 2); var x = w - param1; var y1 = (h - param2) / 2; var y2 = y1 + param2; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, y1, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, x, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, y2).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, y1 / h); var temp = getIntersection(0, y2 / h, 1, y2 / h, x / w, 1, 1, 0.5, tempPoint()); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Chevron', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DoubleArrow', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0.214 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 1.0 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 1.0 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0.786 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 1.0 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter( 'DoubleEndArrow', 0, new FigureParameter('ConnecterHeight', 0.3, 0.01, 0.99), ); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DoubleEndArrow', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // height of midsection if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.3; var y1 = (0.5 - param1 / 2) * h; var y2 = (0.5 + param1 / 2) * h; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0).close()); var temp = getIntersection(0, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 0, y1 / h, 0.1, y1 / h, tempPoint()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); temp = getIntersection(0.7, 1, 1, 0.5, 0, y2 / h, 1, y2 / h, temp); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); // DoubleEndArrow with absolutes instead of scaling go.Shape.setFigureParameter('DoubleEndArrow2', 0, new FigureParameter('ConnecterHeight', 40)); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('DoubleEndArrow2', 1, new FigureParameter('ArrowHeight', 100)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DoubleEndArrow2', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // height of midsection if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 40; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; // height of arrows if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 100; /* y1outer /| |\ / | | \ / y1---- \ / \ \ / \ y2---- / \ | | / \| |/ y2outer */ var y1 = (h - param1) / 2; var y2 = y1 + param1; var y1outer = (h - param2) / 2; var y2outer = y1outer + param2; if (param1 > h || param2 > h) { if (param2 > param1) { param1 = (param1 * h) / param2; // use similar ratio y1 = (h - param1) / 2; y2 = y1 + param1; y1outer = 0; y2outer = h; } else { y1 = 0; y2 = h; y1outer = 0; y2outer = h; } } var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y2outer)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, y2outer)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, y1outer)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y1outer).close()); var temp = getIntersection(0, 0.5, 0.3, y1outer / h, 0, y1 / h, 1, y1 / h, tempPoint()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); temp = getIntersection(0.7, y2outer / h, 1, 0.5, 0, y2 / h, 1, y2 / h, temp); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter( 'IBeamArrow', 0, new FigureParameter('ConnectorHeight', 0.7, 0.51, 0.97), ); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('IBeamArrow', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // height of midsection if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.3; var y1 = (0.5 - param1 / 2) * h; var y2 = (0.5 + param1 / 2) * h; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, y1 / h); var temp = getIntersection(0.7, 1, 1, 0.5, 0, y2 / h, 1, y2 / h, tempPoint()); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); // IBeamArrow with absolutes instead of scaling go.Shape.setFigureParameter('IBeamArrow2', 0, new FigureParameter('ConnectorHeight', 40)); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('IBeamArrow2', 1, new FigureParameter('BeamArrowHeight', 100)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('IBeamArrow2', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // height of midsection if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 40; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; // height of beam and arrow if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 100; var y1 = (h - param1) / 2; var y2 = y1 + param1; var y1outer = (h - param2) / 2; var y2outer = y1outer + param2; if (param1 > h || param2 > h) { if (param2 > param1) { param1 = (param1 * h) / param2; // use similar ratio y1 = (h - param1) / 2; y2 = y1 + param1; y1outer = 0; y2outer = h; } else { y1 = 0; y2 = h; y1outer = 0; y2outer = h; } } var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y2outer)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, y2outer)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, y2outer)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, y1outer)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, y1outer)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y1outer).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, y1 / h); var temp = getIntersection(0.7, y2outer / h, 1, 0.5, 0, y2 / h, 1, y2 / h, tempPoint()); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Pointer', 0, new FigureParameter('BackPoint', 0.1, 0, 0.2)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Pointer', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // how much the back of the pointer comes in if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1, 0.35); var temp = getIntersection(0.2, 0.65, 1, 0.65, 0, 1, 1, 0.5, tempPoint()); // ?? constant geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('RoundedPointer', 0, new FigureParameter('RoundedEdge', 0.3, 0, 0.5)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('RoundedPointer', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // how much the curved back of the pointer comes in if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.3; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0, param1 * w, 0.75 * h, param1 * w, 0.25 * h, ).close(), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1, 0.35); var temp = getIntersection(0, 0.65, 1, 0.65, 0, 1, 1, 0.5, tempPoint()); // ?? constant geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('SplitEndArrow', 0, new FigureParameter('TailHeight', 0.4, 0.01, 0.99)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SplitEndArrow', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // % height of arrow tail if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.4; var y1 = (0.5 - param1 / 2) * h; var y2 = (0.5 + param1 / 2) * h; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.2, 0.3); var temp = getIntersection(0.7, 1, 1, 0.5, 0, y2 / h, 1, y2 / h, tempPoint()); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); // SplitEndArrow with absolutes instead of scaling go.Shape.setFigureParameter('SplitEndArrow2', 0, new FigureParameter('TailThickness', 50)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SplitEndArrow2', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // height of arrow tail if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 50; var y1 = (h - param1) / 2; var y2 = y1 + param1; if (param1 > h) { y1 = 0; y2 = h; } var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, y2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, y1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.2, y1 / h); var temp = getIntersection(0.7, 1, 1, 0.5, 0, y2 / h, 1, y2 / h, tempPoint()); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(temp.x, temp.y); freePoint(temp); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('SquareArrow', 0, new FigureParameter('ArrowPoint', 0.7, 0.2, 0.9)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SquareArrow', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // pointiness of arrow, lower is more pointy if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.7; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, 0).close()); geo.spot1 = go.Spot.TopLeft; geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(param1, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cone1', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpxOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var cpyOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.9 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h, w, (0.9 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.9 * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, h, 0, (0.9 + cpyOffset) * h, ).close(), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.5); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.97); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cone2', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.9 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.9 * h, (1 - 0.85 / 0.9) * w, h, (0.85 / 0.9) * w, h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.9 * h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.9 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.9 * h, (1 - 0.85 / 0.9) * w, 0.8 * h, (0.85 / 0.9) * w, 0.8 * h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.5); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.82); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cube1', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.15 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.15 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.85 * h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.3 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.15 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.3 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.15 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.3); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.5, 0.85); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cube2', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.3 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.3 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.3 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.7 * w, 0.3 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.3); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.7, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cylinder1', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // half the height of the ellipse if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 5; // default value param1 = Math.min(param1, h / 3); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpxOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, param1, true); geo.add(fig); // The base (top) fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0, 0, KAPPA * param1, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 1.0 * w, param1, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0, 1.0 * w, KAPPA * param1, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h - param1)); // Bottom curve fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 1.0 * h, 1.0 * w, h - KAPPA * param1, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 1.0 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h - param1, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 1.0 * h, 0, h - KAPPA * param1, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, param1)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, param1, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 2 * param1, 1.0 * w, 2 * param1 - KAPPA * param1, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 2 * param1, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, param1, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 2 * param1, 0, 2 * param1 - KAPPA * param1, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0, 0, 2 * param1); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cylinder2', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // half the height of the ellipse if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 5; // default value param1 = Math.min(param1, h / 3); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpxOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h - param1, true); geo.add(fig); // The body, starting and ending bottom left fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, param1)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0, 0, KAPPA * param1, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, param1, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0, w, KAPPA * param1, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h - param1)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h, w, h - KAPPA * param1, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h - param1, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, h, 0, h - KAPPA * param1, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, h - param1, false); geo.add(fig2); // The base (bottom) fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h - 2 * param1, 0, h - param1 - KAPPA * param1, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, h - 2 * param1, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, h - param1, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, h - 2 * param1, w, h - param1 - KAPPA * param1, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1, 0, -2 * param1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cylinder3', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // half the width of the ellipse if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 5; // default value param1 = Math.min(param1, w / 3); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpyOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(param1, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // The body, starting and ending top left fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - param1, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, w - KAPPA * param1, 0, w, (0.5 - cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w - param1, h, w, (0.5 + cpyOffset) * h, w - KAPPA * param1, h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.5 * h, KAPPA * param1, h, 0, (0.5 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, param1, 0, 0, (0.5 - cpyOffset) * h, KAPPA * param1, 0, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(param1, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); // Cylinder line (left) fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 2 * param1, 0.5 * h, param1 + KAPPA * param1, 0, 2 * param1, (0.5 - cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, param1, h, 2 * param1, (0.5 + cpyOffset) * h, param1 + KAPPA * param1, h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0, 2 * param1, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Cylinder4', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // half the width of the ellipse if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 5; // default value param1 = Math.min(param1, w / 3); var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpyOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w - param1, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // The body, starting and ending top right fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, w - KAPPA * param1, 0, w, (0.5 - cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w - param1, h, w, (0.5 + cpyOffset) * h, w - KAPPA * param1, h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.5 * h, KAPPA * param1, h, 0, (0.5 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, param1, 0, 0, (0.5 - cpyOffset) * h, KAPPA * param1, 0, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - param1, 0)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w - param1, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); // Cylinder line (right) fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w - 2 * param1, 0.5 * h, w - param1 - KAPPA * param1, 0, w - 2 * param1, (0.5 - cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w - param1, h, w - 2 * param1, (0.5 + cpyOffset) * h, w - param1 - KAPPA * param1, h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1, -2 * param1, 0); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Prism1', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.25 * w, 0.25 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.25 * w, 0.25 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Inner prism line fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.408, 0.172); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.833, 0.662); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Prism2', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.25 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.75 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Inner prism lines fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.25 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.25 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.5); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Pyramid1', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.75 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.75 * h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); // Inner pyramind line fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.367); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.875); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Pyramid2', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.85 * h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); // Inner pyramid lines fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.7 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.85 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.7 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.85 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.367); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.875); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Actor', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radiusw = 0.2; var radiush = 0.1; var offsetw = KAPPA * radiusw; var offseth = KAPPA * radiush; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.1; var fig = new go.PathFigure(centerx * w, (centery + radiush) * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Head fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radiusw) * w, centery * h, (centerx - offsetw) * w, (centery + radiush) * h, (centerx - radiusw) * w, (centery + offseth) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radiush) * h, (centerx - radiusw) * w, (centery - offseth) * h, (centerx - offsetw) * w, (centery - radiush) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radiusw) * w, centery * h, (centerx + offsetw) * w, (centery - radiush) * h, (centerx + radiusw) * w, (centery - offseth) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radiush) * h, (centerx + radiusw) * w, (centery + offseth) * h, (centerx + offsetw) * w, (centery + radiush) * h, ), ); var r = 0.05; var cpOffset = KAPPA * r; centerx = 0.05; centery = 0.25; var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0.2 * h, true); geo.add(fig2); // Body fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.95 * w, 0.2 * h)); centerx = 0.95; centery = 0.25; // Right arm fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + r) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - r) * h, (centerx + r) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, 0.35 * h)); r = 0.025; cpOffset = KAPPA * r; centerx = 0.825; centery = 0.35; // Right under arm fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - r) * h, (centerx + r) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - r) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - r) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - r) * h, (centerx - r) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); // Right side/leg fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.7 * h)); // Right in between r = 0.05; cpOffset = KAPPA * r; centerx = 0.5; centery = 0.7; fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - r) * h, (centerx + r) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - r) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - r) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - r) * h, (centerx - r) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); // Left side/leg fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.35 * h)); r = 0.025; cpOffset = KAPPA * r; centerx = 0.175; centery = 0.35; // Left under arm fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - r) * h, (centerx + r) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - r) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - r) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - r) * h, (centerx - r) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); // Left arm fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.25 * h)); r = 0.05; cpOffset = KAPPA * r; centerx = 0.05; centery = 0.25; // Left shoulder fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - r) * h, (centerx - r) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - r) * h, ), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.2 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.2, 0.2); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.8, 0.65); return geo; }); go.Shape.setFigureParameter('Card', 0, new FigureParameter('CornerCutoutSize', 0.2, 0.1, 0.9)); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Card', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // size of corner cutout if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.2; var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, param1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, 0).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, param1); geo.spot2 = go.Spot.BottomRight; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Collate', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.25); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('CreateRequest', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Body fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, param1 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Inside lines fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, param1 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, (1 - param1) * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, (1 - param1) * h)); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, param1); //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1 - param1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Database', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpxOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var cpyOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.1 * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Body fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h, w, (0.9 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.9 * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, h, 0, (0.9 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.1 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0, 0, (0.1 - cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.1 * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0, w, (0.1 - cpyOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.1 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Rings fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.2 * h, w, (0.1 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0.2 * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.1 * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0.2 * h, 0, (0.1 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0.2 * h)); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.3 * h, w, (0.2 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0.3 * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.2 * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0.3 * h, 0, (0.2 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0.3 * h)); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.4 * h, w, (0.3 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0.4 * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.3 * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0.4 * h, 0, (0.3 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.4); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 0.9); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DataStorage', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.75 * w, h, w, 0, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0, 0.25 * w, 0.9 * h, 0.25 * w, 0.1 * h).close(), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.226, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.81, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DiskStorage', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpxOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var cpyOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.1 * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Body fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h, w, (0.9 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.9 * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, h, 0, (0.9 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.1 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0, 0, (0.1 - cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.1 * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0, w, (0.1 - cpyOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.1 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Rings fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.2 * h, w, (0.1 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0.2 * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.1 * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0.2 * h, 0, (0.1 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0.2 * h)); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.3 * h, w, (0.2 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpxOffset) * w, 0.3 * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.2 * h, (0.5 - cpxOffset) * w, 0.3 * h, 0, (0.2 + cpyOffset) * h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.3); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 0.9); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Display', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.25 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.75 * w, h, w, 0, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DividedEvent', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.2; else if (param1 < 0.15) param1 = 0.15; // Minimum var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.2; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.2 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.2 * w, 0, 0, (0.2 - cpOffset) * h, (0.2 - cpOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.2 * h, (0.8 + cpOffset) * w, 0, w, (0.2 - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8 * w, h, w, (0.8 + cpOffset) * h, (0.8 + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.8 * h, (0.2 - cpOffset) * w, h, 0, (0.8 + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.2 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, param1 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, param1 * h)); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, param1); //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1 - param1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DividedProcess', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0.1) param1 = 0.1; // Minimum var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, param1 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, param1 * h)); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, param1); //??? geo.spot2 = go.Spot.BottomRight; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Document', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); h = h / 0.8; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.7 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.7 * h, 0.5 * w, 0.4 * h, 0.5 * w, h).close(), ); geo.spot1 = go.Spot.TopLeft; geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 0.6); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ExternalOrganization', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0.2) param1 = 0.2; // Minimum var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Body fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(param1 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); // Top left triangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, param1 * h)); // Top right triangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, param1 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param1) * w, 0)); // Bottom left triangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, (1 - param1) * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, h)); // Bottom right triangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, (1 - param1) * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, (1 - param1) * h)); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1 / 2, param1 / 2); //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1 - param1 / 2, 1 - param1 / 2); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ExternalProcess', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Body fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0.4 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Top left triangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.6 * h)); // Top right triangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.9 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.4 * h)); // Bottom left triangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.1 * h)); // Bottom right triangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.4 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.9 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('File', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); // starting point geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.75 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); // The Fold fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.25 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.25 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = go.Spot.BottomRight; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Interrupt', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.5, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('InternalStorage', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; // Distance