/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2021 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsTS folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from './go.js'; /** * The GuidedDraggingTool class makes guidelines visible as the parts are dragged around a diagram * when the selected part is nearly aligned with another part. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the <a * href="../../extensionsTS/GuidedDragging.html">Guided Dragging</a> sample. * * @category Tool Extension */ /* eslint-disable */ export default class GuidedDraggingTool extends go.DraggingTool { /** Constructs a GuidedDraggingTool and sets up the temporary guideline parts. */ constructor() { super(); // properties that the programmer can modify this._guidelineSnapDistance = 6; this._isGuidelineEnabled = true; this._horizontalGuidelineColor = 'gray'; this._verticalGuidelineColor = 'gray'; this._centerGuidelineColor = 'gray'; this._guidelineWidth = 1; this._searchDistance = 1000; this._isGuidelineSnapEnabled = true; const partProperties = { layerName: 'Tool', isInDocumentBounds: false }; const shapeProperties = { stroke: 'gray', isGeometryPositioned: true }; const $ = go.GraphObject.make; // temporary parts for horizonal guidelines this.guidelineHtop = $( go.Part, partProperties, $(go.Shape, shapeProperties, { geometryString: 'M0 0 100 0' }), ); this.guidelineHbottom = $( go.Part, partProperties, $(go.Shape, shapeProperties, { geometryString: 'M0 0 100 0' }), ); this.guidelineHcenter = $( go.Part, partProperties, $(go.Shape, shapeProperties, { geometryString: 'M0 0 100 0' }), ); // temporary parts for vertical guidelines this.guidelineVleft = $( go.Part, partProperties, $(go.Shape, shapeProperties, { geometryString: 'M0 0 0 100' }), ); this.guidelineVright = $( go.Part, partProperties, $(go.Shape, shapeProperties, { geometryString: 'M0 0 0 100' }), ); this.guidelineVcenter = $( go.Part, partProperties, $(go.Shape, shapeProperties, { geometryString: 'M0 0 0 100' }), ); } /** * Gets or sets the margin of error for which guidelines show up. * * The default value is 6. Guidelines will show up when the aligned nods are ± 6px away from * perfect alignment. */ get guidelineSnapDistance() { return this._guidelineSnapDistance; } set guidelineSnapDistance(val) { if (typeof val !== 'number' || isNaN(val) || val < 0) throw new Error( 'new value for GuideddraggingTool.guidelineSnapDistance must be a non-negative number', ); if (this._guidelineSnapDistance !== val) { this._guidelineSnapDistance = val; } } /** * Gets or sets whether the guidelines are enabled or disable. * * The default value is true. */ get isGuidelineEnabled() { return this._isGuidelineEnabled; } set isGuidelineEnabled(val) { if (typeof val !== 'boolean') throw new Error( 'new value for GuidedDraggingTool.isGuidelineEnabled must be a boolean value.', ); if (this._isGuidelineEnabled !== val) { this._isGuidelineEnabled = val; } } /** * Gets or sets the color of horizontal guidelines. * * The default value is "gray". */ get horizontalGuidelineColor() { return this._horizontalGuidelineColor; } set horizontalGuidelineColor(val) { if (this._horizontalGuidelineColor !== val) { this._horizontalGuidelineColor = val; this.guidelineHbottom.elements.first().stroke = this._horizontalGuidelineColor; this.guidelineHtop.elements.first().stroke = this._horizontalGuidelineColor; } } /** * Gets or sets the color of vertical guidelines. * * The default value is "gray". */ get verticalGuidelineColor() { return this._verticalGuidelineColor; } set verticalGuidelineColor(val) { if (this._verticalGuidelineColor !== val) { this._verticalGuidelineColor = val; this.guidelineVleft.elements.first().stroke = this._verticalGuidelineColor; this.guidelineVright.elements.first().stroke = this._verticalGuidelineColor; } } /** * Gets or sets the color of center guidelines. * * The default value is "gray". */ get centerGuidelineColor() { return this._centerGuidelineColor; } set centerGuidelineColor(val) { if (this._centerGuidelineColor !== val) { this._centerGuidelineColor = val; this.guidelineVcenter.elements.first().stroke = this._centerGuidelineColor; this.guidelineHcenter.elements.first().stroke = this._centerGuidelineColor; } } /** * Gets or sets the width guidelines. * * The default value is 1. */ get guidelineWidth() { return this._guidelineWidth; } set guidelineWidth(val) { if (typeof val !