/* RequireJS 2.1.16 Copyright (c) 2010-2015, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via the MIT or new BSD license. see: http://github.com/jrburke/requirejs for details */ var requirejs, require, define; (function (ba) { function G (b) { return "[object Function]" === K.call(b) } function H (b) { return "[object Array]" === K.call(b) } function v (b, c) { if (b) { var d; for (d = 0; d < b.length && (!b[d] || !c(b[d], d, b)); d += 1); } } function T (b, c) { if (b) { var d; for (d = b.length - 1; -1 < d && (!b[d] || !c(b[d], d, b)); d -= 1); } } function t (b, c) { return fa.call(b, c) } function m (b, c) { return t(b, c) && b[c] } function B (b, c) { for (var d in b) if (t(b, d) && c(b[d], d)) break } function U (b, c, d, e) { c && B(c, function (c, g) { if (d || !t(b, g)) e && "object" === typeof c && c && !H(c) && !G(c) && !(c instanceof RegExp) ? (b[g] || (b[g] = {}), U(b[g], c, d, e)) : b[g] = c }); return b } function u (b, c) { return function () { return c.apply(b, arguments) } } function ca (b) { throw b; } function da (b) { if (!b) return b; var c = ba; v(b.split("."), function (b) { c = c[b] }); return c } function C (b, c, d, e) { c = Error(c + "\nhttp://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#" + b); c.requireType = b; c.requireModules = e; d && (c.originalError = d); return c } function ga (b) { function c (a, k, b) { var f, l, c, d, e, g, i, p, k = k && k.split("/"), h = j.map, n = h && h["*"]; if (a) { a = a.split("/"); l = a.length - 1; j.nodeIdCompat && Q.test(a[l]) && (a[l] = a[l].replace(Q, "")); "." === a[0].charAt(0) && k && (l = k.slice(0, k.length - 1), a = l.concat(a)); l = a; for (c = 0; c < l.length; c++)if (d = l[c], "." === d) l.splice(c, 1), c -= 1; else if (".." === d && !(0 === c || 1 == c && ".." === l[2] || ".." === l[c - 1]) && 0 < c) l.splice(c - 1, 2), c -= 2; a = a.join("/") } if (b && h && (k || n)) { l = a.split("/"); c = l.length; a: for (; 0 < c; c -= 1) { e = l.slice(0, c).join("/"); if (k) for (d = k.length; 0 < d; d -= 1)if (b = m(h, k.slice(0, d).join("/"))) if (b = m(b, e)) { f = b; g = c; break a } !i && (n && m(n, e)) && (i = m(n, e), p = c) } !f && i && (f = i, g = p); f && (l.splice(0, g, f), a = l.join("/")) } return (f = m(j.pkgs, a)) ? f : a } function d (a) { z && v(document.getElementsByTagName("script"), function (k) { if (k.getAttribute("data-requiremodule") === a && k.getAttribute("data-requirecontext") === i.contextName) return k.parentNode.removeChild(k), !0 }) } function e (a) { var k = m(j.paths, a); if (k && H(k) && 1 < k.length) return k.shift(), i.require.undef(a), i.makeRequire(null, { skipMap: !0 })([a]), !0 } function n (a) { var k, c = a ? a.indexOf("!") : -1; -1 < c && (k = a.substring(0, c), a = a.substring(c + 1, a.length)); return [k, a] } function p (a, k, b, f) { var l, d, e = null, g = k ? k.name : null, j = a, p = !0, h = ""; a || (p = !1, a = "_@r" + (K += 1)); a = n(a); e = a[0]; a = a[1]; e && (e = c(e, g, f), d = m(r, e)); a && (e ? h = d && d.normalize ? d.normalize(a, function (a) { return c(a, g, f) }) : -1 === a.indexOf("!") ? c(a, g, f) : a : (h = c(a, g, f), a = n(h), e = a[0], h = a[1], b = !0, l = i.nameToUrl(h))); b = e && !d && !b ? "_unnormalized" + (O += 1) : ""; return { prefix: e, name: h, parentMap: k, unnormalized: !!b, url: l, originalName: j, isDefine: p, id: (e ? e + "!" + h : h) + b } } function s (a) { var k = a.id, b = m(h, k); b || (b = h[k] = new i.Module(a)); return b } function q (a, k, b) { var f = a.id, c = m(h, f); if (t(r, f) && (!c || c.defineEmitComplete)) "defined" === k && b(r[f]); else if (c = s(a), c.error && "error" === k) b(c.error); else c.on(k, b) } function w (a, b) { var c = a.requireModules, f = !1; if (b) b(a); else if (v(c, function (b) { if (b = m(h, b)) b.error = a, b.events.error && (f = !0, b.emit("error", a)) }), !f) g.onError(a) } function x () { R.length && (ha.apply(A, [A.length, 0].concat(R)), R = []) } function y (a) { delete h[a]; delete V[a] } function F (a, b, c) { var f = a.map.id; a.error ? a.emit("error", a.error) : (b[f] = !0, v(a.depMaps, function (f, d) { var e = f.id, g = m(h, e); g && (!a.depMatched[d] && !c[e]) && (m(b, e) ? (a.defineDep(d, r[e]), a.check()) : F(g, b, c)) }), c[f] = !0) } function D () { var a, b, c = (a = 1E3 * j.waitSeconds) && i.startTime + a < (new Date).getTime(), f = [], l = [], g = !1, h = !0; if (!W) { W = !0; B(V, function (a) { var i = a.map, j = i.id; if (a.enabled && (i.isDefine || l.push(a), !a.error)) if (!a.inited && c) e(j) ? g = b = !0 : (f.push(j), d(j)); else if (!a.inited && (a.fetched && i.isDefine) && (g = !0, !i.prefix)) return h = !1 }); if (c && f.length) return a = C("timeout", "Load timeout for modules: " + f, null, f), a.contextName = i.contextName, w(a); h && v(l, function (a) { F(a, {}, {}) }); if ((!c || b) && g) if ((z || ea) && !X) X = setTimeout(function () { X = 0; D() }, 50); W = !1 } } function E (a) { t(r, a[0]) || s(p(a[0], null, !0)).init(a[1], a[2]) } function I (a) { var a = a.currentTarget || a.srcElement, b = i.onScriptLoad; a.detachEvent && !Y ? a.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", b) : a.removeEventListener("load", b, !1); b = i.onScriptError; (!a.detachEvent || Y) && a.removeEventListener("error", b, !1); return { node: a, id: a && a.getAttribute("data-requiremodule") } } function J () { var a; for (x(); A.length;) { a = A.shift(); if (null === a[0]) return w(C("mismatch", "Mismatched anonymous define() module: " + a[a.length - 1])); E(a) } } var W, Z, i, L, X, j = { waitSeconds: 7, baseUrl: "./", paths: {}, bundles: {}, pkgs: {}, shim: {}, config: {} }, h = {}, V = {}, $ = {}, A = [], r = {}, S = {}, aa = {}, K = 1, O = 1; L = { require: function (a) { return a.require ? a.require : a.require = i.makeRequire(a.map) }, exports: function (a) { a.usingExports = !0; if (a.map.isDefine) return a.exports ? r[a.map.id] = a.exports : a.exports = r[a.map.id] = {} }, module: function (a) { return a.module ? a.module : a.module = { id: a.map.id, uri: a.map.url, config: function () { return m(j.config, a.map.id) || {} }, exports: a.exports || (a.exports = {}) } } }; Z = function (a) { this.events = m($, a.id) || {}; this.map = a; this.shim = m(j.shim, a.id); this.depExports = []; this.depMaps = []; this.depMatched = []; this.pluginMaps = {}; this.depCount = 0 }; Z.prototype = { init: function (a, b, c, f) { f = f || {}; if (!this.inited) { this.factory = b; if (c) this.on("error", c); else this.events.error && (c = u(this, function (a) { this.emit("error", a) })); this.depMaps = a && a.slice(0); this.errback = c; this.inited = !0; this.ignore = f.ignore; f.enabled || this.enabled ? this.enable() : this.check() } }, defineDep: function (a, b) { this.depMatched[a] || (this.depMatched[a] = !0, this.depCount -= 1, this.depExports[a] = b) }, fetch: function () { if (!this.fetched) { this.fetched = !0; i.startTime = (new Date).getTime(); var a = this.map; if (this.shim) i.makeRequire(this.map, { enableBuildCallback: !0 })(this.shim.deps || [], u(this, function () { return a.prefix ? this.callPlugin() : this.load() })); else return a.prefix ? this.callPlugin() : this.load() } }, load: function () { var a = this.map.url; S[a] || (S[a] = !0, i.load(this.map.id, a)) }, check: function () { if (this.enabled && !this.enabling) { var a, b, c = this.map.id; b = this.depExports; var f = this.exports, l = this.factory; if (this.inited) if (this.error) this.emit("error", this.error); else { if (!this.defining) { this.defining = !0; if (1 > this.depCount && !this.defined) { if (G(l)) { if (this.events.error && this.map.isDefine || g.onError !