reducer.test.js.hbs 869 Bytes
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// import produce from 'immer';
import {{ camelCase name }}Reducer from '../reducer';
// import { someAction } from '../actions';

/* eslint-disable default-case, no-param-reassign */
describe('{{ camelCase name }}Reducer', () => {
  let state;
  beforeEach(() => {
    state = {
      // default state params here

  it('returns the initial state', () => {
    const expectedResult = state;
    expect({{ camelCase name }}Reducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(expectedResult);

   * Example state change comparison
   * it('should handle the someAction action correctly', () => {
   *   const expectedResult = produce(state, draft => {
   *     draft.loading = true;
   *     draft.error = false;
   *     draft.userData.nested = false;
   *   });
   *   expect(appReducer(state, someAction())).toEqual(expectedResult);
   * });