== 'number' || isNaN(val) || val < 0) throw new Error( 'New value for GuidedDraggingTool.guidelineWidth must be a non-negative number.', ); if (this._guidelineWidth !== val) { this._guidelineWidth = val; this.guidelineVcenter.elements.first().strokeWidth = val; this.guidelineHcenter.elements.first().strokeWidth = val; this.guidelineVleft.elements.first().strokeWidth = val; this.guidelineVright.elements.first().strokeWidth = val; this.guidelineHbottom.elements.first().strokeWidth = val; this.guidelineHtop.elements.first().strokeWidth = val; } } /** * Gets or sets the distance around the selected part to search for aligned parts. * * The default value is 1000. Set this to Infinity if you want to search the entire diagram no * matter how far away. */ get searchDistance() { return this._searchDistance; } set searchDistance(val) { if (typeof val !== 'number' || isNaN(val) || val <= 0) throw new Error('new value for GuidedDraggingTool.searchDistance must be a positive number.'); if (this._searchDistance !== val) { this._searchDistance = val; } } /** * Gets or sets whether snapping to guidelines is enabled. * * The default value is true. */ get isGuidelineSnapEnabled() { return this._isGuidelineSnapEnabled; } set isGuidelineSnapEnabled(val) { if (typeof val !== 'boolean') throw new Error('new value for GuidedDraggingTool.isGuidelineSnapEnabled must be a boolean.'); if (this._isGuidelineSnapEnabled !== val) { this._isGuidelineSnapEnabled = val; } } /** Removes all of the guidelines from the grid. */ clearGuidelines() { this.diagram.remove(this.guidelineHbottom); this.diagram.remove(this.guidelineHcenter); this.diagram.remove(this.guidelineHtop); this.diagram.remove(this.guidelineVleft); this.diagram.remove(this.guidelineVright); this.diagram.remove(this.guidelineVcenter); } /** Calls the base method and removes the guidelines from the graph. */ doDeactivate() { super.doDeactivate(); // clear any guidelines when dragging is done this.clearGuidelines(); } /** Shows vertical and horizontal guidelines for the dragged part. */ doDragOver(pt, obj) { // clear all existing guidelines in case either show... method decides to show a guideline this.clearGuidelines(); // gets the selected part const draggingParts = this.copiedParts || this.draggedParts; if (draggingParts === null) return; const partItr = draggingParts.iterator; if (partItr.next()) { const part = partItr.key; this.showHorizontalMatches(part, this.isGuidelineEnabled, false); this.showVerticalMatches(part, this.isGuidelineEnabled, false); } } /** * On a mouse-up, snaps the selected part to the nearest guideline. If not snapping, the part * remains at its position. */ doDropOnto(pt, obj) { this.clearGuidelines(); // gets the selected (perhaps copied) Part const draggingParts = this.copiedParts || this.draggedParts; if (draggingParts === null) return; const partItr = draggingParts.iterator; if (partItr.next()) { const part = partItr.key; // snaps only when the mouse is released without shift modifier const e = this.diagram.lastInput; const snap = this.isGuidelineSnapEnabled && !e.shift; this.showHorizontalMatches(part, false, snap); // false means don't show guidelines this.showVerticalMatches(part, false, snap); } } /** * When nodes are shifted due to being guided upon a drop, make sure all connected link routes are * invalidated, since the node is likely to have moved a different amount than all its connected * links in the regular operation of the DraggingTool. */ invalidateLinks(node) { if (node instanceof go.Node) node.invalidateConnectedLinks(); } /** * This predicate decides whether or not the given Part should guide the dragged part. * * @param {Part} part A stationary Part to which the dragged part might be aligned * @param {Part} guidedpart The Part being dragged */ isGuiding(part, guidedpart) { return ( part instanceof go.Part && !part.isSelected && !(part instanceof go.Link) && guidedpart instanceof go.Part && part.containingGroup === guidedpart.containingGroup && part.layer !