Commit 806f0d0e authored by 陈龙's avatar 陈龙

fix: 同期对比不允许清空时间选择框

parent 1bdaf0fe
......@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ const handleBatchTime = (arr, cOption) => {
return newArr;
const handleFakeData = (dateRange, deviceParams) => {
if (!dateRange?.length) return;
let dateFrom = dateRange[0].dateFrom;
let dateTo = dateRange[0].dateTo;
return deviceParams.reduce((final, cur) => {
......@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ const HistoryView = (props) => {
let _dateArr = shortcutsValue ? shortcutsDatePickerArr : datePickerArr;
return handleBatchTime(_dateArr, contrastOption);
}, [contrastOption, customerChecked, customerTime, datePickerArr, timeValue, shortcutsValue,shortcutsDatePickerArr]);
}, [contrastOption, customerChecked, customerTime, datePickerArr, timeValue, shortcutsValue, shortcutsDatePickerArr]);
useEffect(() => {
let _diffDays = moment(dateRange[0].dateTo).diff(dateRange[0].dateFrom, 'days');
if (_diffDays > 7 && dataThinKey === '1min') {
......@@ -747,6 +748,7 @@ const HistoryView = (props) => {
<div key={child.key} className={classNames(`${prefixCls}-contrast-list`)}>
<div className={classNames(`${prefixCls}-contrast-wrap`)}>
getPopupContainer={(trigger) => trigger.parentElement}
picker={contrastOption === 'day' ? undefined : contrastOption}
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