Commit 6dfdec6f authored by 李纪文's avatar 李纪文

fix: 修改访问其它网站配置获取city问题

parent 068dbe86
Pipeline #44143 passed with stages
in 1 minute 59 seconds
import { appService } from './api';
import { initMicroApps } from './micro';
import { params, Storeage } from 'kit_utils';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import { actionCreators } from './containers/App/store';
import { getToken, isString } from './utils/utils';
import loader, { render } from './render';
......@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ export const initGlobalConfig = () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
const client = params.getParams('client')
const client = params.getParams('client') || Cookies.get('city')
client: client || 'city',
......@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ export const initGlobalConfig = () => {
const data = res;
if (!data.client) {
data.client = params.getParams('client') || 'city';
data.client = params.getParams('client') || Cookies.get('city');
// Cookies.set('city', data.client);
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