== ca) try { f = i.execCb(c, l, b, f) } catch (d) { a = d } else f = i.execCb(c, l, b, f); this.map.isDefine && void 0 === f && ((b = this.module) ? f = b.exports : this.usingExports && (f = this.exports)); if (a) return a.requireMap = this.map, a.requireModules = this.map.isDefine ? [this.map.id] : null, a.requireType = this.map.isDefine ? "define" : "require", w(this.error = a) } else f = l; this.exports = f; if (this.map.isDefine && !this.ignore && (r[c] = f, g.onResourceLoad)) g.onResourceLoad(i, this.map, this.depMaps); y(c); this.defined = !0 } this.defining = !1; this.defined && !this.defineEmitted && (this.defineEmitted = !0, this.emit("defined", this.exports), this.defineEmitComplete = !0) } } else this.fetch() } }, callPlugin: function () { var a = this.map, b = a.id, d = p(a.prefix); this.depMaps.push(d); q(d, "defined", u(this, function (f) { var l, d; d = m(aa, this.map.id); var e = this.map.name, P = this.map.parentMap ? this.map.parentMap.name : null, n = i.makeRequire(a.parentMap, { enableBuildCallback: !0 }); if (this.map.unnormalized) { if (f.normalize && (e = f.normalize(e, function (a) { return c(a, P, !0) }) || ""), f = p(a.prefix + "!" + e, this.map.parentMap), q(f, "defined", u(this, function (a) { this.init([], function () { return a }, null, { enabled: !0, ignore: !0 }) })), d = m(h, f.id)) { this.depMaps.push(f); if (this.events.error) d.on("error", u(this, function (a) { this.emit("error", a) })); d.enable() } } else d ? (this.map.url = i.nameToUrl(d), this.load()) : (l = u(this, function (a) { this.init([], function () { return a }, null, { enabled: !0 }) }), l.error = u(this, function (a) { this.inited = !0; this.error = a; a.requireModules = [b]; B(h, function (a) { 0 === a.map.id.indexOf(b + "_unnormalized") && y(a.map.id) }); w(a) }), l.fromText = u(this, function (f, c) { var d = a.name, e = p(d), P = M; c && (f = c); P && (M = !1); s(e); t(j.config, b) && (j.config[d] = j.config[b]); try { g.exec(f) } catch (h) { return w(C("fromtexteval", "fromText eval for " + b + " failed: " + h, h, [b])) } P && (M = !0); this.depMaps.push(e); i.completeLoad(d); n([d], l) }), f.load(a.name, n, l, j)) })); i.enable(d, this); this.pluginMaps[d.id] = d }, enable: function () { V[this.map.id] = this; this.enabling = this.enabled = !0; v(this.depMaps, u(this, function (a, b) { var c, f; if ("string" === typeof a) { a = p(a, this.map.isDefine ? this.map : this.map.parentMap, !1, !this.skipMap); this.depMaps[b] = a; if (c = m(L, a.id)) { this.depExports[b] = c(this); return } this.depCount += 1; q(a, "defined", u(this, function (a) { this.defineDep(b, a); this.check() })); this.errback ? q(a, "error", u(this, this.errback)) : this.events.error && q(a, "error", u(this, function (a) { this.emit("error", a) })) } c = a.id; f = h[c]; !t(L, c) && (f && !f.enabled) && i.enable(a, this) })); B(this.pluginMaps, u(this, function (a) { var b = m(h, a.id); b && !b.enabled && i.enable(a, this) })); this.enabling = !1; this.check() }, on: function (a, b) { var c = this.events[a]; c || (c = this.events[a] = []); c.push(b) }, emit: function (a, b) { v(this.events[a], function (a) { a(b) }); "error" === a && delete this.events[a] } }; i = { config: j, contextName: b, registry: h, defined: r, urlFetched: S, defQueue: A, Module: Z, makeModuleMap: p, nextTick: g.nextTick, onError: w, configure: function (a) { a.baseUrl && "/" !