from left if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 0.1; // Distance from top var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // The main body fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(param1 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); // Two lines fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, param2 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, param2 * h)); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1, param2); //??? geo.spot2 = go.Spot.BottomRight; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Junction', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var dist = 1 / Math.SQRT2; var small = (1 - 1 / Math.SQRT2) / 2; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var radius = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, radius * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Circle fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, h, w, (radius + cpOffset) * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, radius * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, h, 0, (radius + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, 0, 0, (radius - cpOffset) * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, radius * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, 0, w, (radius - cpOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure((small + dist) * w, (small + dist) * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // X fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, small * w, small * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, small * w, (small + dist) * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (small + dist) * w, small * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LinedDocument', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); h = h / 0.8; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.7 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.7 * h, 0.5 * w, 0.4 * h, 0.5 * w, h).close(), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.75 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.1, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 0.6); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('LoopLimit', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = go.Spot.BottomRight; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MagneticTape', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var radius = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, radius * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, h, 0, (radius + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, 0, 0, (radius - cpOffset) * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, radius * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, 0, w, (radius - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (radius + 0.1) * w, 0.9 * h, w, (radius + cpOffset) * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, 0.9 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.15, 0.15); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.85, 0.8); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ManualInput', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.25 * h).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = go.Spot.BottomRight; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MessageFromUser', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.7; // How far from the right the point is var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); geo.spot1 = go.Spot.TopLeft; //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(param1, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MicroformProcessing', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.25; // How far from the top/bottom the points are var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, param1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, (1 - param1) * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, param1); //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1 - param1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MicroformRecording', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.15 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.75 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MultiDocument', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); h = h / 0.8; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Outline fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.9 * w, 0.44 * h, 0.96 * w, 0.47 * h, 0.93 * w, 0.45 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8 * w, 0.54 * h, 0.86 * w, 0.57 * h, 0.83 * w, 0.55 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.7 * h, 0.4 * w, 0.4 * h, 0.4 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0.2 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Inside lines fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.54 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.44 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.8, 0.77); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MultiProcess', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0.1 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.2 * h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.2 * w, 0.1 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.1 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.9 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.2); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.8, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('OfflineStorage', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; // Distance between 2 top lines var l = 1 - param1; // Length of the top line var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * param1 * w, param1 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.5 * param1) * w, param1 * h)); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(l / 4 + .5 * param1, param1); //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(3 * l / 4 + .5 * param1, param1 + .5 * l); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('OffPageConnector', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); geo.spot1 = go.Spot.TopLeft; geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Or', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var radius = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, radius * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Circle fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, h, w, (radius + cpOffset) * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, radius * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, h, 0, (radius + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, 0, 0, (radius - cpOffset) * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, radius * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, 0, w, (radius - cpOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // + fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('PaperTape', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); h = h / 0.8; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.7 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.3 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.3 * h, 0.5 * w, 0.6 * h, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.7 * h, 0.5 * w, 0.4 * h, 0.5 * w, h).close(), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.49); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('PrimitiveFromCall', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; // Distance of left line from left if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 0.3; // Distance of point from right var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param2) * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1, 0); //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1 - param2, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('PrimitiveToCall', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; var param2 = shape ? shape.parameter2 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; // Distance of left line from left if (isNaN(param2)) param2 = 0.3; // Distance of top and bottom right corners from right var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param2) * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param2) * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1, 0); //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1 - param2, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Procedure', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; // Distance of left and right lines from edge if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure((1 - param1) * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param1) * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, param1 * w, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, h)); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1, 0); //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1 - param1, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Process', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; // Distance of left line from left edge var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(param1 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, h)); //??? geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1, 0); geo.spot2 = go.Spot.BottomRight; return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Sort', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.5); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Start', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.25; var fig = new go.PathFigure(param1 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, 180, 0.75 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 90, 180, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(param1 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, (1 - param1) * w, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param1) * w, h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(param1, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1 - param1, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Terminator', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.25 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, 180, 0.75 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 90, 180, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.23, 0); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.77, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TransmittalTape', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1)) param1 = 0.1; // Bottom line's distance from the point on the triangle var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, (1 - param1) * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, (1 - param1) * h).close()); geo.spot1 = go.Spot.TopLeft; //??? geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1 - param1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('AndGate', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // The gate body fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, (0.5 + cpOffset) * w, 0, w, (0.5 - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h, w, (0.5 + cpOffset) * h, (0.5 + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); geo.spot1 = go.Spot.TopLeft; geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.55, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Buffer', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.5, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Clock', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var radius = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, radius * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Ellipse fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, h, w, (radius + cpOffset) * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, radius * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, h, 0, (radius + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, 0, 0, (radius - cpOffset) * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, radius * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, 0, w, (radius - cpOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, radius * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, radius * h)); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.8 * w, 0.75 * h, false); geo.add(fig3); // Inside clock // This first line solves a GDI+ graphical error with // more complex gradient brushes fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.25 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.25 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.75 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.75 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.25 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.25 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.75 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Ground', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.3 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.4 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Inverter', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; var radius = 0.1; var centerx = 0.9; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.8 * w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.5 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure((centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.4, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('NandGate', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpxOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var cpyOffset = KAPPA * 0.4; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; var radius = 0.1; var centerx = 0.9; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.8 * w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); // The gate body fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.4 * w, h, 0.8 * w, (0.5 + cpyOffset) * h, (0.4 + cpxOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8 * w, 0.5 * h, (0.4 + cpxOffset) * w, 0, 0.8 * w, (0.5 - cpyOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure((centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig2); // Inversion fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.05); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.55, 0.95); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('NorGate', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radius = 0.5; var cpOffset = KAPPA * radius; var centerx = 0; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.8 * w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Normal fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h, 0.7 * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0, 0.25 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.25 * w, 0.25 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8 * w, 0.5 * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, 0.7 * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); radius = 0.1; cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; centerx = 0.9; centery = 