Commit 89584e76 authored by 陈龙's avatar 陈龙

feat: 优化空数据时图表显示

parent ebdf50b4
* @tips:
* 2024年12月10日 当能查到数据,但是数据都是null,则图表的分割线无法正常出来。
* */
import React, {memo, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react';
import _, {cloneDeep} from 'lodash';
import {BasicChart} from '@wisdom-components/basicchart';
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ const SingleChart = memo((props) => {
theme = "Normal",
} = props;
const chartRef = useRef();
const timerRef = useRef();
......@@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ const SingleChart = memo((props) => {
const option = useMemo(() => {
const _dataSource = cloneDeep(dataSource);
const config = {
needUnit: true,
......@@ -226,27 +228,34 @@ const SingleChart = memo((props) => {
allValDesc[] = curr.valDesc;
return final;
}, {});
if (dataSource.length === 1 && SpecialType.includes(_allPointAddress[dataSource[0].sensorName])) {
config.sensorType = _allPointAddress[dataSource[0].sensorName];
if (_dataSource.length === 1 && SpecialType.includes(_allPointAddress[_dataSource[0].sensorName])) {
config.sensorType = _allPointAddress[_dataSource[0].sensorName];
config.special.allValDesc = allValDesc;
return specialTypeChartOptionGenerator({dataSource, config});
return specialTypeChartOptionGenerator({_dataSource, config});
let _option = optionGenerator(dataSource, null, contrast, contrastOption, smooth, config, lineDataType, predicateData, theme);
let _option = optionGenerator(_dataSource, null, contrast, contrastOption, smooth, config, lineDataType, predicateData, theme);
// 将markPoint配置加入
const chart = chartRef.current?.getEchartsInstance?.();
if (_option?.series?.[0] && chart) {
_option.series[0].markPoint = minMaxMarkPoint(dataSource, chart, true);
_option.series[0].markPoint = minMaxMarkPoint(_dataSource, chart, true);
if (emptyOrError.empty || emptyOrError.error) {
if (isArray(_option.yAxis)) {
_option.yAxis.forEach(item => {
item.max = 100;
item.max = 1;
item.min = 0;
} else {
_option.yAxis.max = 100;
_option.yAxis.max = 1;
_option.yAxis.min = 0;
} else {
_option.series.forEach(item => {
if ( === 0) {
_option.yAxis[item.yAxisIndex].max = 1;
_option.yAxis[item.yAxisIndex].min = 0;
// 加入bi模式
if (theme === 'BI') _option = patchBIOption(_option, BI);
......@@ -95,15 +95,30 @@ import HistoryView from '../index';
const deviceParams = [
"deviceCode": "SZJCY00000006",
"sensors": "浊度,pH,余氯",
"deviceType": "水质监测仪"
"deviceCode": "EGJZ00000318",
"sensors": "进水压力,出水瞬时流量",
"deviceType": "二供机组"
"deviceCode": "EGBF00000184",
"sensors": "进水压力,出水瞬时流量,今日用电量",
"deviceType": "二供泵房"
"deviceCode": "EGBF00000081",
"sensors": "进水压力,出水瞬时流量,今日用电量",
"deviceType": "二供泵房"
"deviceCode": "EGBF00000135",
"sensors": "进水压力,出水瞬时流量,今日用电量",
"deviceType": "二供泵房"
const Demo = () => {
return <div>
<div style={{height: 700}}>
<HistoryView deviceParams={deviceParams} grid/>
<HistoryView deviceParams={deviceParams} grid defaultDateRange={['2022-12-12 12:12:12','2022-12-31 23:23:23']}/>
......@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@ import React from 'react';
import HistoryView from '../index';
const deviceParams = [
/* {
"deviceCode": "EGBF00000022",
"sensors": "出水瞬时流量,今日用电量,余氯",
"deviceType": "二供泵房"
"deviceCode": "SZJCY00000006",
"sensors": "浊度",
"deviceType": "水质监测仪"
"deviceCode": "EGBF00000245",
"sensors": "进水压力,余氯",
// "sensors": "进水压力",
"deviceType": "二供泵房"
const Demo = () => {
......@@ -18,7 +14,7 @@ const Demo = () => {
<div style={{height: 700}}>
<HistoryView deviceParams={deviceParams} defaultModel="curve"/>
<HistoryView deviceParams={deviceParams} defaultModel="curve" defaultDateRange={['2022-12-12 12:12:12','2022-12-31 23:23:23']}/>
{/*<HistoryView theme={'BI'} deviceParams={deviceParams} defaultModel="curve"/>*/}
......@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ const HistoryView = (props) => {
theme = 'Normal',
defaultDateRange = []
} = props;
if (theme === 'Normal') import('./index.less');
if (theme === 'BI') import('./indexForBI.less');
......@@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ const HistoryView = (props) => {
let _dateArr = shortcutsValue ? shortcutsDatePickerArr : datePickerArr;
return handleBatchTime(_dateArr, contrastOption);
}, [contrastOption, customerChecked, customerTime, datePickerArr, timeValue, shortcutsValue]);
}, [contrastOption, customerChecked, customerTime, datePickerArr, timeValue, shortcutsValue,shortcutsDatePickerArr]);
useEffect(() => {
let _diffDays = moment(dateRange[0].dateTo).diff(dateRange[0].dateFrom, 'days');
if (_diffDays > 7 && dataThinKey === '1min') {
......@@ -1320,6 +1321,7 @@ const HistoryView = (props) => {
if (data.length !== 0) {
emptyOrError.current.empty = false;
} else {
......@@ -1343,7 +1345,7 @@ const HistoryView = (props) => {
const {dataThin, ignoreOutliers, zoom, unit} = dataConfig;
// 简易模式下,在获取到时间参数后,将时间修改为 00:00:00 - 23:59:59
let _dateRange = cloneDeep(dateRange);
if (timeFormatter === '简易模式' && !customerChecked) {
if (timeFormatter === '简易模式' && !customerChecked && timeValue === 'customer') {
let _date = dateRange[0];
_dateRange = [
......@@ -1409,7 +1411,7 @@ const HistoryView = (props) => {
return (
<div className={`${prefixCls}-content`} ref={tableRef}>
<div className={`${prefixCls}-content`} data-key={'table'} ref={tableRef}>
{chartDataSource.length > 0 ? ( // <BasicTable
......@@ -1660,6 +1662,18 @@ const HistoryView = (props) => {
}, [loading]);
// 初始时间
useEffect(() => {
if (defaultDateRange?.length === 2) {
let _arr = defaultDateRange.reduce((final, cur) => {
let _isDateStr = moment(cur).isValid();
return final
}, []);
if (_arr.includes(false)) return console.log('历史曲线组件:传入的默认日期格式错误,请修改');
onCustomerRangeChange( => moment(item)));
}, [defaultDateRange]);
return (
......@@ -1763,6 +1777,7 @@ HistoryView.propTypes = {
showModels: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['curve', 'table'])),
defaultDate: PropTypes.string,
BIMode: PropTypes.bool,
defaultDateRange: PropTypes.array
HistoryView.defaultProps = {
......@@ -1775,6 +1790,7 @@ HistoryView.defaultProps = {
needMarkLine: true,
defaultDate: 'day',
BIMode: false,
defaultDateRange: []
export default HistoryView;
......@@ -175,7 +175,13 @@
justify-content: center;
overflow: hidden;
.@{history-view}-content[data-key='table'] {
display: flex;
flex: 1;
align-items: start;
justify-content: center;
overflow: hidden;
.@{history-view}-grid {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
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