== a.baseUrl.charAt(a.baseUrl.length - 1) && (a.baseUrl += "/"); var b = j.shim, c = { paths: !0, bundles: !0, config: !0, map: !0 }; B(a, function (a, b) { c[b] ? (j[b] || (j[b] = {}), U(j[b], a, !0, !0)) : j[b] = a }); a.bundles && B(a.bundles, function (a, b) { v(a, function (a) { a !== b && (aa[a] = b) }) }); a.shim && (B(a.shim, function (a, c) { H(a) && (a = { deps: a }); if ((a.exports || a.init) && !a.exportsFn) a.exportsFn = i.makeShimExports(a); b[c] = a }), j.shim = b); a.packages && v(a.packages, function (a) { var b, a = "string" === typeof a ? { name: a } : a; b = a.name; a.location && (j.paths[b] = a.location); j.pkgs[b] = a.name + "/" + (a.main || "main").replace(ia, "").replace(Q, "") }); B(h, function (a, b) { !a.inited && !a.map.unnormalized && (a.map = p(b)) }); if (a.deps || a.callback) i.require(a.deps || [], a.callback) }, makeShimExports: function (a) { return function () { var b; a.init && (b = a.init.apply(ba, arguments)); return b || a.exports && da(a.exports) } }, makeRequire: function (a, e) { function j (c, d, m) { var n, q; e.enableBuildCallback && (d && G(d)) && (d.__requireJsBuild = !0); if ("string" === typeof c) { if (G(d)) return w(C("requireargs", "Invalid require call"), m); if (a && t(L, c)) return L[c](h[a.id]); if (g.get) return g.get(i, c, a, j); n = p(c, a, !1, !0); n = n.id; return !t(r, n) ? w(C("notloaded", 'Module name "' + n + '" has not been loaded yet for context: ' + b + (a ? "" : ". Use require([])"))) : r[n] } J(); i.nextTick(function () { J(); q = s(p(null, a)); q.skipMap = e.skipMap; q.init(c, d, m, { enabled: !0 }); D() }); return j } e = e || {}; U(j, { isBrowser: z, toUrl: function (b) { var d, e = b.lastIndexOf("."), k = b.split("/")[0]; if (-1 !== e && (!("." === k || ".." === k) || 1 < e)) d = b.substring(e, b.length), b = b.substring(0, e); return i.nameToUrl(c(b, a && a.id, !0), d, !0) }, defined: function (b) { return t(r, p(b, a, !1, !0).id) }, specified: function (b) { b = p(b, a, !1, !0).id; return t(r, b) || t(h, b) } }); a || (j.undef = function (b) { x(); var c = p(b, a, !0), e = m(h, b); d(b); delete r[b]; delete S[c.url]; delete $[b]; T(A, function (a, c) { a[0] === b && A.splice(c, 1) }); e && (e.events.defined && ($[b] = e.events), y(b)) }); return j }, enable: function (a) { m(h, a.id) && s(a).enable() }, completeLoad: function (a) { var b, c, d = m(j.shim, a) || {}, g = d.exports; for (x(); A.length;) { c = A.shift(); if (null === c[0]) { c[0] = a; if (b) break; b = !0 } else c[0] === a && (b = !0); E(c) } c = m(h, a); if (!b && !t(r, a) && c && !c.inited) { if (j.enforceDefine && (!g || !da(g))) return e(a) ? void 0 : w(C("nodefine", "No define call for " + a, null, [a])); E([a, d.deps || [], d.exportsFn]) } D() }, nameToUrl: function (a, b, c) { var d, e, h; (d = m(j.pkgs, a)) && (a = d); if (d = m(aa, a)) return i.nameToUrl(d, b, c); if (g.jsExtRegExp.test(a)) d = a + (b || ""); else { d = j.paths; a = a.split("/"); for (e = a.length; 0 < e; e -= 1)if (h = a.slice(0, e).join("/"), h = m(d, h)) { H(h) && (h = h[0]); a.splice(0, e, h); break } d = a.join("/"); d += b || (/^data\:|\?/.test(d) || c ? "" : ".js"); d = ("/" === d.charAt(0) || d.match(/^[\w\+\.\-]+:/) ? "" : j.baseUrl) + d } return j.urlArgs ? d + ((-1 === d.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&") + j.urlArgs) : d }, load: function (a, b) { g.load(i, a, b) }, execCb: function (a, b, c, d) { return b.apply(d, c) }, onScriptLoad: function (a) { if ("load" === a.type || ja.test((a.currentTarget || a.srcElement).readyState)) N = null, a = I(a), i.completeLoad(a.id) }, onScriptError: function (a) { var b = I(a); if (!e(b.id)) return w(C("scripterror", "Script error for: " + b.id, a, [b.id])) } }; i.require = i.makeRequire(); return i } var g, x, y, D, I, E, N, J, s, O, ka = /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/mg, la = /[^.]