Commit 88f55687 authored by 邓超's avatar 邓超

fix: 添加并行网关修改线链接样式

parent 73f784fb
Pipeline #62870 passed with stages
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import gatewayConfluence from '@/assets/images/workFlow/gatewayConfluence.png';
import gatewayInclude from '@/assets/images/workFlow/gatewayInclude.png';
const { confirm } = Modal;
let diagram = null;
const nodeTypeList = [{ name: '开始节点', nodeType: '0', src: imgStart }];
const FlowChart = props => {
const { flowData, flowID, chartLoading, leaveCallBack } = props;
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
......@@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ const FlowChart = props => {
// 节点文案
{ maxSize: new go.Size(130, NaN), wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit, font: 'bold 15pt serif' },
{ maxSize: new go.Size(130, NaN), wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit, font: 'normal 12pt serif' },
new go.Binding('text', 'nodeDetail', v => {
const obj = JSON.parse(v);
if (obj.NodeType === '20' || obj.NodeType === '21') {
......@@ -278,20 +279,6 @@ const FlowChart = props => {
// objGo(
// go.Picture,
// {
// source: imgUrl, // 图片路径
// desiredSize: new go.Size(12, 12),
// alignment: go.Spot.TopRight, // 对齐主要形状上的端口
// alignmentFocus: go.Spot.TopRight, // 就在形状里面
// click() {
// // 删除节点
// showDeleteConfirm();
// },
// },
// new go.Binding('margin', 'NodeType', v => (v === '0' ? 5 : 17)),
// ),
// 我们的小命名端口,每侧一个:
makePort('T', go.Spot.Top),
makePort('L', go.Spot.Left),
......@@ -320,6 +307,11 @@ const FlowChart = props => {
curve: go.Link.JumpOver,
corner: 5,
toShortLength: 4,
// selectionAdornmentTemplate: objGo(
// go.Adornment,
// objGo(go.Shape, { isPanelMain: true, stroke: 'red', strokeWidth: 2 }), // 修改线颜色和大小
// objGo(go.Shape, { toArrow: 'Standard', fill: 'red', stroke: null }), // 修改线箭头的颜色和大小
// ),
new go.Binding('points').makeTwoWay(),
......@@ -329,34 +321,14 @@ const FlowChart = props => {
strokeWidth: 2,
new go.Binding('stroke', 'from', v => {
const msg = diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(v);
if (msg.NodeType === '20' || msg.NodeType === '22') {
return 'red';
return '#1685FF';
new go.Binding('stroke', 'from', v => lineStyle(v, 'stroke')),
new go.Binding('strokeDashArray', 'from', v => lineStyle(v, 'strokeDashArray')),
go.Shape, // 箭头
{ toArrow: 'Standard' },
new go.Binding('stroke', 'from', v => {
const msg = diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(v);
if (msg.NodeType === '20' || msg.NodeType === '22') {
return 'red';
return '#1685FF';
new go.Binding('fill', 'from', v => {
const msg = diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(v);
if (msg.NodeType === '20' || msg.NodeType === '22') {
return 'red';
return '#1685FF';
new go.Binding('stroke', 'from', v => lineStyle(v, 'stroke')),
new go.Binding('fill', 'from', v => lineStyle(v, 'stroke')),
// {
// // 处理双击
......@@ -375,6 +347,22 @@ const FlowChart = props => {
linkDataArray: currentFlowData.Lines,
// 出口线条颜色
const lineStyle = (v, styleName) => {
const msg = diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(v);
switch (styleName) {
case 'strokeDashArray':
if (msg.NodeType === '20') {
return [6, 3];
return null;
case 'stroke':
return '#1685FF';
return null;
// 是否显示端口
const showSmallPorts = (node, show) => {
node.ports.each(port => {
......@@ -619,11 +607,51 @@ const FlowChart = props => {
return (
<Prompt message="编辑的内容还未保存,确定要离开该页面吗?" when={showLeaveTip} />
<div className={styles.buttonList}>
<Button onClick={() => addNode()}>添加节点</Button>
<Button type="primary" onClick={() => saveFlow()}>
<div className={styles.control}>
{/* <div className={styles.nodeList}>
<div className={styles.nodeBox}>
<div className={styles.nodeImg}>
<img src={imgStart} alt="" />
