Commit d66d307c authored by 崔佳豪's avatar 崔佳豪

feat: 消息卡片添加其他消息跳转

parent 3da1389d
Pipeline #53718 waiting for manual action with stages
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Button, Form, Input, Modal } from 'antd';
import { Button, Form, Input, Modal, notification } from 'antd';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Notifier, NoticeIcon, FormattedMessage } from '@wisdom-utils/components';
import { ERR_OK, MESSAGE_TYPE, NEW_MESSAGE } from '@wisdom-utils/components/lib/AppLayout/notifier/constants';
......@@ -240,6 +240,39 @@ class NoticeIconView extends Component {
handlerUnknowDetail = message => {
// 需要有跳转路径
if (!message.webPath)
return{ message: '提示', duration: 3, description: '未配置跳转路径' });
const parsePath = url => {
const [path, param = ''] = url.split('|');
let params = param.split('&').reduce((pre, item) => {
if(!item) return pre;
const [key, value] = item.split('=');
pre[key] = value;
return pre;
}, {});
return [path, param, params];
const [path,,params] = parsePath(message.webPath);
// 需要有widget参数
if (!params.widget)
return{ message: '提示', duration: 3, description: '未配置跳转路径' });
// 根据widget匹配菜单
const menu = (this.props.flatMenu || []).find(item => item.params && item.params.widget === params.widget);
// const menu = (this.props.flatMenu || []).find(item => item.path.indexOf(path) > -1);
let targetMenuPath = menu ? menu.path.replace(/^\//, '') : '';
if (targetMenuPath == '') {{ message: '提示', duration: 3, description: '你没有跳转菜单权限,请联系管理员添加权限' });
params._source = '消息通知';
params._target = message.webPath;
sessionStorage.setItem('routerParams', JSON.stringify(params));
window.history.pushState(params, '', `/civbase/${targetMenuPath}`);
render() {
return (
......@@ -257,6 +290,7 @@ class NoticeIconView extends Component {
emptyText={<FormattedMessage id='component.noticeIcon.allClear'/>}
......@@ -471,6 +505,7 @@ class NoticeIconView extends Component {
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
global: state.getIn(['global', 'globalConfig']),
flatMenu: state.getIn(['global', 'flatMenu']),
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
......@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ const findMenuPath = (flatMenu, url) => {
const [path, param = ''] = url.split('|');
let params = param.split('&').reduce((pre, item) => {
if(!item) return pre;
const [key, value] = item.split('&');
const [key, value] = item.split('=');
pre[key] = value;
return pre;
}, {});
// const menu = flatMenu.find(item => item.params && item.params.widget === params.widget); // 根据widget匹配菜单
const menu = flatMenu.find(item => item.path.indexOf(path) > -1); // 根据路径匹配菜单
const menu = flatMenu.find(item => item.params && item.params.widget === params.widget); // 根据widget匹配菜单
// const menu = flatMenu.find(item => item.path.indexOf(path) > -1); // 根据路径匹配菜单
return menu ? menu.path.replace(/^\//, '') : '';
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