Commit 503c878d authored by 程恺文's avatar 程恺文


parent 664038d5
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class App extends React.Component {
if (VideoInfo.url) {
this.create(this.refs[`myVideo` +], `key`, JessibucaObj);
setTimeout(() => { + `${VideoInfo.dataRate == 'Sub' ? 2 : 1}`, `key`); + `/${VideoInfo.dataRate == 'Sub' ? 2 : 1}`, `key`);
}, 10);
......@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ group:
| | record 是否显示录制按钮 | boolean | true |
| VideoParam 参数 | --- | --- | --- |
| fullUrl | 完整 url,接入 flv 或者三方的链接 | string | "" |
| username | 萤石 EZOPEN 账号 | strin | "6c44c8e92d1c4d75a9818756025df550" |
| password | 萤石 EZOPEN 密码 | strin | "78b7dc88f9f4bf19c2b1aabfdd995244" |
| address | 萤石 EZOPEN 地址 | strin | "123638446" |
| protocol | 协议类型 | strin | "萤石 EZOPEN" |
| username | 账号 | string | "6c44c8e92d1c4d75a9818756025df550" |
| password | 密码 | string | "78b7dc88f9f4bf19c2b1aabfdd995244" |
| address | 地址 | string | "123638446" |
| protocol | 协议类型 | string | "萤石 EZOPEN" |
| pandavmsHost | pandavms后端主机地址 eg | string | ws:// |
| useFullUrl | 是否为完整 url,是,则取 fullUrl,否,则会用 pandavmsHost和id 去拼接 | boolean | false |
| id | 摄像头唯一标识,一串 GUID | string | "" |
| cameraName | 摄像头名称 | string | "" |
| name | 摄像头名称 | string | "" |
| dataRate | 码率,Main 为主码流,Sub 为辅码流,与消耗网络有关,主码流消耗最高,**由于拼接方式不定,改为是字符串传入** | string | 'Sub' |
## 写在最后
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Author: 634665781
* @Date: 2023-04-11 13:40:18
* @LastEditors: 634665781
* @LastEditTime: 2023-04-13 11:05:03
* @LastEditTime: 2023-04-17 11:05:27
* @FilePath: \wisdom-components\packages\base-components\TestVideo\src\demos\dmeo1.tsx
* @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置:
......@@ -37,7 +37,18 @@ const Demo1 = (props) => {
// protocol: '萤石EZOPEN',
let VideoParam = {
let VideoParam ={
id: "11F102BC-CE03-4E32-AE60-F297934DFE3F", // 398993BB-A795-4237-BE75-B6A7EC9D675
name: "琼海电信小区", // 设备名称
protocol: "萤石云HTTP-FLV", // 萤石EZOPE 萤石HTTP-FLV RTSP GB28181
username: "6c44c8e92d1c4d75a9818756025df550",
password: "78b7dc88f9f4bf19c2b1aabfdd995244",
dataRate: 'Sub', // Main 主码流 Sub 子码流
pandavmsHost: `ws://`, // pandavms后端主机地址 eg: ws://
address: "236644034",
/* {
id: '398993BB-A795-4237-BE75-B6A7EC9D675', // 398993BB-A795-4237-BE75-B6A7EC9D675
name: '设备1', // 设备名称
protocol: '萤石EZOPEN', // 萤石EZOPE 萤石HTTP-FLV RTSP GB28181
......@@ -46,7 +57,7 @@ const Demo1 = (props) => {
dataRate: 'Sub', // Main 主码流 Sub 子码流
pandavmsHost: 'ws://', // pandavms后端主机地址 eg: ws://
address: '123638446',
}; */
useEffect(() => {
// 事件 ,返回视频信息
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