<div className={styles.nodeTypeName}>开始节点</div>
<div className={styles.nodeBox}>
<div className={styles.nodeImg}>
<img src={imgGeneral} alt="" />
<div className={styles.nodeTypeName}>经办节点</div>
<div className={styles.nodeBox}>
<div className={styles.nodeImg}>
<img src={imgEnd} alt="" />
<div className={styles.nodeTypeName}>结束节点</div>
<div className={styles.nodeBox}>
<div className={styles.nodeImg}>
<img src={gatewayExclusive} alt="" />
<div className={styles.nodeTypeName}>条件网关</div>
<div className={styles.nodeBox}>
<div className={styles.nodeImg}>
<img src={gatewayConfluence} alt="" />
<div className={styles.nodeTypeName}>并行网关</div>
<div className={styles.nodeBox}>
<div className={styles.nodeImg}>
<img src={gatewayInclude} alt="" />
<div className={styles.nodeTypeName}>汇合网关</div>
</div> */}
<div className={styles.buttonList}>
<Button onClick={() => addNode()}>添加节点</Button>
<Button type="primary" onClick={() => saveFlow()}>
<div className={styles.chartBox}>
<Spin spinning={chartLoading}>
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ const NodeModal = props => {
console.log(nextlinkNodes.current, previousLinkNodes.current, 'linkNodes.current');
console.log(form.getFieldValue(), 'getFieldValue');
} else {
let type;
if (nodeNum > 0) {
......@@ -217,10 +218,10 @@ const NodeModal = props => {
// 获取表单回显
const getFormData = () => {
const { NodeName, NodeType, SerialNo, aheadHandle, NodeHandling } = editMsg;
form.setFieldsValue({ NodeName, NodeType, SerialNo, aheadHandle, NodeHandling });
setFlag(flag + 1);
// 提交表单
const onFinish = () => {
......@@ -414,6 +415,7 @@ const NodeModal = props => {
console.log(form?.getFieldValue('NodeType'), 'afdsfasdg');
return (
......@@ -484,6 +486,7 @@ const NodeModal = props => {
{/* <Option value="4">抄送节点</Option> */}
<Option value="20">条件网关</Option>
<Option value="21">汇合网关</Option>
<Option value="22">并行网关</Option>
<div style={{ display: 'none' }}>
......@@ -500,7 +503,8 @@ const NodeModal = props => {
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '1' ||
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '2' ||
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '20' ||
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '21'
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '21' ||
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '22'
? 'none'
: 'block',
......@@ -517,7 +521,9 @@ const NodeModal = props => {
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '20' || form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '21'
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '20' ||
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '21' ||
form?.getFieldValue('NodeType') === '22'
? 'none'
: 'block',
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
width: 100%;
.ruleBox {
margin-top: 5px;
.ruleTitle {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
......@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
.setButton {
width: 90%;
height: 100%;
......@@ -106,19 +106,50 @@
height: calc(100% - 62px);
.buttonList {
.control {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start;
margin: 15px 0 15px 0;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
padding: 0 10px;
.nodeList {
display: flex;
.nodeBox {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
height: 40px;
width: 145px;
border-radius: 10px;
background-color: #D9E0FF;
margin-right: 10px;
.nodeImg {
img {
height: 35px;
margin-right: 5px;
.ant-btn {
.buttonList {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-left: 10px;
justify-content: flex-start;
margin: 15px 0 15px 0;
.ant-btn {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-left: 10px;
canvas {
border: 0px;
outline: none;
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