// import produce from 'immer'; import {{ camelCase name }}Reducer from '../reducer'; // import { someAction } from '../actions'; /* eslint-disable default-case, no-param-reassign */ describe('{{ camelCase name }}Reducer', () => { let state; beforeEach(() => { state = { // default state params here }; }); it('returns the initial state', () => { const expectedResult = state; expect({{ camelCase name }}Reducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(expectedResult); }); /** * Example state change comparison * * it('should handle the someAction action correctly', () => { * const expectedResult = produce(state, draft => { * draft.loading = true; * draft.error = false; * draft.userData.nested = false; * }); * * expect(appReducer(state, someAction())).toEqual(expectedResult); * }); */ });