0.5; var fig2 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig2); // Inversion fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.2, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.6, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('OrGate', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radius = 0.5; var cpOffset = KAPPA * radius; var centerx = 0; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, (centerx + cpOffset + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, 0.8 * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h, 0.8 * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0, 0.25 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.25 * w, 0.25 * h).close(), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.2, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('XnorGate', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radius = 0.5; var cpOffset = KAPPA * radius; var centerx = 0.2; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig); // Normal fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.1 * w, h, 0.35 * w, 0.25 * h, 0.35 * w, 0.75 * h), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.8 * w, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.2 * w, h, 0.7 * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.2 * w, 0, 0.45 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.45 * w, 0.25 * h), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8 * w, 0.5 * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, 0.7 * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); radius = 0.1; cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; centerx = 0.9; centery = 0.5; var fig3 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig3); // Inversion fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.4, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.65, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('XorGate', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radius = 0.5; var cpOffset = KAPPA * radius; var centerx = 0.2; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.1 * w, h, 0.35 * w, 0.25 * h, 0.35 * w, 0.75 * h), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.2 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, 0.9 * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.2 * w, h, 0.9 * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.2 * w, 0, 0.45 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.45 * w, 0.25 * h, ).close(), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.4, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.8, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Capacitor', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig); // Two vertical lines fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Resistor', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.5 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Inductor', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; var radius = 0.1; var centerx = 0.1; var centery = 0.5; // Up var fig = new go.PathFigure((centerx - cpOffset * 0.5) * w, h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, 0, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, h, (centerx - radius) * w, 0, ), ); // Down up centerx = 0.3; fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, h, (centerx + radius) * w, 0, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, 0, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, h, (centerx - radius) * w, 0, ), ); // Down up centerx = 0.5; fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, h, (centerx + radius) * w, 0, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, 0, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, h, (centerx - radius) * w, 0, ), ); // Down up centerx = 0.7; fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, h, (centerx + radius) * w, 0, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, 0, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, h, (centerx - radius) * w, 0, ), ); // Down up centerx = 0.9; fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + cpOffset * 0.5) * w, h, (centerx + radius) * w, 0, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ACvoltageSource', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var radius = 0.5; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, (centerx - radius + 0.1) * w, centery * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius - 0.1) * w, centery * h, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DCvoltageSource', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.75 * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Diode', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.25); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.5, 0.75); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Wifi', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var origw = w; var origh = h; w = w * 0.38; h = h * 0.6; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.8; var radius = 0.8; var centerx = 0; var centery = 0.5; var xOffset = (origw - w) / 2; var yOffset = (origh - h) / 2; var fig = new go.PathFigure(centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, true); geo.add(fig); // Left curves fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, (centerx - cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, (centerx - cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius + cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius + cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius + cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, ).close(), ); cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.4; radius = 0.4; centerx = 0.2; centery = 0.5; var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, (centerx - cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, (centerx - cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius + cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius + cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius + cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, ).close(), ); cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.2; radius = 0.2; centerx = 0.5; centery = 0.5; var fig3 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, true); geo.add(fig3); // Center circle fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, (centerx - cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, (centerx + cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, (centerx + cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, (centerx - cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx - radius) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.4; radius = 0.4; centerx = 0.8; centery = 0.5; var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, true); geo.add(fig4); // Right curves fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, (centerx + cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, (centerx + cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius - cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius - cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius - cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, ).close(), ); cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.8; radius = 0.8; centerx = 1; centery = 0.5; var fig5 = new go.PathFigure(centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, true); geo.add(fig5); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, (centerx + cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, (centerx + cpOffset) * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius - cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, centery * h + yOffset, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery + radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius - cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, (centery + cpOffset) * h + yOffset, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, (centerx + radius - cpOffset * 0.5) * w + xOffset, (centery - cpOffset) * h + yOffset, centerx * w + xOffset, (centery - radius) * h + yOffset, ).close(), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Email', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.54 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.54 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Ethernet', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.35 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Boxes above the wire fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.35 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.35 * w, 0).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, h, true, true); geo.add(fig2); // Boxes under the wire fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, h).close()); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.6 * w, h, true, true); geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, h).close()); var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig4); // Wire fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.75 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, 0.6 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Power', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.4; var radius = 0.4; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.5; var unused = tempPoint(); var mid = tempPoint(); var c1 = tempPoint(); var c2 = tempPoint(); // Find the 45 degree midpoint for the first bezier breakUpBezier( centerx, centery - radius, centerx + cpOffset, centery - radius, centerx + radius, centery - cpOffset, centerx + radius, centery, 0.5, unused, unused, mid, c1, c2, ); var start = tempPointAt(mid.x, mid.y); var fig = new go.PathFigure(mid.x * w, mid.y * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, c1.x * w, c1.y * h, c2.x * w, c2.y * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); // Find the 45 degree midpoint of for the fourth bezier breakUpBezier( centerx - radius, centery, centerx - radius, centery - cpOffset, centerx - cpOffset, centery - radius, centerx, centery - radius, 0.5, c1, c2, mid, unused, unused, ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, mid.x * w, mid.y * h, c1.x * w, c1.y * h, c2.x * w, c2.y * h, ), ); // now make a smaller circle cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.3; radius = 0.3; // Find the 45 degree midpoint for the first bezier breakUpBezier( centerx - radius, centery, centerx - radius, centery - cpOffset, centerx - cpOffset, centery - radius, centerx, centery - radius, 0.5, c1, c2, mid, unused, unused, ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, mid.x * w, mid.y * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, c2.x * w, c2.y * h, c1.x * w, c1.y * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); // Find the 45 degree midpoint for the fourth bezier breakUpBezier( centerx, centery - radius, centerx + cpOffset, centery - radius, centerx + radius, centery - cpOffset, centerx + radius, centery, 0.5, unused, unused, mid, c1, c2, ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, mid.x * w, mid.y * h, c2.x * w, c2.y * h, c1.x * w, c1.y * h, ).close(), ); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.45 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0).close()); freePoint(unused); freePoint(mid); freePoint(c1); freePoint(c2); freePoint(start); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.25, 0.45); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.75, 0.8); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Fallout', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h / 2, true); geo.add(fig); // Containing circle fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 180, 360, w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2)); function drawTriangle(fig, offsetx, offsety) { fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, (0.3 + offsetx) * w, (0.8 + offsety) * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.5 + offsetx) * w, (0.5 + offsety) * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.1 + offsetx) * w, (0.5 + offsety) * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.3 + offsetx) * w, (0.8 + offsety) * h).close(), ); } // Triangles drawTriangle(fig, 0, 0); drawTriangle(fig, 0.4, 0); drawTriangle(fig, 0.2, -0.3); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('IrritationHazard', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.2 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.3 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.2 * h).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.3, 0.3); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.7, 0.7); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ElectricalHazard', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.37 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.11 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.77 * w, 0.04 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.33 * w, 0.49 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.37 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.63 * w, 0.86 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.77 * w, 0.91 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.34 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.34 * w, 0.78 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.44 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0.56 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.68 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('FireHazard', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.29 * w, 0, -0.25 * w, 0.63 * h, 0.45 * w, 0.44 * h), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.51 * w, 0.42 * h, 0.48 * w, 0.17 * h, 0.54 * w, 0.35 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.59 * w, 0.18 * h, 0.59 * w, 0.29 * h, 0.58 * w, 0.28 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.75 * w, 0.6 * h, 0.8 * w, 0.34 * h, 0.88 * w, 0.43 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.88 * w, 0.31 * h, 0.87 * w, 0.48 * h, 0.88 * w, 0.43 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.9 * w, h, 1.17 * w, 0.76 * h, 0.82 * w, 0.8 * h, ).close(), ); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0.07, 0.445); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(0.884, 0.958); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnActivityLoop', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var r = 0.5; var cx = 0; // offset from Center x var cy = 0; // offset from Center y var d = r * KAPPA; var mx1 = (0.4 * Math.SQRT2) / 2 + 0.5; var my1 = 0.5 - (0.5 * Math.SQRT2) / 2; var x1 = 1; var y1 = 0.5; var x2 = 0.5; var y2 = 0; var fig = new go.PathFigure(mx1 * w, (1 - my1) * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, x1 * w, y1 * h, x1 * w, 0.7 * h, x1 * w, y1 * h), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (x2 + cx) * w, (y2 + cx) * h, (0.5 + r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cx) * h, (0.5 + d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cx) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, (0.5 - r + cy) * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 - d + cy) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (0.35 + cx) * w, 