  "fieldInfo": "{fieldLabel} is {fieldValue} here.",
  "other": "Other",
  "classBreaks": "Class Breaks",
  "classBreaksNormFieldAsPercent": "Class Breaks with normalizationField as percent",
  "heatmap": "Heatmap",
  "dotDensity": "Dot Density",
  "relationshipPopupTitle": "Relationship",
  "relationshipNormFieldAsPercent": "Relationship with normalizationField as percent",
  "simple": "Simple",
  "simpleNormFieldAsPercent": "Simple with normalizationField as percent",
  "uniqueValues": "Unique Values",
  "uniqueValuesNormFieldAsPercent": "Unique Values with normalizationField as percent",
  "normFieldLabel": "{expression1} divided by {expression2}",
  "normFieldLabelAsPercent": "Percentage of {expression1} and {expression2}",
  "competingFields": "Distribution of categories",
  "mostCommon": "Predominant Category: {expression}",
  "orderedListOfValues": "Ordered list of values",
  "sumOfCategories": "Sum of categories",
  "listOfCategories": "List of categories",
  "predominantCategoryWithTotalAndStrength": "Predominant category with total and strength",
  "predominantCategoryWithChart": "Predominant category with chart",
  "predominantCategory": "Predominant category",
  "strengthOfPredominance": "Strength of predominance",
  "marginOfVictory": "Margin of victory",
  "predominantCategoryValue": "Predominant category value",
  "predominantCategoryContent": "{expression} is the category with the highest value here.",
  "predominantCategoryValueContent": "The most common category here is {expression1}, which has a value of {expression2}.",
  "predominantCategoryValueMarginContent": "{expression1} has a value of {expression2}, which beats all other <b>categories</b> by a margin of {expression3} percentage points.",
  "predominantCategoryStrengthContent": "With a value of {expression1}, {expression2} is the predominant category in this area, making up {expression3} of all categories.",
  "predominantCategoryTotalStrengthContent": "With a value of {expression1}, {expression2} is the predominant category in this area, making up {expression3} of the {expression4} in all categories.",
  "ageInfo_years": "Age, in years, from {startTime} to {endTime}",
  "ageInfo_months": "Age, in months, from {startTime} to {endTime}",
  "ageInfo_days": "Age, in days, from {startTime} to {endTime}",
  "ageInfo_hours": "Age, in hours, from {startTime} to {endTime}",
  "ageInfo_minutes": "Age, in minutes, from {startTime} to {endTime}",
  "ageInfo_seconds": "Age, in seconds, from {startTime} to {endTime}",
  "relationship": {
    "legendTitle": "Relationship",
    "HL": "High - Low",
    "HH": "High - High",
    "LL": "Low - Low",
    "LH": "Low - High",
    "HM": "High - Medium",
    "ML": "Medium - Low",
    "MM": "Medium - Medium",
    "MH": "Medium - High",
    "LM": "Low - Medium",
    "HM1": "High - Mild",
    "HM2": "High - Medium",
    "M2L": "Medium - Low",
    "M2M1": "Medium - Mild",
    "M2M2": "Medium - Medium",
    "M2H": "Medium - High",
    "M1L": "Mild - Low",
    "M1M1": "Mild - Mild",
    "M1M2": "Mild - Medium",
    "M1H": "Mild - High",
    "LM1": "Low - Mild",
    "LM2": "Low - Medium"
  "clusters": {
    "clusterPopupTitle": "Cluster summary",
    "templateTitle": "Clusters",
    "numFeatures": "Number of features",
    "avgFieldLabel": "Average {fieldLabel}",
    "avgNormFieldLabel": "Average {fieldLabel} divided by {normFieldLabel}",
    "predominantFieldLabel": "Predominant {fieldLabel}",
    "countSummary": "This cluster represents <b>{count}</b> features.",
    "avgFieldSummary": "The average value of <b>{fieldLabel}</b> within this cluster is <b>{fieldValue}</b>.",
    "avgNormFieldSummary": "The average value of <b>{fieldLabel}</b> divided by <b>{normFieldLabel}</b> within this cluster is <b>{fieldValue}</b>.",
    "predominantFieldSummary": "The predominant value of <b>{fieldLabel}</b> within this cluster is <b>{fieldValue}</b>.",
    "predominantNoneValue": "None"