Commit 2da3831b authored by 崔佳豪's avatar 崔佳豪

fix(EC_HistoryView): 修复标记点显示

parent 3fe62135
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ const SimgleChart = memo((props) => {
showMarkLine: true,
showPoint: true,
return optionGenerator(dataSource, null, contrast, contrastOption, smooth, config);
}, [dataSource, smooth, curveCenter]);
......@@ -184,6 +184,8 @@ const optionGenerator = (dataSource, cusOption, contrast, contrastOption, smooth
const curveCenter = _.get(config, 'curveCenter', false);
const nameWithSensor = _.get(config, 'nameWithSensor', true);
const showGridLine = _.get(config, 'showGridLine', false);
const showMarkLine = _.get(config, 'showMarkLine', false);
const showPoint = _.get(config, 'showPoint', false);
const deviceAlarmSchemes = _.get(config, 'deviceAlarmSchemes', []);
// 自定义属性
......@@ -264,8 +266,8 @@ const optionGenerator = (dataSource, cusOption, contrast, contrastOption, smooth
const type = 'line';
const areaStyle = areaStyleFormatter(item);
const yAxisIndex = yAxisInterator.get(sensorName);
const markLine = alarmMarkLine(item, index, dataSource, deviceAlarmSchemes);
const markPoint = minMaxMarkPoint(item, index, dataSource);
const markLine = showMarkLine ? alarmMarkLine(item, index, dataSource, deviceAlarmSchemes) : {};
const markPoint = showPoint ? minMaxMarkPoint(item, index, dataSource) : {};
return {
notMerge: true,
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