0.9 * h, (0.5 - r + cx) * w, (0.5 + d + cy) * h, (0.5 - d + cx) * w, 0.9 * h, ), ); // Arrowhead fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, (0.25 + cx) * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.35 + cx) * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.2 + cx) * w, 0.95 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnActivityParallel', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnActivitySequential', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnActivityAdHoc', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, h, false); geo.add(fig2); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig3); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.2 * w, 0.35 * h, 0.3 * w, 0.35 * h, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, 0.7 * w, 0.65 * h, 0.8 * w, 0.65 * h), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnActivityCompensation', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnTaskMessage', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.2 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.8 * h).close()); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.2 * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.2 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnTaskScript', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.7 * w, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.3 * w, 0, 0.6 * w, 0.5 * h, 0, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.7 * w, h, 0.4 * w, 0.5 * h, w, 0.5 * h).close(), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.45 * w, 0.73 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Lines on script fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.73 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.38 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.63 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.31 * w, 0.27 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.56 * w, 0.27 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnTaskUser', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.335 * w, (1 - 0.555) * h, true); geo.add(fig2); // Shirt fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.335 * w, (1 - 0.405) * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.335) * w, (1 - 0.405) * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.335) * w, (1 - 0.555) * h)); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.68 * h, (1 - 0.12) * w, 0.46 * h, (1 - 0.02) * w, 0.54 * h, ), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.68 * h)); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.335 * w, (1 - 0.555) * h, 0.02 * w, 0.54 * h, 0.12 * w, 0.46 * h, ), ); // Start of neck fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.365 * w, (1 - 0.595) * h)); var radiushead = 0.5 - 0.285; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = radiushead; var alpha2 = Math.PI / 4; var KAPPA = (4 * (1 - Math.cos(alpha2))) / (3 * Math.sin(alpha2)); var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var radiusw = radiushead; var radiush = radiushead; var offsetw = KAPPA * radiusw; var offseth = KAPPA * radiush; // Circle (head) fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radiusw) * w, centery * h, (centerx - (offsetw + radiusw) / 2) * w, (centery + (radiush + offseth) / 2) * h, (centerx - radiusw) * w, (centery + offseth) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radiush) * h, (centerx - radiusw) * w, (centery - offseth) * h, (centerx - offsetw) * w, (centery - radiush) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radiusw) * w, centery * h, (centerx + offsetw) * w, (centery - radiush) * h, (centerx + radiusw) * w, (centery - offseth) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (1 - 0.365) * w, (1 - 0.595) * h, (centerx + radiusw) * w, (centery + offseth) * h, (centerx + (offsetw + radiusw) / 2) * w, (centery + (radiush + offseth) / 2) * h, ), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.365) * w, (1 - 0.595) * h)); // Neckline fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.335) * w, (1 - 0.555) * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.335) * w, (1 - 0.405) * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.335 * w, (1 - 0.405) * h)); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.2 * w, h, false); geo.add(fig3); // Arm lines fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.8 * h)); var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(0.8 * w, h, false); geo.add(fig4); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.8 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnEventConditional', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Body fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.2 * w, 0.2 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Inside lines fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.8 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnEventError', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.33 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.66 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.66 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.33 * w, 0.5 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnEventEscalation', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig); // Set dimensions var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, h, false); geo.add(fig2); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, h, true); geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Caution', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.05 * w, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.1 * w, 0.8 * h, 0, h, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.55 * w, 0.1 * h, 0.5 * w, 0, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.95 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.9 * w, h, w, h, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.05 * w, h)); var radius = 0.05; // Bottom circle of exclamation point fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, (0.5 - radius) * w, 0.875 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 180, -360, 0.5 * w, 0.875 * h, radius * w, radius * h), ); // Upper rectangle of exclamation point fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.75 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.325 * h, 0.575 * w, 0.725 * h, 0.625 * w, 0.375 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.375 * w, 0.375 * h, 0.425 * w, 0.725 * h, ), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Recycle', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.45 * w, 0.95 * h, false); geo.add(fig); // Bottom left arrow fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.95 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.185 * w, 0.85 * h, 0.17 * w, 0.95 * h, 0.15 * w, 0.9 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.235 * w, 0.75 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3 * w, 0.625 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.35 * w, 0.65 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.275 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.05 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.05 * w, 0.575 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.1875 * w, 0.95 * h, 0, 0.675 * h, 0, 0.7 * h), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.45 * w, 0.95 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.775 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.22 * w, 0.775 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.475 * w, 0.2 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Top arrow fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.225 * w, 0.3 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.275 * w, 0.175 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.325 * w, 0.05 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.4 * w, 0.05 * h, 0.35 * w, 0, 0.375 * w, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.575 * w, 0.375 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.525 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.475 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, 0.315 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.32 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0.05 * h)); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.575 * w, 0, 0.65 * w, 0.05 * h, 0.625 * w, 0), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.38 * w, 0.0105 * h)); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.675 * w, 0.575 * h, false); geo.add(fig3); // Bottom right arrow fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.875 * w, 0.525 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.775 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.85 * w, 0.95 * h, w, 0.8 * h, w, 0.85 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0.95 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.85 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0.725 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0.775 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.775 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.775 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.675 * w, 0.575 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.775 * w, 0.775 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('BpmnEventTimer', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radius = 0.5; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, radius * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, h, w, (radius + cpOffset) * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, radius * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, h, 0, (radius + cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, radius * w, 0, 0, (radius - cpOffset) * h, (radius - cpOffset) * w, 0, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, radius * h, (radius + cpOffset) * w, 0, w, (radius - cpOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(radius * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); // Hour lines fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, radius * w, 0.15 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, radius * w, h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, radius * w, 0.85 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, radius * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, radius * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, radius * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, radius * h)); // Clock hands fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, radius * w, radius * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.58 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, radius * w, radius * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.78 * w, 0.54 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Package', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.15 * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Package bottom rectangle fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.15 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.15 * h, true); geo.add(fig2); // Package top flap fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0.15 * h).close()); geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0.1); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Class', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Class box fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.2 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Top box separater fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.2 * h).close()); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig3); // Middle box separater fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Component', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, h, true); geo.add(fig); // Component Box fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.2 * h, true); geo.add(fig2); // Component top sub box fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.2 * h).close()); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.6 * h, true); geo.add(fig3); // Component bottom sub box fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.8 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.6 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Boat Shipment', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.15 * w, 0.6 * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Boat shipment flag fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, 0.6 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.15 * w, 0.6 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, 0.6 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Customer/Supplier', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.66 * w, 0.33 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.66 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.33 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.33 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Workcell', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.65 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.35 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.35 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Supermarket', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.33 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.33 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0.33 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.66 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.66 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, w, 0.66 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TruckShipment', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Left rectangle fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w, 0.8 * h, true); geo.add(fig2); // Right rectangle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.8 * h).close()); var radius = 0.1; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; var centerx = 0.2; var centery = 0.9; var fig3 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig3); // Left wheel fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ).close(), ); radius = 0.1; cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; centerx = 0.8; centery = 0.9; var fig4 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig4); // Right wheel fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ).close(), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('KanbanPost', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.2 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Forklift', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.8 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0.8 * h, true); geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.8 * h)); var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0.7 * h, false); geo.add(fig4); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.7 * h)); var radius = 0.1; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; var centerx = 0.1; var centery = 0.9; var fig5 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig5); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); radius = 0.1; cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.1; centerx = 0.4; centery = 0.9; var fig6 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig6); fig6.