serviceController.njk 4.2 KB
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// @ts-ignore
/* eslint-disable */
{{ requestImportStatement }}

{% for api in list -%}
/** {{ api.desc if api.desc else '此处后端没有提供注释' }} {{api.method | upper}} {{ api.pathInComment | safe }} */
export async function {{ api.functionName }}(
{%- if api.params and api.hasParams %}
  {%- if genType === "ts" -%}
  : {
    {# query 入参 -#}
    {% if api.params.query -%}
    // query
    {% for param in api.params.query -%}
    {% if param.description -%}
    /** {{ param.description }} */
    {% endif -%}
      '{{ }}'
      {{- "?" if not param.required }}
      {{- (": " + param.type + ";") | safe }}
    {% endfor -%}
    {% endif -%}

    {# header 入参 -#}
    {% if api.params.header -%}
    // header
    {% for param in api.params.header -%}
    {% if param.description -%}
    /** {{ param.description }} */
    {% endif -%}
      '{{ }}'
      {{- "?" if not param.required }}
      {{- (": " + param.type + ";") | safe }}
    {% endfor -%}
    {% endif -%}

    {# path 入参 -#}
    {% if api.params.path -%}
    // path
    {% for param in api.params.path -%}
    {% if param.description -%}
    /** {{ param.description }} */
    {% endif -%}
      '{{ }}'
      {{- "?" if not param.required }}
      {{- (": " + param.type + ";") | safe }}
    {% endfor -%}
    {% endif -%}
  {%- endif -%}
  {%- if api.hasParams %}
  {{ "," if api.body or api.file}}
  {%- endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if api.body %}
  {%- if genType === "ts" -%}
  {{- "?" if not api.body.required }}
  : {% if api.body.propertiesList %}{
    {%- for prop in api.body.propertiesList %}
    {% if prop.schema.description -%}
    /** {{ prop.schema.description }} */
    {% endif -%}
    {{ prop.key }}{{ "?" if not prop.schema.requird }}: {{ prop.schema.type }},
    {%- endfor %}
  {%- else -%}
  {{ api.body.type }}
  {%- endif -%}
  {%- endif -%}
  {{ "," if api.file }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if api.file %}
{%- if genType === "ts" -%}
{{- "?" if not api.file.required }}
: File[]
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{ "," if api.body or api.hasParams or api.file }}
  options {{ "?: {[key: string]: any}" if genType === "ts" }}
) {
  {% if api.params and api.params.path -%}
  const { {% for param in api.params.path %}'{{ }}': {{ param.alias }}, {% endfor %}
  {% if api.params.query -%}
  {% endif -%}
  } = params;
  {% endif -%}

  {% if api.hasFormData -%}
  const formData = new FormData();
  {% if api.file -%}
  {% for file in api.file %}
  formData.append('{{file.title | safe}}', files[{{ loop.index - 1 }}] || '')
  {% endfor %}
  {%- endif -%}
  {% if api.body %}
  Object.keys(body).forEach(ele => {
    {% if genType === "ts" %}
    const item = (body as any)[ele];
    {% else %}
    const item = body[ele];
    {% endif %}
    if (item !== undefined && item !== null) {
      form.append(ele, typeof item === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(item) : item);
  {% endif %}
  {% endif -%}

  {% if api.hasPathVariables or api.hasApiPrefix -%}
  return request{{ ("<" + api.response.type + ">") | safe if genType === "ts" }}(`{{ api.path | safe }}`, {
  {% else -%}
  return request{{ ("<" + api.response.type + ">") | safe if genType === "ts" }}('{{ api.path }}', {
  {% endif -%}
    method: '{{ api.method | upper }}',
    {%- if api.params and api.hasParams %}
    params: {
      {%- for query in api.params.query %}
        {% if query.schema.default -%}
          // {{ | safe}} has a default value: {{ query.schema.default | safe }}
          '{{ | safe}}': '{{query.schema.default | safe}}',
        {%- endif -%}
      {%- endfor -%}
      ...{{ 'queryParams' if api.params and api.params.path and api.params.query else 'params' }},
      {%- for query in api.params.query %}
        {%- if query.isComplexType %}
          '{{ | safe}}': undefined,
          ...{{ 'queryParams' if api.params and api.params.path and api.params.query else 'params' }}['{{ | safe}}'],
        {%- endif %}
      {%- endfor -%}
    {%- endif %}
    {%- if api.hasFormData %}
    data: formData,
    {%- else %}
    {%- if api.body %}
    data: body,
    {%- endif %}
    {%- endif %}
    ...(options || {}),

{% endfor -%}