Commit 29b34664 authored by 杨思琦's avatar 杨思琦

fix: 免登去除缓存

parent b3c04675
Pipeline #81246 passed with stages
......@@ -403,7 +403,9 @@ class Login {
window.location.origin.replace(/^(http|https):\/\//, '') === ''
? false
: config.isCache || false;
if (config.productType === 'civweb4') window.qiankunIsCache = false;
const redirect = params.getParams('redirect') ? params.getParams('redirect') : '';
if (config.productType === 'civweb4' || (redirect.indexOf && redirect.indexOf('skipHome=true') > -1))
window.qiankunIsCache = false;
const hideFeedback =
config.afterSales && typeof config.afterSales === 'string'
? config.afterSales.split(',').includes(`${self.globalConfig?.userInfo?.OID}`)
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