== null && !part.layer.isTemporary ); } /** * This finds parts that are aligned near the selected part along horizontal lines. It compares * the selected part to all parts within a rectangle approximately twice the {@link * #searchDistance} wide. The guidelines appear when a part is aligned within a margin-of-error * equal to {@link #guidelineSnapDistance}. * * @param {Node} part * @param {boolean} guideline If true, show guideline * @param {boolean} snap If true, snap the part to where the guideline would be */ showHorizontalMatches(part, guideline, snap) { const objBounds = part.locationObject.getDocumentBounds(); const p0 = objBounds.y; const p1 = objBounds.y + objBounds.height / 2; const p2 = objBounds.y + objBounds.height; const marginOfError = this.guidelineSnapDistance; const distance = this.searchDistance; // compares with parts within narrow vertical area const area = objBounds.copy(); area.inflate(distance, marginOfError + 1); const otherObjs = this.diagram.findObjectsIn( area, (obj) => obj.part, (p) => this.isGuiding(p, part), true, ); let bestDiff = marginOfError; let bestObj = null; // TS 2.6 won't let this be go.Part | null let bestSpot = go.Spot.Default; let bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Default; // horizontal line -- comparing y-values otherObjs.each((other) => { if (other === part) return; // ignore itself const otherBounds = other.locationObject.getDocumentBounds(); const q0 = otherBounds.y; const q1 = otherBounds.y + otherBounds.height / 2; const q2 = otherBounds.y + otherBounds.height; // compare center with center of OTHER part if (Math.abs(p1 - q1) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p1 - q1); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Center; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Center; } // compare top side with top and bottom sides of OTHER part if (Math.abs(p0 - q0) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p0 - q0); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Top; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Top; } else if (Math.abs(p0 - q2) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p0 - q2); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Top; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Bottom; } // compare bottom side with top and bottom sides of OTHER part if (Math.abs(p2 - q0) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p2 - q0); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Bottom; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Top; } else if (Math.abs(p2 - q2) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p2 - q2); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Bottom; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Bottom; } }); if (bestObj !== null) { const offsetX = objBounds.x - part.actualBounds.x; const offsetY = objBounds.y - part.actualBounds.y; const bestBounds = bestObj.locationObject.getDocumentBounds(); // line extends from x0 to x2 const x0 = Math.min(objBounds.x, bestBounds.x) - 10; const x2 = Math.max(objBounds.x + objBounds.width, bestBounds.x + bestBounds.width) + 10; // find bestObj's desired Y const bestPoint = new go.Point().setRectSpot(bestBounds, bestOtherSpot); if (bestSpot === go.Spot.Center) { if (snap) { // call Part.move in order to automatically move member Parts of Groups part.move( new go.Point(objBounds.x - offsetX, bestPoint.y - objBounds.height / 2 - offsetY), ); this.invalidateLinks(part); } if (guideline) { this.guidelineHcenter.position = new go.Point(x0, bestPoint.y); this.guidelineHcenter.elt(0).width = x2 - x0; this.diagram.add(this.guidelineHcenter); } } else if (bestSpot === go.Spot.Top) { if (snap) { part.move(new go.Point(objBounds.x - offsetX, bestPoint.y - offsetY)); this.invalidateLinks(part); } if (guideline) { this.guidelineHtop.position = new go.Point(x0, bestPoint.y); this.guidelineHtop.elt(0).width = x2 - x0; this.diagram.add(this.guidelineHtop); } } else if (bestSpot === go.Spot.Bottom) { if (snap) { part.move(new go.Point(objBounds.x - offsetX, bestPoint.y - objBounds.height - offsetY)); this.invalidateLinks(part); } if (guideline) { this.guidelineHbottom.position = new go.Point(x0, bestPoint.y); this.guidelineHbottom.elt(0).width = x2 - x0; this.diagram.add(this.guidelineHbottom); } } } } /** * This