Commit 403d78ad authored by 陈龙's avatar 陈龙

feat: 提交历史曲线优化

parent abead80b
......@@ -3,13 +3,18 @@ import HistoryView from '../index';
import {MobileHistoryChart} from "../mobile";
const deviceParams = [
/* {
deviceCode: 'EGBF00000141',
// sensors: '进水压力,出水瞬时流量,出水累计流量',
sensors: '进水压力',
deviceType: '二供泵房',
pointAddressID: 208,
"deviceCode": "SYJ00000008",
"sensors": "瞬时流量",
"deviceType": "水源井"
/* {
// deviceCode: 'EGBF00000002',
// deviceCode: 'EGBF00000018',
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import _, {isArray} from 'lodash';
import maxIcon from './assets/最大实心.svg';
import minIcon from './assets/最小实心.svg';
import minIconDownArrow from './assets/最小实心箭头朝下.svg';
import lineChart from "@wisdom-components/basicchart/es/LineChart";
/** 轴宽度, 用于计算多轴显示时, 轴线偏移和绘图区域尺寸 */
const AXIS_WIDTH = 40;
......@@ -311,7 +312,7 @@ const headTemplate = (param, opt) => {
return `<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F0F0; color: #808080; margin-bottom:${handlePx(5, 'px')}; padding-bottom: ${handlePx(5, 'px')};">${text}</div>`;
const seriesTemplate = (param, unit) => {
if (!param) return '';
if (!param || param.seriesName === '自定义') return '';
const {value, encode} = param;
// const val = value[encode.y[0]];
const _unit = unit || '';
......@@ -538,7 +539,7 @@ const handleYAxis = ({dataSource, needUnit, curveCenter, showGridLine}) => {
const rightNum = Math.floor(yAxisMap.size / 2);
return {leftNum, rightNum, yAxis};
const assignOptions = (restOption, xAxis, legendData) => {
const assignOptions = (restOption, xAxis, legendData, chartType) => {
restOption.dataZoom = [
show: true,
......@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ const assignOptions = (restOption, xAxis, legendData) => {
height: currentOption['dataZoomHeight'],
type: 'inside',
zoomOnMouseWheel: true,
filterMode: 'none'
filterMode: chartType === 'lineChart' ? 'none' : 'weakFilter'
show: true,
......@@ -590,26 +591,28 @@ const returnMaxOrMinNumber = (dataSource, type) => {
let _img = type === 'max' ? maxIcon : minIconDownArrow;
// 把最大值最小值都push进去,方便计算
return _value;
const handleGrid = (dataSource, needUnit, leftNum, rightNum, chartType) => {
// 如果是单曲线,_grid的top需要一行的高度,用来放置最值最小值
let _base = 70;
let _base = 60;
let _topForUnit = needUnit ? 20 : 0;
return {
top: _base + _topForUnit,
left: leftNum * AXIS_WIDTH,
right: rightNum === 0 ? 40 : rightNum * AXIS_WIDTH,
left: leftNum === 1 ? 10 : leftNum * AXIS_WIDTH,
right: rightNum === 0 ? 20 : rightNum * AXIS_WIDTH,
bottom: 60,
containLabel: true
const renderItem = (params, api) => {
let _numberStringWidth = String(api.value(1)).length * 12;
let _base = params.dataIndex;
let _left = 40;
let _baseChartWidth = 10;
let _numberStringWidth = _base === 1 && api.value(3) === 'max' ? String(api.value(4) || 0).length * _baseChartWidth : String(api.value(1)).length * _baseChartWidth;
let _left = 30;
let _baseWidth = 190 + _numberStringWidth;
let _imgWidth = 45;
let _dateWidth = 128;
......@@ -657,11 +660,18 @@ const renderItem = (params, api) => {
const returnCustomSeries = (dataSource) => {
let _maxNumber = returnMaxOrMinNumber(dataSource, 'max');
let _minNumber = returnMaxOrMinNumber(dataSource, 'min');
// 需要将最大值最小分别传入,后续计算图例位置需要,先min后max
let _max = _maxNumber[1];
let _min = _minNumber[1];
[_maxNumber, _minNumber].forEach(item => {
return {
name: '自定义',
type: 'custom',
renderItem: renderItem,
data: [_maxNumber, _minNumber],
data: [_minNumber, _maxNumber],
......@@ -814,7 +824,7 @@ const optionGenerator = (dataSource, cusOption, contrast, contrastOption, smooth
// 单曲线需要标记最大值、最小值的情况下,需要增加自定义的series,将最大最小值显示在图表上
if (dataSource?.[0]?.dataModel?.length) {
if (dataSource?.[0]?.dataModel?.length && chartType === 'lineChart') {
let _customSeries = returnCustomSeries(dataSource);
......@@ -823,7 +833,7 @@ const optionGenerator = (dataSource, cusOption, contrast, contrastOption, smooth
tooltip.timeFormat = tooltipTimeFormat;
let _legendData = series.filter(item => !['周期最大值', '周期最小值', '自定义'].includes( =>;
assignOptions(restOption, xAxis, _legendData);
assignOptions(restOption, xAxis, _legendData, chartType);
return {
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