Commit 7157e6c6 authored by 邓晓峰's avatar 邓晓峰
parents b83b83b1 3f0d9a83
Pipeline #37153 skipped with stages
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ push:
- 'git clean -fd'
- 'git remote set-url origin "https://${GIT_ACCESS_USER}:${GIT_ACCESS_PASSWORD}"'
- 'git pull origin map'
- 'git rm -rf "${TARGET_REPO}/civbase"'
- 'git commit -m "chore: clear folder"'
#- 'git rm -rf "${TARGET_REPO}/civbase"'
#- 'git commit -m "chore: clear folder"'
- 'git push origin map'
- 'robocopy "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/../CivWebPublish2021/civbase" "${TARGET_REPO}/civbase" /S ;
IF ((${LASTEXITCODE} -le 8)) {cmd /c "exit /b 0"}'
......@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ import starIcon from '../../assets/images/commonMenu/矢量智能对象 拷贝 3
// 是否是灰色的图标(灰色图标在白色背景中看不见,添加滤镜变色)
const isNeedFilterIcon = (icon = '') =>
icon && !icon.includes('一级') && !icon.includes('ios/');
rootPrefixCls: 'panda-console-base'
// Modal.config({
// rootPrefixCls: 'panda-console-base'
// });
const CommonMenu = props => {
const history = useHistory();
const { menus } = props;
import LoadingComponent from '@ant-design/pro-layout/es/PageLoading';
import { dynamic } from '@wisdom-utils/runtime';
import BasicLayout from '../layouts/BasicLayout1';
import BasicLayout from '../layouts/BasicLayout';
import UserLayout from '../layouts/UserLayout';
import BootPage from '../pages/bootpage';
import Login from '../pages/user/login';
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