\s*require\s*\(\s*["']([^'"\s]+)["']\s*\)/g, Q = /\.js$/, ia = /^\.\//; x = Object.prototype; var K = x.toString, fa = x.hasOwnProperty, ha = Array.prototype.splice, z = !!("undefined" !== typeof window && "undefined" !== typeof navigator && window.document), ea = !z && "undefined" !== typeof importScripts, ja = z && "PLAYSTATION 3" === navigator.platform ? /^complete$/ : /^(complete|loaded)$/, Y = "undefined" !== typeof opera && "[object Opera]" === opera.toString(), F = {}, q = {}, R = [], M = !1; if ("undefined" === typeof define) { if ("undefined" !== typeof requirejs) { if (G(requirejs)) return; q = requirejs; requirejs = void 0 } "undefined" !== typeof require && !G(require) && (q = require, require = void 0); g = requirejs = function (b, c, d, e) { var n, p = "_"; !H(b) && "string" !== typeof b && (n = b, H(c) ? (b = c, c = d, d = e) : b = []); n && n.context && (p = n.context); (e = m(F, p)) || (e = F[p] = g.s.newContext(p)); n && e.configure(n); return e.require(b, c, d) }; g.config = function (b) { return g(b) }; g.nextTick = "undefined" !== typeof setTimeout ? function (b) { setTimeout(b, 4) } : function (b) { b() }; require || (require = g); g.version = "2.1.16"; g.jsExtRegExp = /^\/|:|\?|\.js$/; g.isBrowser = z; x = g.s = { contexts: F, newContext: ga }; g({}); v(["toUrl", "undef", "defined", "specified"], function (b) { g[b] = function () { var c = F._; return c.require[b].apply(c, arguments) } }); if (z && (y = x.head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], D = document.getElementsByTagName("base")[0])) y = x.head = D.parentNode; g.onError = ca; g.createNode = function (b) { var c = b.xhtml ? document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "html:script") : document.createElement("script"); c.type = b.scriptType || "text/javascript"; c.charset = "utf-8"; c.async = !0; return c }; g.load = function (b, c, d) { var e = b && b.config || {}; if (z) return e = g.createNode(e, c, d), e.setAttribute("data-requirecontext", b.contextName), e.setAttribute("data-requiremodule", c), e.attachEvent && !(e.attachEvent.toString && 0 > e.attachEvent.toString().indexOf("[native code")) && !Y ? (M = !0, e.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", b.onScriptLoad)) : (e.addEventListener("load", b.onScriptLoad, !1), e.addEventListener("error", b.onScriptError, !1)), e.src = d, J = e, D ? y.insertBefore(e, D) : y.appendChild(e), J = null, e; if (ea) try { importScripts(d), b.completeLoad(c) } catch (m) { b.onError(C("importscripts", "importScripts failed for " + c + " at " + d, m, [c])) } }; z && !q.skipDataMain && T(document.getElementsByTagName("script"), function (b) { y || (y = b.parentNode); if (I = b.getAttribute("data-main")) return s = I, q.baseUrl || (E = s.split("/"), s = E.pop(), O = E.length ? E.join("/") + "/" : "./", q.baseUrl = O), s = s.replace(Q, ""), g.jsExtRegExp.test(s) && (s = I), q.deps = q.deps ? q.deps.concat(s) : [s], !0 }); define = function (b, c, d) { var e, g; "string" !== typeof b && (d = c, c = b, b = null); H(c) || (d = c, c = null); !c && G(d) && (c = [], d.length && (d.toString().replace(ka, "").replace(la, function (b, d) { c.push(d) }), c = (1 === d.length ? ["require"] : ["require", "exports", "module"]).concat(c))); if (M) { if (!(e = J)) N && "interactive" === N.readyState || T(document.getElementsByTagName("script"), function (b) { if ("interactive" === b.readyState) return N = b }), e = N; e && (b || (b = e.getAttribute("data-requiremodule")), g = F[e.getAttribute("data-requirecontext")]) } (g ? g.defQueue : R).push([b, c, d]) }; define.amd = { jQuery: !0 }; g.exec = function (b) { return eval(b) }; g(q) } })(this);