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig6.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig6.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig6.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('RailShipment', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.1 * w, 0.4 * h, true); geo.add(fig); // Left cart fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.45 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.4 * h).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.45 * w, 0.7 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); // Line connecting carts fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.7 * h)); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.55 * w, 0.4 * h, true); geo.add(fig3); // Right cart fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.9 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, 0.4 * h).close()); var radius = 0.05; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.05; var centerx = 0.175; var centery = 0.95; var fig4 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig4); // Wheels fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); var radius = 0.05; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.05; var centerx = 0.375; var centery = 0.95; var fig5 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig5); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); var radius = 0.05; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.05; var centerx = 0.625; var centery = 0.95; var fig6 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig6); fig6.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig6.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig6.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig6.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); var radius = 0.05; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.05; var centerx = 0.825; var centery = 0.95; var fig7 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig7); fig7.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig7.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig7.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig7.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ).close(), ); var fig8 = new go.PathFigure(0, h, false); geo.add(fig8); fig8.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Warehouse', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.2 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.2 * h).close()); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.15 * w, h, true); geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, h).close()); var radius = 0.05; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.05; var centerx = 0.35; var centery = 0.775; var fig4 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig4); // Door handle fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ).close(), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ControlCenter', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.1 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.8 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Bluetooth', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.75 * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.75 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.75 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.25 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Bookmark', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.4 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Bookmark', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.4 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Globe', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.5 * h, 0.75 * w, 0, w, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h, w, 0.75 * h, 0.75 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.5 * h, 0.25 * w, h, 0, 0.75 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0, 0, 0.25 * h, 0.25 * w, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, h, 0.15 * w, 0.25 * h, 0.15 * w, 0.75 * h), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0, 0.85 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.85 * w, 0.25 * h), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.1675 * w, 0.15 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8325 * w, 0.15 * h, 0.35 * w, 0.3 * h, 0.65 * w, 0.3 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.1675 * w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8325 * w, 0.85 * h, 0.35 * w, 0.7 * h, 0.65 * w, 0.7 * h, ), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Wave', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.25 * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.3 * w, 0.25 * h, 0.1 * w, 0, 0.2 * w, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.7 * w, 0.25 * h, 0.425 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.575 * w, 0.5 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.25 * h, 0.8 * w, 0, 0.9 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.75 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.25 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.75 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.3 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.1 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.2 * w, 0.5 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.7 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.425 * w, h, 0.575 * w, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.75 * h, 0.8 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.9 * w, 0.5 * h), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Operator', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radius = 0.3; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.3; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.7; var fig = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.7 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.7 * h, 0, 0, w, 0)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('TripleFanBlades', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); // Top blade fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.65 * h, 0.65 * w, 0.3 * h, 0.65 * w, 0.5 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0, 0.35 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.35 * w, 0.3 * h), ); // Bottom left blade fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.65 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h, 0.3 * w, 0.6 * h, 0.1 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.65 * h, 0.2 * w, h, 0.35 * w, 0.95 * h), ); // Bottom right blade fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.65 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, h, 0.7 * w, 0.6 * h, 0.9 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.65 * h, 0.8 * w, h, 0.65 * w, 0.95 * h), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('CentrifugalPump', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.5 * h, 0, 0.075 * h, 0, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.4 * w, h, 0, h, 0.4 * w, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8 * w, 0.4 * h, 0.8 * w, h, 0.85 * w, 0.6 * h), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Battery', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.4 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.6 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.4 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.4 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Delete', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radius = 0.5; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ), ); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.15 * w, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, 0.5 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Flag', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.1 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.1 * h, 0.15 * w, 0, 0.35 * w, 0)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, 0.1 * h, 0.65 * w, 0.2 * h, 0.85 * w, 0.2 * h), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.85 * w, 0.6 * h, 0.65 * w, 0.6 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.5 * h, 0.35 * w, 0.4 * h, 0.15 * w, 0.4 * h, ).close(), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Help', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var radius = 0.5; var cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.5; var centerx = 0.5; var centery = 0.5; var fig = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ).close(), ); radius = 0.05; cpOffset = KAPPA * 0.05; centerx = 0.5; centery = 0.8; var fig2 = new go.PathFigure((centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx + radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery - radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery - cpOffset) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, centerx * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx + radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, (centerx + cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, (centerx - radius) * w, centery * h, (centerx - cpOffset) * w, (centery + radius) * h, (centerx - radius) * w, (centery + cpOffset) * h, ).close(), ); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.7 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0.2 * h, 0.75 * w, 0.475 * h, 0.75 * w, 0.225 * h, ), ); fig2.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.3 * w, 0.35 * h, 0.4 * w, 0.2 * h, 0.3 * w, 0.25 * h, ), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Location', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, h, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.5 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5 * w, 0, 0.975 * w, 0.025 * h, 0.5 * w, 0)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.25 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.5 * w, 0, 0.025 * w, 0.025 * h, ).close(), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.2 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, 360, 0.5 * w, 0.3 * h, 0.1 * w, 0.1 * h, ).close(), ), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Lock', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.2 * w, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.3 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8 * w, 0.3 * h, 0.25 * w, 0, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.3 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Unlocked', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.5 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.2 * w, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.5 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.3 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.8 * w, 0.3 * h, 0.25 * w, 0, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8 * w, 0.35 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Gear', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0.9375 * w, 0.56246875 * h, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9375 * w, 0.4375 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.80621875 * w, 0.4375 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.763 * w, 0.3316875 * h, 0.79840625 * w, 0.39915625 * h, 0.7834375 * w, 0.3635 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.8566875 * w, 0.23796875 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.76825 * w, 0.14959375 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.67596875 * w, 0.24184375 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.5625 * w, 0.19378125 * h, 0.64228125 * w, 0.2188125 * h, 0.603875 * w, 0.2021875 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5625 * w, 0.0625 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4375 * w, 0.0625 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4375 * w, 0.19378125 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.32775 * w, 0.239375 * h, 0.39759375 * w, 0.20190625 * h, 0.36053125 * w, 0.2176875 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2379375 * w, 0.14959375 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.14953125 * w, 0.2379375 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.23934375 * w, 0.3278125 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.19378125 * w, 0.4375 * h, 0.21765625 * w, 0.36059375 * h, 0.201875 * w, 0.397625 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.0625 * w, 0.4375 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.0625 * w, 0.5625 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1938125 * w, 0.5625 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.241875 * w, 0.67596875 * h, 0.20221875 * w, 0.603875 * h, 0.21884375 * w, 0.64228125 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1495625 * w, 0.76825 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.238 * w, 0.8566875 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.3316875 * w, 0.76296875 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.43753125 * w, 0.80621875 * h, 0.36353125 * w, 0.78340625 * h, 0.3991875 * w, 0.79840625 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.43753125 * w, 0.9375 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5625 * w, 0.9375 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5625 * w, 0.80621875 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.67225 * w, 0.760625 * h, 0.602375 * w, 0.79809375 * h, 0.63946875 * w, 0.78234375 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.76828125 * w, 0.8566875 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85671875 * w, 0.76825 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.76065625 * w, 0.67221875 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.80621875 * w, 0.56246875 * h, 0.78234375 * w, 0.63940625 * h, 0.798125 * w, 0.602375 * h, ), ) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9375 * w, 0.56246875 * h).close()) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.6 * h)) .add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 90, 360, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.1 * w, 0.1 * h).close(), ), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Hand', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.5 * h, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.1 * w, 0.3 * h, 0, 0.375 * h, 0.05 * w, 0.325 * h), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.45 * w, 0.075 * h, 0.3 * w, 0.225 * h, 0.4 * w, 0.175 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.525 * w, 0.075 * h, 0.46 * w, 0.05 * h, 0.525 * w, 0.05 * h, ), ); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.3 * w, 0.4 * h, 0.525 * w, 0.275 * h, 0.475 * w, 0.325 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.9 * w, 0.55 * h, w, 0.4 * h, w, 0.55 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.425 * w, 0.55 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.6 * w, 0.55 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.6 * w, 0.7 * h, 0.675 * w, 0.55 * h, 0.675 * w, 0.7 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.575 * w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.575 * w, 0.85 * h, 0.65 * w, 0.7 * h, 0.65 * w, 0.85 * h, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.525 * w, 0.85 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.535 * w, h, 0.61 * w, 0.85 * h, 0.61 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, 0.9 * h, 0.435 * w, h, 0, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.5 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Map', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0.2 * h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.25 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.25 * w, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.5 * w, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.75 * w, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.75 * w, 0.8 * h)); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Eject', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h, true); geo.add(fig); // bottam rectangle section fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h * 0.7)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h * 0.7).