finds parts that are aligned near the selected part along vertical lines. It compares the * selected part to all parts within a rectangle approximately twice the {@link #searchDistance} * tall. The guidelines appear when a part is aligned within a margin-of-error equal to {@link * #guidelineSnapDistance}. * * @param {Part} part * @param {boolean} guideline If true, show guideline * @param {boolean} snap If true, don't show guidelines but just snap the part to where the * guideline would be */ showVerticalMatches(part, guideline, snap) { const objBounds = part.locationObject.getDocumentBounds(); const p0 = objBounds.x; const p1 = objBounds.x + objBounds.width / 2; const p2 = objBounds.x + objBounds.width; const marginOfError = this.guidelineSnapDistance; const distance = this.searchDistance; // compares with parts within narrow vertical area const area = objBounds.copy(); area.inflate(marginOfError + 1, distance); const otherObjs = this.diagram.findObjectsIn( area, (obj) => obj.part, (p) => this.isGuiding(p, part), true, ); let bestDiff = marginOfError; let bestObj = null; // TS 2.6 won't let this be go.Part | null let bestSpot = go.Spot.Default; let bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Default; // vertical line -- comparing x-values otherObjs.each((other) => { if (other === part) return; // ignore itself const otherBounds = other.locationObject.getDocumentBounds(); const q0 = otherBounds.x; const q1 = otherBounds.x + otherBounds.width / 2; const q2 = otherBounds.x + otherBounds.width; // compare center with center of OTHER part if (Math.abs(p1 - q1) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p1 - q1); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Center; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Center; } // compare left side with left and right sides of OTHER part if (Math.abs(p0 - q0) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p0 - q0); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Left; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Left; } else if (Math.abs(p0 - q2) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p0 - q2); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Left; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Right; } // compare right side with left and right sides of OTHER part if (Math.abs(p2 - q0) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p2 - q0); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Right; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Left; } else if (Math.abs(p2 - q2) < bestDiff) { bestDiff = Math.abs(p2 - q2); bestObj = other; bestSpot = go.Spot.Right; bestOtherSpot = go.Spot.Right; } }); if (bestObj !== null) { const offsetX = objBounds.x - part.actualBounds.x; const offsetY = objBounds.y - part.actualBounds.y; const bestBounds = bestObj.locationObject.getDocumentBounds(); // line extends from y0 to y2 const y0 = Math.min(objBounds.y, bestBounds.y) - 10; const y2 = Math.max(objBounds.y + objBounds.height, bestBounds.y + bestBounds.height) + 10; // find bestObj's desired X const bestPoint = new go.Point().setRectSpot(bestBounds, bestOtherSpot); if (bestSpot === go.Spot.Center) { if (snap) { // call Part.move in order to automatically move member Parts of Groups part.move( new go.Point(bestPoint.x - objBounds.width / 2 - offsetX, objBounds.y - offsetY), ); this.invalidateLinks(part); } if (guideline) { this.guidelineVcenter.position = new go.Point(bestPoint.x, y0); this.guidelineVcenter.elt(0).height = y2 - y0; this.diagram.add(this.guidelineVcenter); } } else if (bestSpot === go.Spot.Left) { if (snap) { part.move(new go.Point(bestPoint.x - offsetX, objBounds.y - offsetY)); this.invalidateLinks(part); } if (guideline) { this.guidelineVleft.position = new go.Point(bestPoint.x, y0); this.guidelineVleft.elt(0).height = y2 - y0; this.diagram.add(this.guidelineVleft); } } else if (bestSpot === go.Spot.Right) { if (snap) { part.move(new go.Point(bestPoint.x - objBounds.width - offsetX, objBounds.y - offsetY)); this.invalidateLinks(part); } if (guideline) { this.guidelineVright.position = new go.Point(bestPoint.x, y0); this.guidelineVright.elt(0).height = y2 - y0; this.diagram.add(this.guidelineVright); } } } } }