Commit 667ca8c1 authored by 皮倩雯's avatar 皮倩雯

fix: '机构管理,所在机构展示优化'

parent d4617766
Pipeline #82575 passed with stages
......@@ -209,13 +209,22 @@ const UserManage = () => {
title: '所在机构',
dataIndex: 'groupName',
key: 'groupName',
dataIndex: 'groupLevel',
key: 'groupLevel',
// width: 150,
ellipsis: true,
// filters: orgFilters,
// filteredValue,
// onFilter: (value, record) => record.groupName === value,
render: text => {
let arr = text.split('/');
if (arr.length > 2) {
let str = `${arr[0]}/.../${arr[arr.length - 1]}`;
return (
<Tooltip title={text}>
return <span>{text}</span>;
title: '手机号码',
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