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, h * 0.6, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.6 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Pencil', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.1 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0.9 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.2 * h).close()), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Building', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 1, h * 1, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h * 1)); // bottom part fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h * 0.85)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.046 * w, h * 0.85)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.046 * w, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h * 0.3)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.046 * w, h * 0.3)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.046) * w, h * 0.3)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h * 0.3)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.046) * w, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - 0.046) * w, h * 0.85)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h * 0.85).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0.126 * w, 0.85 * h, false); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.126 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.322 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.322 * w, 0.85 * h).close()); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(0.402 * w, 0.85 * h, false); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.402 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.598 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.598 * w, 0.85 * h).close()); var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(0.678 * w, 0.85 * h, false); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig4); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.678 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.874 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.874 * w, 0.85 * h).close()); // the top inner triangle var fig5 = new go.PathFigure(0.5 * w, 0.1 * h, false); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig5); fig5.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (0.046 + 0.15) * w, 0.3 * h)); fig5.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - (0.046 + 0.15)) * w, 0.3 * h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Staircase', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h * 1, true); geo.add(fig); // Bottom part fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.2, h * 1)); // bottom left part fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.2, h * 0.8)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.4, h * 0.8)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.4, h * 0.6)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.6, h * 0.6)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.6, h * 0.4)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.8, h * 0.4)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.8, h * 0.2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 0.2)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 0.15)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.75, h * 0.15)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.75, h * 0.35)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.55, h * 0.35)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.55, h * 0.55)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.35, h * 0.55)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.35, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.15, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.15, h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h * 0.95).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('5Bars', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, h * 1, true); // bottom left geo.add(fig); // Width of each bar is .184 // space in between each bar is .2 fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.184, h * 1)); // bottom left part fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.184, h * (1 - 0.184)).close()); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.204, h, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.204, h * (1 - 0.184))); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.388, h * (1 - 0.184 * 2))); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.388, h * 1).close()); var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.408, h, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig4); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.408, h * (1 - 0.184 * 2))); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.592, h * (1 - 0.184 * 3))); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.592, h * 1).close()); var fig5 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.612, h, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig5); fig5.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.612, h * (1 - 0.184 * 3))); fig5.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.796, h * (1 - 0.184 * 4))); fig5.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.796, h * 1).close()); var fig6 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.816, h, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig6); fig6.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.816, h * (1 - 0.184 * 4))); fig6.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * (1 - 0.184 * 5))); fig6.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 1).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('PC', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true); // top right geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.3, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.3, 0).close()); // Drive looking rectangle 1 var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.055, 0.07 * h, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.245, h * 0.07)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.245, h * 0.1)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.055, h * 0.1).close()); // Drive looking rectangle 2 var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.055, 0.13 * h, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.245, h * 0.13)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.245, h * 0.16)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.055, h * 0.16).close()); // Drive/cd rom looking rectangle 3 var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.055, 0.18 * h, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig4); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.245, h * 0.18)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.245, h * 0.21)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.055, h * 0.21).close()); var fig5 = new go.PathFigure(w * 1, 0, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig5); fig5.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.4, 0)); fig5.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.4, h * 0.65)); fig5.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 0.65).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Plane', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0.55 * w, h, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.7 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.475 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.35 * w, 0.525 * h, 0, 0.4 * h, 0.225 * w, 0.45 * h), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.475 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.15 * w, 0.35 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.325 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.325 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.85 * w, 0.1 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0.9 * w, 0.2 * h, 0.975 * w, 0, w, 0.08 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.45 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.6 * w, 0.95 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.55 * w, h).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Key', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 1, h * 0.5, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.9, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, 0.4 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, 0.35 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.45, 0.35 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.3, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.15, 0.2 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.35 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, 0.65 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.15, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.3, 0.8 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.45, 0.65 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, 0.65 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.6, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.65, 0.55 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.7, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.75, 0.55 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.8, 0.6 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.85, 0.575 * h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.9, 0.6 * h).close()); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.17 * w, 0.425 * h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, 360, 0.17 * w, 0.5 * h, 0.075 * w, 0.075 * h, ).close(), ); return geo; }); // movie like logo go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('FilmTape', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, 180, w * 0, w * 0.3, w * 0.055)); // left semi-circle fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.08, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.08, h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 1), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 1), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 2), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 2), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 3), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 3), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 4), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 4), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 5), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 5), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 6), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 6), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 7), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 7), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 8), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 8), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 9), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 9), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 10), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 10), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 11), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 11), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 12), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 12), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 13), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 13), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 14), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 14), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 15), h * 0.95)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.08 + 0.056 * 15), h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 1)); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, false); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Arc, 270, -180, w * 1, w * 0.3, w * 0.055)); // right semi circle fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 1)); // Each of the little square boxes on the tape var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.11, h * 0.1, false); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig3); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 1 + 0.028 * 0), h * 0.1), ); fig3.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 1 + 0.028 * 0), h * 0.8), ); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.11, h * 0.8).close()); var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 1 + 0.028 * 1), h * 0.1, false); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig4); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 2 + 0.028 * 1), h * 0.1), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 2 + 0.028 * 1), h * 0.8), ); fig4.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 1 + 0.028 * 1), h * 0.8, ).close(), ); var fig5 = new go.PathFigure(w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 2 + 0.028 * 2), h * 0.1, false); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig5); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 3 + 0.028 * 2), h * 0.1), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 3 + 0.028 * 2), h * 0.8), ); fig5.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Line, w * (0.11 + 0.24133333 * 2 + 0.028 * 2), h * 0.8, ).close(), ); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('FloppyDisk', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var roundValue = 8; var cpOffset = roundValue * KAPPA; var fig = new go.PathFigure(roundValue, 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.86, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 0.14)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h - roundValue)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w - roundValue, h, w, h - cpOffset, w - cpOffset, h), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, roundValue, h)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h - roundValue, cpOffset, h, 0, h - cpOffset), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, roundValue)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, roundValue, 0, 0, cpOffset, cpOffset, 0).close(), ); // interior slightly rectangle var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.83, 0, false); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.83, h * 0.3)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.17, h * 0.3)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.17, h * 0).close()); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.83, h * 1, false); geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.83, h * 0.5)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.17, h * 0.5)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.17, h * 1).close()); var fig4 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.78, h * 0.05, false); geo.add(fig4); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.66, h * 0.05)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.66, h * 0.25)); fig4.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.78, h * 0.25).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SpeechBubble', function (shape, w, h) { var param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN; if (isNaN(param1) || param1 < 0) param1 = 15; // default corner param1 = Math.min(param1, w / 3); param1 = Math.min(param1, h / 3); var cpOffset = param1 * KAPPA; var bubbleH = h * 0.8; // leave some room at bottom for pointer var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(param1, 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w - param1, 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w, param1, w - cpOffset, 0, w, cpOffset)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, bubbleH - param1)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, w - param1, bubbleH, w, bubbleH - cpOffset, w - cpOffset, bubbleH, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.7, bubbleH)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.7, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.55, bubbleH)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1, bubbleH)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment( go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, bubbleH - param1, cpOffset, bubbleH, 0, bubbleH - cpOffset, ), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, param1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, param1, 0, 0, cpOffset, cpOffset, 0).close()); if (cpOffset > 1) { geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0, cpOffset, cpOffset); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 0.8, -cpOffset, -cpOffset); } else { geo.spot1 = go.Spot.TopLeft; geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 0.8); } return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Repeat', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0, h * 0.45, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.25, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.3, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.3, h * 0.9)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.6, h * 0.9)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.65, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.2, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.2, h * 0.45).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w * 1, h * 0.55, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.75, h * 1)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, h * 0.55)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.7, h * 0.55)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.7, h * 0.1)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.4, h * 0.1)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.35, h * 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.8, h * 0)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.8, h * 0.55).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Windows', function (shape, w, h) { return new go.Geometry().add( new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close()) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.4 * w, 0.4 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.4 * w, 0.8 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.8 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.9 * w, 0.4 * h).close()) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.2 * w, 0.1 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.2 * w, 0.6 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.6 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.7 * w, 0.1 * h).close()) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, 0.1 * w, 0.6 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.1 * w, 0.9 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.9 * h)) .add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0.5 * w, 0.6 * h).close()), ); }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Terminal', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0, h * 0.1, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 0.1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 0.9)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0, h * 0.9).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.1, h * 0.2, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.1, h * 0.25)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.22, h * 0.285)); // midpoint fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.1, h * 0.32)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.1, h * 0.37)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.275, h * 0.32)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.275, h * 0.25).close()); var fig3 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.28, h * 0.37, true); // is filled in our not geo.add(fig3); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.45, h * 0.37)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.45, h * 0.41)); fig3.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.28, h * 0.41).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Beaker', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var param1 = 15; var cpOffset = param1 * KAPPA; var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.62, h * 0.475, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h - param1)); fig.add( new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, w - param1, h, w, h - cpOffset, w - cpOffset, h), ); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1, h)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Bezier, 0, h - param1, cpOffset, h, 0, h - cpOffset)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.38, h * 0.475)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.38, h * 0.03)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.36, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.64, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.62, h * 0.03).close()); if (cpOffset > 1) { geo.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0, cpOffset, cpOffset); geo.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1, -cpOffset, -cpOffset); } else { geo.spot1 = go.Spot.TopLeft; geo.spot2 = go.Spot.BottomRight; } return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Download', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0, h * 1, true); geo.add(fig); var third = 0.1 / 0.3; // just to keep values consistent // outer frame // starts bottom left fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.8, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.66, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.66, h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.755, h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.93, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.64, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.61, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.39, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.36, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.07, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.755), h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.66), h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.66), h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.8), h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0, h * (1 - third)).close()); // arrow pointing down var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.4, h * 0, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.4, h * 0.44)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.26, h * 0.44)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, h * 0.66)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.26), h * 0.44)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.6, h * 0.44)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.6, h * 0).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Bin', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0, h * 1, true); geo.add(fig); var third = 0.1 / 0.3; // just to keep values consistent // outer frame // starts bottom left fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.8, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.66, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.66, h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.755, h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.93, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.64, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.61, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.39, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.36, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.07, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.755), h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.66), h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.66), h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.8), h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0, h * (1 - third)).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Upload', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0, h * 1, true); geo.add(fig); var third = 0.1 / 0.3; // just to keep values consistent // outer frame // starts bottom left fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.8, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.66, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.66, h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.755, h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.93, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.64, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.61, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.39, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.36, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.07, h * (1 - third))); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.755), h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.66), h * 0.055)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.66), h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * (1 - 0.8), h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0, h * (1 - third)).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.5, h * 0, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.26, h * 0.25)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.4, h * 0.25)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.4, h * 0.63)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.6, h * 0.63)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.6, h * 0.25)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.74, h * 0.25).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('EmptyDrink', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.15, h * 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.85, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.7, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.3, h * 1).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Drink', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.15, h * 0, false); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.85, h * 0)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.7, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.3, h * 1).close()); var fig2 = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.235, h * 0.28, true); geo.add(fig2); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.765, h * 0.28)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.655, h * 0.97)); fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.345, h * 0.97).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('4Arrows', function (shape, w, h) { var geo = new go.Geometry(); var fig = new go.PathFigure(w * 0.5, h * 0, true); geo.add(fig); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.65, h * 0.25)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.55, h * 0.25)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.55, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.75, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.75, h * 0.35)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 1, h * 0.5)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.75, h * 0.65)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.75, h * 0.55)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.55, h * 0.55)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.55, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.65, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.5, h * 1)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.35, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.45, h * 0.75)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.45, h * 0.55)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.25, h * 0.55)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.25, h * 0.65)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0, h * 0.5)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.25, h * 0.35)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.25, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.45, h * 0.45)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.45, h * 0.25)); fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w * 0.35, h * 0.25).close()); return geo; }); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Connector', 'Ellipse'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Alternative', 'TriangleUp'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Merge', 'TriangleUp'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Decision', 'Diamond'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DataTransmissions', 'Hexagon'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Gate', 'Crescent'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Delay', 'HalfEllipse'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Input', 'Parallelogram1'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ManualLoop', 'ManualOperation'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('ISOProcess', 'Chevron'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MessageToUser', 'SquareArrow'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('MagneticData', 'Cylinder1'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('DirectData', 'Cylinder4'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('StoredData', 'DataStorage'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('SequentialData', 'MagneticTape'); go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Subroutine', 'Procedure');